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Fraternal twin, brunette, Christian, police wife, knowledgeable about television but also really enjoy reading, close to my family, especially my best friend whom I "carry in my heart", my twin sister Elizabeth.

Elizabeth crushes (boys of my past)
  • Issy (5 yrs old) cried for 10 minutes because Mr. Myles was letting children on the other side of the gym from her play with balloons, and she hates when balloons pop- also not one of the balloons popped the whole time.
  • A child from the Forest Lake program, so she's not one of my campers (approx. 11 yrs old) talked on a cell phone while we were outside, and her friends explained that their teachers allowed them to talk on the cell phone whenever they wanted.
  • Terrence (6 yrs old) went to the bathroom every 10 minutes starting an hour before lunch and for the rest of the time I was there (until 4), and I never figured out how he could possibly have to go to the bathroom that much. Also when he asked to go to the bathroom he wouldn't actually listen to the answer, and it would take him longer before he left the room.
  • Brandon (2nd grade) decided he hated the game we were playing which involved him passing a hula hoop to the person in front of him, so he put his hands in his pockets and slowed down the process for the whole team, making his team lose to the two other teams. Then when he sat down on the bleachers he complained to me that his team members were happy he was gone (which is obvious if he was holding up the game and preventing them from winning that LOGICALLY, they would be happier if he left them alone.)
  • Also in the game with the hula hoops, Issy was upset because the boy who was SUPPOSED to pick up the hula hoop on the end kept picking it up before she could.
  • Jaylin (2nd grade) who's decided that he has to hug me all the time was told by Ms. G that it wasn't appropriate to hug me so much (which is true)and so he shouldn't hug me the rest of the day, and yet he threw himself at me in a sneak hug attack 5 minutes after his conversation with her. He claimed he "forgot" that quickly.
  • Jaylin started crying because the other boy's turn was taking a long time during Mancala, and he was losing, so suddenly the game became "boring," and he wanted to stop playing.
  • Jaylin also came to me 20 minutes before snack and followed me around for the next 10 telling me he was hungry as though I had secret stashes of food which I could give him.
  • Jaylin seemed to be reenacting an Angels in the Outfield moment, flapping his arms up and down and despite being whistled at by Mrs. Michelle to tell him to sit down until the end of snack, he stood up again two minutes later. Short term memory loss struck the kid yet again.
  • Tyla and Sade (3rd and 4th grade) proceeded to go on the other side of the gym on these skateboard-esque scooter like things five minutes after they were told to stay on one side. Once again short term memory lapses occur for the children of the corn.
  • Lee (5 yrs old) started crying after his sister who is also a junior counselor took his ball away because he was about to hit another boy with it. (He also yelled at her and told her how mean she was.)
  • Denaryus (7 yrs old and super annoying) asked Cris if he needed to wear his swim trunks tomorrow because apparently he had forgotten that we had already told him multiple times that we were going to Sesquicentennial State Park and going on a nature walk. He then tried to cover by being like, well maybe we were going to swim there, and generally looking lost, but it was clear he had forgotten and was just asking stupid questions.
jun 9 2009 ∞
feb 22 2010 +