• 13. i got shyv jungle. i can't play shyv yet but she looks so fun and dreamy <3. enemy jungler is either a lion, a blind guy, or a yeti. man all the lanes lost :c. http://puu.sh/1SnCo
  • 14. randomed fid went top vs wuk; by 15 minutes we lost three towers and me and rammus were kinda the only guys doing well so we fucked around the whole game http://puu.sh/1SohT
  • 15. i'm ez + raka vs mf + sona. we did ok laning phase but then teamfights happened and we lost one where we initiated on wukong and the then 0/3 kass while j4 did short work of anivia and me, and one where 4 people in my team went mid while i was bot and didn't want to come back and then said they didn't notice me not being there (both of which ended with 4 men dying) made the enemy team snowball out of control. http://puu.sh/1SwqT
  • man these days when i get in one team that gets a great team comp and talks things through and everybody gets something they can play, BAM queue dodge on the other side.
jan 25 2013 ∞
jan 25 2013 +