• very specific kink: thomas jopson must allow others to look after and care for him as he is unable to care for himself. ideally neither crozier nor little is doing the looking after, mix it up
  • exhibition kink / submission kink: crozier becomes aware of Ned's deficiencies as a lieutenant and orders the crew to encourage good behavior by giving him orgasms throughout his watch duty
  • Cold War AU - boys of your choice but fitzier probably fit idk

Two cold boys re-enacting their professional self-destruction and annihilation with each other, where their lords and masters cannot observe. Expert level: this emotonal ritual makes them worse. Maybe bad end

  • Hodgson being tickled unrelentingly by whomever you choose, maybe Hickey or Tozer ...
jan 15 2024 ∞
may 18 2024 +