- ain't played in a long while and now i'm miss fortune+janners vs cait+...annie? i really do think it's annie. http://puu.sh/1ZMFc i really need to stop trying to help in teamfights when the team's already behind and just sit in my lane and farm. other than that again this team had no chemistry. two people would be chasing one down bot while the other four in their team are pushing our mid and top with baron buff and everybody kept diving and diving and diving even though we had no realistic chance of winning teamfights outside of their towers. and i don't really like cleaver on mf.
- this time i'm urgot+leona vs janna+ez. leona is soo defensive she hasn't jumped on them once first. she did try a few times but never managed to actually hit an E. =/ then again i'm not that good at urgot either. http://puu.sh/1ZNtF
- third, i got ez, and would've switched with zyra, my current support, if he had any support i can't play but he said he didn't (and i listed soraka, taric, janna, elise, leblanc, annie, and a few others too) have any. so i guess we stayed like this vs sona+sivir. nevermind, brand didn't connect so zyra'll mid. now zyra dc'd for a while but brand is back. i lost my tower at 4 minutes as it got shoved by zed and them other two babes. things went not-horrible until vik got to the point where he could 1 combo everybody except amumu under the fountain turret. http://puu.sh/1ZOpH
- got the vladimir in the top vs the malphite this game. http://puu.sh/1ZQT0 we won each and every lane and snowballed that into the quick victory we could get. I doubt things would've been as fun once late-game came and our tank/initiator-lessness showed.
- spent some time getting dodges in the enemy team while having cool guys in mine, but now I actually got in a game and i'm kog+janners vs mf+leonners and all my teammates sound so boring and unfun! turns out xerath didn't want to top but picked thinking he'd go mid. http://puu.sh/1ZYug
- this time i'm malphite but didn't get to set up my masteries because of the chaos. top vs shen probably. i don't really see ourselves winning this. nevermind i've got my vlad masteries and they're work well enough and their kayle's raging and afking. http://puu.sh/1ZZoS
- ok this one i'm cait + shyvanna support except shyvanna didn't pick shyvanna and got randomed it by being afk and we were like "nah let's just play it out and we can just report his ass for being afk we guess" lanemies should be lulu+mf. (we're 3v5 from the beginning but you can't really blame jarv i suppose) http://puu.sh/200Kb
feb 9 2013 ∞
feb 9 2013 +