- first game i was elise top http://puu.sh/1CS9b and i can't say i actually did all that good vs rumble. i was able to shut him down early but i had no means of countering him by the time he got to mid and could engage me so i went to other lanes instead and pushed which worked ok. should remember to build elise bruiser split pusher when vs rums or swains.
- http://puu.sh/1CT2E this game was pretty fun in the sense that all we did was fight with nunu/corki all early game, kill corki, and then be killed by nunu; so i didn't really cs but we pushed bot quick, ran mid as they ganked bot got two turrets there and after a bit of teamfighting where our fed jungler, mid, and top played them around, they surrendered.
dec 19 2012 ∞
dec 19 2012 +