
  • This is my personal Seungzz/Ryeonseung Fic/AU Recommendations list.
  • Mostly Seungzz (top!woo bot!youn)
  • Mostly written in Bahasa Indonesia, unless stated otherwise

Thank you to all of the authors who wrote these masterpiece, words cannot express how grateful i am for their dedication and hardwork.Thank you so much.

This will be updated regularly




apr 20 2020 ∞
oct 24 2020 +
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  • This is my personal Seungzz/Ryeonseung Fic/AU Recommendations list.
  • Mostly Seungzz (top!woo bot!youn)
  • Mostly written in Bahasa Indonesia, unless stated otherwise

Thank you to all of the authors who wrote these masterpiece, words cannot express how grateful i am for their dedication and hardwork.Thank you so much.

36 fics and counting...

This will be updated regularly

  • An actor is an actor by darkmochecofee | actor Han Seungwoo's personal life is a press favorite. after splitting with his long term boyfriend and the nth dating scandal that follows, his company sets his next date in the name of publicity. enter Cho Seungyoun fun, y..._english_ | on-going
dec 2 2019 ∞
may 7 2020 +

Kumpulan fanfiction yang ditulis berdasarkan prompt yang di post di base ryeonseung/seungzz:


  • [Prompt 1] Youn anggota boyband yang kakinya cedera secara ga sengaja ketemu Woo, residen ortopedi di rumah sakit tempat Youn berobat. Little did he know, Woo is his fanboy.
    • not found
  • [Prompt 2] crossdress Syoun, belum pernah nemu fanfic Seungzz crossdress padahal Swoo ngepick Syoun bakal cantik kalau crossdres di fansign, di suatu acara Syoun harus crossdress, dia minta tolong ke cordinya minjem bajunya dibawa balik ke dorm, Syoun bikin surprise buat Swoo
    • twt | write.as | Mature content, explicit, crossdressing, ... | by blackaiya |
dec 6 2019 ∞
dec 6 2019 +