- ok i guess ahri got completely wrecked mid. so did udyr top. and graves got some early kills from jarvan being a good support but all he did with them was <s>nothing</s>get an IE; as in just an IE not some extra kills or stuff, just that. puush ain't workin' so i was jungle yi trying out some new 9/11/10 stuffmasteries. went pretty decent but we had no chemistry and ahri was totally disappointing didn't bother helping with any leash (can you call it that nowadays?) which slowed me considerably and do you know that moment when you're real sleepy? and you kinda phase in and out of consciousness? ahri was playing like that going mini-afk at random times for seemingly no reason. derp no hatin' on the foxxx 39 minutes 57 IP. woop it's back up here we go http://puu.sh/1z59y
- boop gonna go on a game with some buddy-buds on blindpick probably. was taric+kayle vs sona+cait and we got trashed in lane but then again sona early game vs kayle adc early game. nagg(jayce) wrecked his lane and darius along with it, as did leblanc (vs eve) and yi jungle is always sweet (/favoritism). augh pussh is slow again. will wait it out and in case it don't work write about champs and stuff. lost time though due to getting in a second game. http://puu.sh/1z7cN
- third's buddies again me vayne+soraka vs graves+nami this time though. i guess i did decent? http://puu.sh/1z8YH all of our lanes except mid i guess kinda fell behind though, and amumu got an amazing lead and didn't really let it go.
- ok i lost another picture because of puush not working ._. i was elise vs shen top, doing a surprisingly decent job of keeping him off cs. aaaaaand our bottom got 20/something which ridiculously got to the point where bot and mid 3v5d their team while me and warwick got baron at around 25 minutes in. and we kinda just goofed around thereafter and won.
dec 9 2012 ∞
dec 13 2012 +