• this would be my first time vs a swain at top which also makes it my first time as an elise vs a swain top. also why am i not playing ranked whatever. lux started with 4 pots and a flask and a biscuit. got firstblooded. D: and again! but at least this time i got two man ganked instead of me stupidly towerdiving. and i keep getting ganked ._. this is just silly and i also have ad runes on accidentally. hey at least the game was real fun. corki started fountaindiving and fids would just ult baron while i don't know we were shitting around in base. http://puu.sh/1A9h7
  • second game i got somebody blitz asked for sivir or irelia but then the other guy got corki so he panicked got me jax.
    irst time jax let's see how this goes. I HOLD MYSELF UNACCOUNTABLE FOR SHITTING UP MY LANE. our lux was amazing, their xerath was possibly trolling, ahri was arguing in all chat in between being too angry to pay attention, and cho was such a sweet guy as far as ganking us all day long goes that i feel sorry for him.
  • i just picked ez+alistar vs tristana+leona. haha let's hope for a game where i'm ez and shit don't happen (inb4 i feed my ass off). haha not my luck we got a DC yeahhhh. http://puu.sh/1AbhJ other than that? i did decent enough i'd say! thinking now that tf's a bit less effective you could just build straight up AD on ez i mean you get enough as from your passive and should be shoving Qs and Rs and things everywhere. i mean cheaper AD more expensive AS and that spaz.
  • well i'll be taking a short break to eat and play some red rogue (which is a cool game yo)
  • so i picked ez (+taric vs cait+nami) again. this happened http://puu.sh/1Adqz so besides being 99% ad which allowed ryze to go superdeep in armor shutting us down, jayce got camped top and basically died a lot, and pantheon didn't really gank except for when he had his ultimate.
  • i'm gonna be tempting fate and picking only ez, top mid or adc i guess. well unless he gets banned which he just did. bah this headache ain't the time to be trying anything serious. http://puu.sh/1Aeyx this is the first time i'm actually useful as lee sin in the jungle. i actually accidentally picked soraka and switched for lee because he wanted mid and it's worked out well as she shut down cho big time; as did graves+nami to dariu+ali. voli didn't gank much but he farmed his jungle a lot, which i didn't so he was the scariest in their team, with gp following closely, as nid left her lane early. nevertheless we got an easy lead due to bot and spent around 10 minutes just derping around while they had no inhibs and then finished the game.
dec 10 2012 ∞
dec 13 2012 +