- hello!
- i just randomed olaf in the jungle! yay! i have no idea what i'm doing! enemy jungler's amumu so i'll be looking towards getting better at this jungle business and maybe doing some invasionating. http://puu.sh/1AwyT haha wow can you say everybody losing their lanes hard (i guess except cho he did fine)? and i got 2 kills and 2 assists ganking early game so i really don't think you can blame me for much maybe except getting outsmitied at baron but then again amumu was 4 levels above me. overall i don't really know when to jungle and when to gank in order to level up efficiently but i sure stole a few buffs and camps!
- this time i got support nid+ez vs nunu+cait. they were real passive which allowed us to get an early kill and kinda snowball from there. eve jungle didn't gank us once, while fid continuously did, which helped. our darius on the other hand kept being ganked over and over and over because he was dominating nasus, who didn't really do much the whole game.
- mental note: try shit out on nasus, maybe try support elise? uhhh...
- http://puu.sh/1AzTe just finished a ranked with my 1100 buddy. and i laned vs their lowest which I'd assume was 1200-1300 or still doing placement matches because god he didn't even TRY to last hit (talkin' bout zed). other than that we kinda shat derp'd all over them.
- yet another game with the bud, a normal now... and he dc'd so i guess i uh funtimes? we were ok bot before that i was sup nid+ez vs voli+kog i went mid vs the previously fed ahri after he left so uh, i, the endgame screen is too shameful to even post! yesss! i'm just gonna waddle on onto my next game wwhatevvs. which will probably be tomorrow my headache is back :c
dec 13 2012 ∞
dec 13 2012 +