- shubbadubble
- here i'll be listin the fuck i played how and how efficient go a fucking head yeehaw
- ok so first one was an EUNE dominion with serj. we fed an akali but she disconnected so we ultimately won 5v2. was a gp by serj's choice; went triforce+ga+ie which actually worked pretty well except for early game squish due to wrong masteries. 85XP 150+59 IP. will clock times afterwards.
- the second was another EUNE dominions with serj. i was randomed garen due to an erropr and opted for some tanky mallet+fon+sunfire. barely won a 5v4 due to us chasing kills rather than points. 88XP 60IP forgot time again fuck
- third game is another serjated dominion on EUNE. i am malphite and seeing how i'm vs an annie, karthus, ziggs, ezreal, and akali, will get lotta mr. we'll see. 15:43 length with 57 IP and 77 XP. yet another victory. got an abyssal and a wooglet and worked from there on.
- ok fourth game after 4 dodges is on NA sr draft im' ez+lulu vs draven+morg (probably). haven't had many vs dravens so i'm not sure what to do. will prolly keep my distance early. welp game's done, lulu abandoned me 1v2 bot at level 2 because in her words i had lost the lane. still got 2nd best gold in team so i'd say i did good enough, but we lost. 32 minutes 61 IP
- fifth i was kog+nunu vs corki(who was pretty bad)+gp. early was pretty hard due to a difference in ganks and our team wasn't too well suited for protect-the-kog so i'd die pretty often. we did manage to win after the one teamfight i didn't melt in, though. 36:39 150+101 IP. next will be my 900th victory on NA.
nov 22 2012 ∞
nov 22 2012 +