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Fraternal twin, brunette, Christian, police wife, knowledgeable about television but also really enjoy reading, close to my family, especially my best friend whom I "carry in my heart", my twin sister Elizabeth.

Elizabeth crushes (boys of my past)
  • I'm excited about going to work and seeing my people: although this year Michelle unfortunately isn't working with us at Forest Lake, Shorace and Amber are still there, and I love them both/really like talking to them. Shorace and I always seem to have especially good conversations which is why I greatly enjoy walking laps as much as we do. EDIT: I still woke up early today even though Shorace was moved to Blythewood to be director for the second half of the summer, but I did sleep a little later, so perhaps waking up early is directly related to being excited about seeing and talking to her. While we do plan to see each other most days of the week for walking purposes, it is entirely possible that without being able to talk to Shorace daily for hours at work I will be more calm. 2nd EDIT: I continued waking up really early, and Shorace and I walked at 5 am like 3 times, so that was even more ridiculous. I did, however wake up at like 5:30 a few times with an alarm toward the end when I needed to be there at 7:15.
  • I'm excited about getting to work and being able to play basketball, jump rope, and possibly help with puzzles or play decent "board games" (for instance when all the groups are playing instead of just my sophomore group, instead of just having puzzles/Mancala/Checkers, I can play Phase 10 or Yahtzee). It's entirely possible that I'm excited about the possibilities for play; I really enjoy Knockout, especially, and I even like to do random things on the playground like flips on the bar or go on the monkey bars.
  • I need to get my mind right before I have to deal with children and their unreasonable nature. I view this as a possibility because it can be hard to deal with the irrational nature of children when I feel like my mind is not clear. Having time in the morning to reflect and pray could be helpful in this regard.
  • It could be that I just was excited the first week, and then an endless cycle is created because waking up early just becomes too much of a habit. I don't think this is very likely due to the fact that I have actually been laying in bed listening to my iPod this week for like an hour many days, and I still didn't fall asleep again, so it seems like if I were tired and just used to waking up, laying there would help.
  • Maybe I'm worried that if I don't have a lot of extra time in the morning, the majority of my day will be spent at work, and I won't have as much time for myself. This isn't really likely either, though, because my hours have been cut so that some days of the week I only work like 6 or 7 hours, so there is definitely time in the afternoon on those days.
  • Perhaps I can't imagine waking up at a time really close to when I have to leave because then I would have to spend my morning waking up and not be able to immediately start playing as I do when I've already been up a while.
  • Summer and the lack of academic work to do puts me into a semi-manic state where I falsely feel that I have to be almost constantly active to be productive, thus ensuring that I will not sleep properly because in this theory, I feel like I don't need much sleep.
  • I'm subconsciously nervous about being late for working early times, so my body responds by waking up way earlier than is necessary just to alleviate that worry.
  • New theory [added 7/18/11 upon waking up randomly one day last week]: My waking could actually be more related to Shorace than I realized; I think that maybe when we have extremely thought provoking conversations, I find it more difficult to go back to sleep when I wake up early, and especially when we used to walk, I may have been thinking about what we would talk about later. It's still unclear, but I think that my sleep habits are definitely related to the nature of my thought processes.
jun 18 2010 ∞
aug 7 2012 +