• i'm backie. and bad. elise vs gp top kinda fell behind so i'll build split pushy and split push. http://puu.sh/1KifX i guess i kinda picked up *some* slack by later on but teammates be better than enemymates (especially botmates) so we won. what first got me into elise top was playing vs her as gangplank but i kinda died like an asshole early on and he was too strong to poke afterwards so i kinda just farmed kept an eye on stuff and all that. (captain's+banner is a real strong combo yo)
  • now i'm vayne+raka vs corki+leo. derped early, got carried. which i'm guessing is gonna keep happening until i shake all this rust off. http://puu.sh/1Kk5u
  • http://puu.sh/1KlbC third game was a real tough one. i was top vs jarvan which all around sucked and i got some kills by roaming in the few minutes our mf was afk. vlad had constant internet issues which kinda made everything a bit cheap. anyway, 3 assassin comp was kinda weird, we could do dragon in the blink of an eye and baron before they could get there from mid lane, and god forbid we catch anyone alone; or get into a teamfight. if they coordinated any bit better we woulde've never won this.
  • wow are we all horrible this game. and it's vs an (almost) all ad team, too. i haven't seen such a lack of chemistry in ages, or such a bad vlad for that matter. http://puu.sh/1KnQL derp i really gotta stop trying to do so many things at once as vlad. it's getting ridiculous.
  • well at least i can still afk half the game and spend the other spamming E and W while barely getting enough gold for a sightstone. http://puu.sh/1KpRR i'm still not very sure about going 9/9/12 on taric the gold flow is just barely there i'm totes reliant on global gold. game was pretty simple, no lane lost.
  • sixth game had me taric+trist vs nami+ez. http://puu.sh/1KrGY premade with the adcboy. our lane was pretty much lost until real late on when mid's domination could help us too. not much to it, really; taric game.
  • wow i just randomed a the galio mids vs a really good orianna (1800 elo, orianna main) (stomp stomp stomp). our bot dominated, but our top was kinda weak so there we have it. puush won't upload right now but there ain't much to it.
  • ugh, my client's lagging. i'll go work on a slideshow for college and play some dungeons of dredmor.
jan 6 2013 ∞
jan 6 2013 +