- man i was totally out of it for a while (HAD GUESTS FOR A FEW DAYS) so all i played was a Dominion where I got carried as teemo and, yesterday, a lot of games on the EUNE.
- first game today was a draft normal sr where i landed with a 3-man premade that was pretty good. laned as ire vs jax and early game i got ahead by a few kills, and then got some help from ww to dominate my lane and their upper jungle completely. after getting my tf and ga i kinda just spammed green and red elixirs so i could keep having an edge while building towards my wit's end and randuins, but we won soon after. http://puu.sh/1wDG6 (yes, everybody else on my team had an AS boost for me :3)
- NOTE puush seems to be down right now but i could still upload that so the pic should be visible in a while. in case it never does (:c), 34 minutes, 150+96IP.
- second game had me as alistar+varus vs leona+trist where i kinda wasn't really the most useful guy around seeing how i don't have any idea how you're supposed to play alistar. their lee also ganked a lot everywhere, unlike maokai. and i guess the only thing in common with my previous game was an irelia gettin' fed! http://puu.sh/1wEJR
- looks like the 3rd game'll have me as randomly morgana mid. how does she work anyway? we'll see! wow our graves doesn't even know how to move in between aas D:. lulu's afk spamming surrender lol. aaand my teammates surrendered. this game looked a lot like everybody in our game getting a random champ they have no idea how to play. http://puu.sh/1wF1P
- aaaaand it's time to try some planetside2
- ok i can't run that well let's get back to lol shall we. this 4th game looks like i'll be irelia top vs udyr. also got a macro to say 'missing' and to spam GGs. udyr is really durable but i managed to force him on the defensive and he never really got the upper hand. lee sin's ganks were pretty bad too. and the scripts helped not one bit http://puu.sh/1wKL6
- fifth was me soraka+mf bot vs leona+ez.early game we did really bad but picked it up (i guess; mf didn't have that good of a game) and our rengar was really strong but skarner had some internet issues or something and never really moved out of spawn past 10 minutes. http://puu.sh/1wRxm
- looks like sixth would have me random annie mid vs apparently kennen. there's some familiar names in my team but i don't have them saved on any list; might be just me. morale's kinda down from last game :c. derp idiot me got ad masteries. must've mixed up my second page and now it's on the ads http://puu.sh/1wSad had issues vs kennen early but, as most kennens i see (including me), he got to that point where he can't really engage a 1v1 outright and win without poking half their health beforehand. the enemy team also had little chemistry.
- seventh game, i'm banning. i'll ban shen, ezreal, and xin zhao heheh. randomed zilean. man the random loves sending me mid (which is what, my suckiest role, alongside jungling). i've never played zil mid before. kinda lost mid again! but the only reason i lost mid, though, was that i went mid in the first place anyway. at least i was useful in teamfights. zilean's this kinda guy where you just mash Q and W, E your hecarim so he hits even harder, and pretend you're useful and R someone just as he dies, racking up stats. top and bot carried us and heca was hella good so i guess props to them http://puu.sh/1wSTb
dec 3 2012 ∞
dec 3 2012 +