- 20 plie squats

- 20 leg swings (each side)

- 20 side lunges (each side)

- 20 side leg lifts (each side)

- 20 inner thigh pulses (each side)

each exercise 30 seconds, rest for 10 seconds in superset

leg raise clap

reverse crunch

spiderman plank

cross body mountain climber

russian twist

in & out

plank with hip dips

plank jacks



up and down plank


heel tap

bicycle crunch

reverse crunch leg extension

straight leg crunch

up and down plank

45 sec on, 15 sec off :

- squat touches

- straight leg heel lift - right

- plank to squat

- straight leg heel life - left

- plank to squat hold

- single leg squat and life - right

- single leg squat and lift - left

- blogilates workout of 7 minute arms ( 7 exercises, each 1 minute)

- blogilates #journey to splits (45 sec each) exercises # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15

may 31 2020 ∞
may 31 2020 +