- i sure fed pantheon this game, early! but i guess i picked up some slack later on? either way, veigar did great mid and i kept myself afloat in bot but was camped by panny. vlad did kinda bad early but he sure got messy later (that's a good thing!). we snowballed by getting an ace, an inhib, and a baron after our first teamfight in which we didn't burn all cd's on alixtar http://puu.sh/1C5oC
- man why do i always play so shitty when i'm listening to music. ._.
- whew i just bought darius
- whuw i'm being corki+zyra vs ez+leona this game. welp first time in ages i do good and we somehow get ahri to 5/0. and now we're her bitches. wow does she just avoid wards and kill us whenever we try to do something. puush is having issues again. god that site used to be RELIABLE. and it even issued the "IMAGE UPLOADED" ping. but it's not up. (foxxxy got to 16/0/3 or so)
- guess i'll go jungle with darius. akali keeps trying to 1v1 singed top instead of just farming so she naturally dies. ezreal bought a gauntlet as his first item (what). http://puu.sh/1C6W4 i did decent (for a first time darius); which is to say bad enough.
dec 17 2012 ∞
dec 18 2012 +