January 23, "The Power of Our Motivation":

    • What inspires/motivates us?
        • Complacency/Apathy are deadly for our souls.
    • Motivation:
        • This life is not the end result.
        • We are able to identify with those who suffer.
          • How do you reach a lost and hurting world if you have never experienced their pain?
    • God can turn our pain into passion.
        • Any suffering we indure is not in vain. Nothing is wasted with God.
          • 2 Corinthians 4: 16-18
    • All this brings stability in our lives and gives glory to God.
        • If you don't experience wind, you will not grow deep roots.

February 6, "The Pursuite of HIS Happiness":

    • Do you want happiness or the things you think will make you happy? Other people have gotten those things and they're still not happy.
    • Matthew 25: 14 - 30
      • Christians are governed by different standards.
    • 3 Principles Christians have to live by:
      • 1. Success is measured by goodness and faithfulness.
          • 3 John 11
      • 2. Faithful with littler, trusted with much.
          • God gives us what we're able to be trusted with.
          • 1 Timothy 3: 6, 10
      • 3. When we pursue God's happiness, we find our own in the process.
          • Matthew 8: 31 - 33

February 27, "The Pursuit of HIS Happiness with Our Given Gifts and Talents"

    • The talents were distributed according to the servants' abilities.
    • We complain about things God hasn't given us instead of focusing on what we have.
      • Be careful of envying others
      • John The Baptist, John 2: 26 - 7, 30
    • Our gifts are to make God greater through us.
      • 1) Work with whatever God gives you for as long as God gives you. The greater the gifts God gives you, the greater the responsibility. Luke 12:48
      • 2) We will be judged by the gifts we were given, not the gifts we were not.
        • Don't count and compare
        • Romans 12: 6 - 9: prophecy, serving, teaching, mercy, encouraging, financial contribution, leadership
      • 3) Fear forces us to hide the gifts and talents God has given us.
        • Fear comes from a distorted view of God.
        • Fear of man (peer pressure)
jan 24 2011 ∞
jan 2 2012 +