- replace this text with your list
- begin each item with an asterisk
- first game was on na draft sr as malphite top vs cho. it was mostly two hunks of meat farming alongside and not really managing to dent eachother. died once but still kept my farm up. our mid diana got 9/1 so they surrendered at 23:53. 76IP. yay win #900
- second game was on na draft sr featuring me as mid rocketdinger vs lux with the occasional ganks from my maokai and their lee sin. ended the game 4/0/3 as they surrendered. our adc being also 4/0/0, and our only deaths in top, two. 21:17, still 76IP.
- somewhat sleepy but will probably be going for another.
- so third draft na sr i'm sivir+nunu vs cait+soraka. this'll be interesting. ok noc provided some amazing ganks and while i fell harshly behind on cs i managed to kinda be there and not die. cait had around double my cs when she got our tower, but she went roaming to early allowing me to freefarm so i ended the game with more $$$ than she did (STOP GETTING EARLY TURRETS AND THEN ROAMING. BAD FOR CASHFLOW) noc and our jax top carried pretty hard and the enemy lux had issues aiming her ult. other than that yeah i kinda got my ass handed during laning phase. they surrendered at 23:46. 76IP yet again (what a surprise) + 150 wotd.
- fourth game i'm twitch+lulu vs ashe+sona. yeah i kinda main adc. what is it with lulus and being complete asshats anyway. this one also somehow managed to abandon me 1v2 and go roaming/being useless. other than this none of our lanes won nor did we get ganks so uhh we surrendered at 26:46. 52 IP
- fifth game features me with a friend on EUNE normal sr with me as eve mid vs ap xin ouch. took me too long to get a footing and we kinda lost. (won't explain much for the low level games) 67XP, 54 IP. kinda didn't keep track of the following games.
- sixth was technically tomorrow but whatever. i was top kog+nasus vs teemo+malphite. we won easily. 109XP, 76 IP+150 (forgot time yesss)
- seventh had me being ziggs mid vs a veigar. had slight issues early due to shaco's occasional ganks but then he started being dumb and i fed off him then veig too then we kinda won. 109XP, 76 IP (no time yes, but similar to the previous since gains were exactly the same)
- eight had me as trist with a nunu support vs varus with a janna. had to carry hard and our teammates were kinda lost but we worked it out. 120 IP, 170XP (forgot time again)
- aand in my ninth and last game i was panth mid vs ziggs doing pretty fine but then both other lanes kinda fed 10 kills each so it was kinda gg so i just spent the rest of the game jumping into baron and their nexus. 30:47, 58IP, 73XP
nov 23 2012 ∞
nov 23 2012 +