- mid vlad vs mord. was doing fine being ahead for once in mid lane but then 3 of us engaged top vs 5 of them and naturally lost giving them the first baron which snowballed them to winning. http://puu.sh/1xJBb blergh at least i got 12900 IP so i'll buy someone.
- second game i'm jungle cass oh my god. haha this was ridiculous. our top and mid kinda got pounded and, uh, cass ain't too good of a jungler but that wasn't really anything new http://puu.sh/1xOT8
- i'll be elise top now! vs lee or akali? one of them! http://puu.sh/1xPME i was up vs akali which was hard until i got to lvl 3 and then i took half her hp in a combo. and i snowballed hard from thereon. not much to say.
- guy from last game invited me to a blind pick so i said whatever he got rengar me elise bot lane vs pantheon jarvan. he uh... kinda rambo'd. twice? and then again? so i guess haha whatever time to have fun. oh well http://puu.sh/1xQrW
- fifth would be with a bud again in a 5 man premade where somebody went intentionally afk like how does this even happen nowadays. guess i can just start having fun again. it's like whenever i go ez everything goes wrong O_O. http://puu.sh/1xRNp
- TIME TO GO FOR A RANKED GAME HELLS YEAH OH MY GOD. http://puu.sh/1xSKu ok i was top elise vs cho and i really don't think i need to explain how we lost this.
- welp what's a second gonna hurt right? wow haha everybody got countered in my team ok soraka countered herself by banning all supports good vs sona so she can pick sona but then they picked sona. and our top got riven and they got renekton. at least our jungler was diamond S2. how the hell did he get here anyway? i got hornswaggled into going mid kat vs elise. haha it's like nobody has any idea how to play their champion and riven's raging real hard at ex-diamond lee for his bad jungling which is something he also got forced into and he doesn't really play. he's above average i'd say, though. and it's not as if riven would be better. welp we're getting raped. haha we got a lucky baron and riven's actually useful now. in the run right in make them use all cc and abilities on me and my teammates can clean up after. which is actually why we won this game. http://puu.sh/1xTPe this was so tense Q_Q
- break time it is so this break time'll be about liandry's. i seem to keep and keep getting it and it's don't get me wrong not that great of an item. it helps a lot if you're a champion that can poke which is why i always get it on elise. i got it on that kat game instead of a quick raba because we were real behind and i wasn't exactly expecting us to actually 100-0 them anytime soon which we kind of did but then again it was their fault we could do that due to their diving which ultimately led to us getting a baron and back into the game. what won us that game was us playing well but what got us back on the right track towards winning it was them being bad. being cocky like that is also what lost us my first game today. but back to liandry's; i could see it being good on kennen after a zhonya's, especially if he plans on also getting a rylai's since it fits his playstyle a lot. overall, though, i don't see liandry's as something you can get that often given who usually goes mid nowadays (which are mostly champions which, at this point in time, i'd never touch unless i'm in a randomy mood and get them).
- will probably go one more ranked unless a dodge happens. after this it's back to draft sr. i'm irelia top vs cho. lotta chos around nowadays. team seems really solid too; our mid mains mid, our adc mains adc and our support duo'd with our adc. i'm delegating myself to jumpin in and distracting attention from our boys. also, to assassinating kog. http://puu.sh/1xV9V sivir and maokai were our heroes. their team had a lot of bickering and infighting too.
- played another one with cho from last game. didn't get to actually screenshot it because MY GIRLFRIEND HERE KEEPS TELLING ME TO FINISH UP and come sleep. god damn! anyway we won after a real long time me and my bud went bot siv+jan vs ez+sona (hard lane we got kicked early and it took me long to get back up) but our lee sin and lux mid were real cool. blurgh. damn screenshots! got 34 elo from it i think.
dec 6 2012 ∞
dec 13 2012 +