Kumpulan fanfiction yang ditulis berdasarkan prompt yang di post di base ryeonseung/seungzz:


  • [Prompt 1] Youn anggota boyband yang kakinya cedera secara ga sengaja ketemu Woo, residen ortopedi di rumah sakit tempat Youn berobat. Little did he know, Woo is his fanboy.
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  • [Prompt 2] crossdress Syoun, belum pernah nemu fanfic Seungzz crossdress padahal Swoo ngepick Syoun bakal cantik kalau crossdres di fansign, di suatu acara Syoun harus crossdress, dia minta tolong ke cordinya minjem bajunya dibawa balik ke dorm, Syoun bikin surprise buat Swoo
    • twt | write.as | Mature content, explicit, crossdressing, oral | by blackaiya |
  • [Prompt 3] kan Swoo penakut abis nonton film horror bareng Syoun, Swoo minta ditemenin tidur karna dia takut tidur sendirian. Swoo: mau kemana? Syoun: ke kamar mandi bentar hyung Swoo: aku ikut Syoun:...
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  • [Prompt 4] seungwoo si crazy rich mencoba mengikuti segala sesuatu yg dilakuin gebetannya, seungyoun, biar dinotice, sampe rela ikut pengmas karena si mas yg jadi project officernya. anak crazy rich turun ke desa? chaos ensues
  • [Prompt 5] Sebulan menuju pernikahan, swoo syoun dipaksa berjauhan selama 2 minggu di kampung halaman masing-masing. Lingkungan masa kecil mulai membuat mereka ragu untuk melanjutkan pernikahan ini, termasuk si cinta pertama.


  • [Prompt 1] Syoun is a brat and Swoo is his stoic bodyguard, Syoun keep teasing Swoo, will Swoo defense crumble?
  • [Prompt 2] seungzz suka cuddle tapi sering berakhir tragis buat woo karena youn kalau tidur bar2
  • [Prompt 3] fs-idol/band au, sy as sw fansite yg selalu dinotice wlpun sy pake masker. one day sw perform di kampus sy, sy as usual jd panitia dokumentasi. ternyata sw ngenalin sy dr tattoo di tangannya dan ga nyangka klo sy lucu dan menarik
  • [Prompt 4] Syoun suka gangguin Swoo tiap hari, bener2 nyebelin sampe suatu hari Swoo nyuruh Syoun buat berhenti, tapi setelah beberapa waktu berlalu kok Swoo kangen ya sama ributnya Syoun? | fluff/hurt-comfort |
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    • twt | write.as | "kasih aku waktu satu bulan ya?" | by choswoodzz |
  • [Prompt 5] Syoun bukan tipe yang pertama lihat langsung keliatan cakep, tapi lama2 kalau sudah terbiasa peletnya kuat banget, cerita Swoo yang awalnya minta bantuan Syoun buat pdkt ke temennya Syoun dan akhirnya berubah target
  • [Prompt 6] selama ini belum pernah nemu au yang nulis cerita tentang hari pernikahan mereka, jadi ... ayo diwujudkan hehehe. pengen baca yang indah indah :")
    • twt | write.as | 'From this moment as long as I live I will love you, I promise you this. There is nothing i wouldn't give From this moment on' ❤ "Han Seungyoun, i love you." | by uyon637 |
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    • twt | write.as | ryeonseung at their wedding, looking at the screen where it's showing scenes of their love journey. the current scene playing is of their first meeting. they can't help but to let their minds wander back to that day and bring wide smiles to their faces. | by naminhees |
  • [Prompt 7] belum pernah nemu fanfic Seungzz crossdress padahal Swoo ngepick Syoun bakal cantik kalau crossdres di fansign, di suatu acara Syoun harus crossdress, dia minta tolong ke cordinya minjem bajunya dibawa balik ke dorm, Syoun bikin surprise buat Swoo | crossdressing
    • twt | by younischo |
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    • twt | write.as | by seunyeonim |
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    • twt | write.as | Bahkan Seungwoo yang sudah berpacaran dengan Seungyoun selama 3 tahun pun tidak tahu hobi Seungyoun yang satu ini. Sampai akhirnya kepergok waktu coba crossdress jadi Esdeath. | by chrnoire |
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    • twt | write.as | Seungyoun wants to be good for Seungwoo. | R21+, crossdress & princess kink. PWP (WITH PLOT | by tteungyounie |
    • twt | write.as | Crossdresser,Semi baku, Harsh words | by ryeon_seungzz |
    • twt | write.as | "Wow, Cho-ssi, my boss! You look so damn hot and—sexy?" | by superjaeyong |
    • twt | write.as | by coffielicious |
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    • twt | ao3 | bxb, crossdress, top!woo, bot!youn, explicit, detailed depiction | by x1lverlining |
    • twt | woo, i was drunk last night....... | by hellochizeu |
    • twt | write.as | by WinterB_clov |
    • ART 1 | ART 2 | ART 3 | ART 4 |
  • [Prompt 8] Berhubung lagi Pocky day nih, ga adakah yang pengen bikin konten Pocky day gitu??
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  • [Prompt 9] just want some cute drabble about them having video call and fighting over who should hung up the phone first
  • [Prompt 10] hurt-comfort misunderstanding, friends to lover
  • [Prompt 11] dimana seungzz sahabatan sejak kecil, suatu saat woo kalang kabut sendiri karena youn bilang dia lagi naksir orang. ga tau aja dia kalau orang yang dimaksud ya woo sendiri.
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  • [Prompt 12] Aku belum pernah nemu au yg berdasarkan lirik lagu ini
  • [Prompt 13] Psychic: so, how did you die? Ghost: i was hit by a car trying to save someone. P: why did you do that? G: because i don't want the one that i love get hurt. P: That's so sweet of you. but they must be hurting now, because of ur death? G: Nah, he's happy now P: pardon? G: because the man that i saved is the man that he loves.
    • twt | write.as | 18+ for the darker theme, trigger warnings: an abusive unhealthy relationship | by tteungyounie |
  • [Prompt 14] swoo udah punya tunangan sampai disaat dia harus pergi jauh karena pekerjaan, dia bertemu syoun dan akhirnya dia jadi dekat sama syoun, hubungan mereka lebih dari yang seharusnya, but swoo knows it's impossible to leave his fiance, "almost is never enough"
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    • twt | write.as | Syoun sadar diri, Swoo tidak bisa jadi rumahnya untuk berpulang. Karena Swoo akan menjadi rumah untuk orang lain. | 18+ | by chrnoire |
dec 6 2019 ∞
dec 6 2019 +