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Fraternal twin, brunette, Christian, police wife, knowledgeable about television but also really enjoy reading, close to my family, especially my best friend whom I "carry in my heart", my twin sister Elizabeth.

Elizabeth crushes (boys of my past)
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  • 1. Beauty and the Beast (1991): I saw this movie in the theater, so I must have been like 4 years old at the oldest when I first saw it. Belle is my favorite of the Disney princesses, and I always related to her the most because she loved reading just like I did when I was little. The Beast also loves her so much, which I really appreciate.
  • 2. Cinderella (1950): Cinderella's prince is somewhat lame, but I have loved this movie since I was a little girl, and the music is really wistful and always gets stuck in my head.
  • 3. Sleeping Beauty (1959): Aurora aka Briar Rose and Prince Phillip are one of my favorite couples, and the music by Tchaikovsky that is used is amazing.
  • 4. The Parent Trap (1961): While I somewhat enjoyed the remake in its own way, this one has always touched me more, primarily because of the performance by Maureen O'Hara as Maggie. The pain she has felt being apart from Mitch was so apparent in her eyes, and there was a depth to her performance that really made me appreciate this movie.
  • 5. Remember the Titans (2000): I first saw this movie the day I tried out for Region Band in 7th grade, so I have associations with this movie that stand out in my mind. I love Denzel, the story is really touching, and of course I love high school football.
  • 6. Pollyanna (1960): This is one of my most watched movies, and I remember watching it even when I had a stomach virus in the 3rd grade and enjoying it immensely. Lizzy and I used to have intense conversations about how ridiculous we thought Pollyanna was when she fell off the house. We thought that there were multiple other ways for her to attempt to get the doll, and we didn't think that Aunt Polly would've been that evil if Pollyanna would've just faced her. I always loved her aunt's relationship with Dr. Chilton as well.
  • 7. Aladdin (1992): Aladdin is just a really sweet movie, and I find it funny. I watched it recently and remembered how cute I found Jasmine and Aladdin's relationship.
  • 8. Freaky Friday (2003): In the opposite situation from The Parent Trap, I really enjoyed the remake a lot more than the original with Jodie Foster (although I really enjoyed portions of the original like when she was doing laundry and got attacked by mounds of soap coming out of the machine). Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis were hilarious in this version, and Anna's speech (delivered by Jamie Lee Curtis) about Ryan is great!
  • 9. Pocahontas (1995): This soundtrack is one of my favorites with music by Menken and Schwartz, and the song "If I Never Knew You" has been one of my favorites since I saw the movie and used to sing it with Lizzy while our grandma listened. I also think that Pocahontas and John Smith make a good couple since they teach each other about tolerance and being open-minded.
  • 10. The Princess Diaries (2001): I have read the books, so I was eager to see the movie. I love Julie Andrews, so I enjoyed her portrayal of Mia's grandma, and I find Anne Hathaway pretty, yet she can carry off Mia's dorky qualities well.
  • 11. The Little Mermaid (1989): This is another movie I watched when I was a little girl, and I was obsessed with singing all the songs. Eric and Ariel's relationship was not the best to me because I never understood why he would have fallen in love with her just because of her voice/saving his life, but Ariel seems like a really sweet girl.
  • 12. Finding Nemo (2003): This movie is sweet and funny, and Nemo is adorable!
  • 13. Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993): I love the animals, and how adorable all the children in this movie are, especially the little boy who loves Chance! We watched it a lot at PTA meetings in elementary school while our moms were at the meeting, so I've seen it numerous times.
  • 14. In Search of the Castaways (1962): This was one of the movies I rented constantly from Blockbuster when I was little; I was very into Hayley Mills movies, and in this movie cool stuff happened like earthquakes and volcanoes erupting all while the children were looking for their father. There was this crazy guy who they met who was somewhat creepy, but it was a really fun movie that people would probably refer to as wholesome today.
jun 4 2009 ∞
jun 30 2009 +