• Yann Arthus-Bertrand
  • Amos Bronson Alcott, en bon pédagogue, nourissait le rêve de révolutionner l’enseignement et, de sa vie, jamais son projet d'école idéale ne le quitta. Il souhaitait que les enfants s’interrogent sur leur propre existence, qu'ils réfléchissent sur le monde et sur l'homme tout en cherchant à atteindre une harmonie à la fois spirituelle et sociale.
  • Lupe Fiasco: _We want an end to the glamorization of negativity in the media. We want an end to status symbols dictating our worth as individuals. We want a meaningful and universal education system. We want substance in the place of popularity. We will not compromise who we are to be accepted by the crowd. We want the invisible walls that separate by wealth, race, and class to be torn down. We want to think our own thoughts. We will be responsible for our environment. We want clarity and truth from our elected officials or they should move aside. We want love, not lies. We want an end to all wars, foreign and domestic violence. We want an end to the processed culture of exploitation, over-consumption, and waste. We want knowledge, understanding, and peace. We will not lose because we are not losers, we are lasers! Lasers are the opposite of losers. Lasers are shining beams of light that burn through the darkness of ignorance. Lasers shed light on injustice and inequality. Losers stand by and let things happen. Lasers act and shape their own destinies. Lasers find meaning and direction in the mysteries all around them. Lasers stand for love and compassion. Lasers stand for peace. Lasers stand for progression. Lasers are evolutionary.Lasers are the future._ù
  • http://www.joeyl.com/ photographer
  • Richard Linklater
  • Jeff Buckley: Site de passionné français: http://its-never-over.blogspot.com/
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yawijWkvGk: poetry baby
  • Benoit Polveroode
  • Johnny Depp
  • Vannessa Paradis
  • Jim Morrison (le chanteur des Doors)
  • Jean Dujardin.
jul 29 2011 ∞
oct 25 2011 +