• I can't sleep

without you breathing next to me

  • I can't help i

search for your silhouette in each moonlight

  • I can't speak

you're not looking i'm gone in front of you

-What if this is all just insecurity and protocol -don't worry i hate myself more than you ever have/could before

  • "You better start swimming" he said

but i'm already looking up at water overhead

  • I always wonder exactly how you drown

but as I am terrified, I don't flail around I'm ready for my depth profound

  • ..this is all. just watching and not changing our fouls
  • And what if I killed myself and then you would see

but then it wouldn't matter to me

  • but just sitting here with you not getting the point

and me not willing to waste it on a sad disappointment

  • And maybe if I could sleep...

I wouldn't dwell upon these things... and maybe if I could fall... I wouldn't wonder how far...

  • If I wasn't so all or nothing maybe I could get some normalcy

but it'd be mediacore like the girl you think makes you happy

sep 25 2009 ∞
sep 26 2009 +