- first today will be a ranked unless i get dodged so much i lose interest. one dodge. aww man i'm banning i always hate it when i'm banning. doesn't matter anyway, for the game was dodged. looks like i'll be ez+lux vs graves+alistar. wait or is it versus TF+alistar? their team is confusing, tf is packing flash cleanse while graves has ignite ghost. and they have eve jungle i'll have to be careful. we're 1 / 8 as a team right now. and lux is horrible :c. their mid's 5/1 top 8/0 jungler 5/1 and i'm 0/2 i don't think we can win this anyomre. and yess. 28 minutes 54 IP
- ok second is still ranked sr top irelia vs lee sin. forgot to change summoners so i'm on flash cleanse but i'm ok for now. we pretty much won every lane except bot but ez got lotta kills after and carried. had malz ww and leona (tons of cc) so our victory came easily. 34 minutes, 96 IP. i'll note elo gains once i get past placement. 7 games in i'm 1421
- third was EUNE with a buddy dominion. i was sivir and we had a really hard time because everybody was going bot and nobody would contest the windmill, but won. 20and a bit minutes, 52IP, 93XP.
nov 24 2012 ∞
nov 24 2012 +