• 21 Grams: Mmm... Very worthy. Yes, yes... Wonderful cast... Naomi does what? What, right out? Both of them...? For the good of the story you say? And Penn does what? Looks rumpled? AND worthy?! For the love of all that is Holy... This sounds amazing... What? Boring as Old Woman's Arse you say? Oh...
  • The Lord Of The Rings (Pick Any Of Them): They do what..? Walk around a bit? Argue about whether Gollum is good or bad? Hit some extras from Buffy with swords? And that's it..? Jesus man, you just saved me, like, THIRTEEN hours of my life! Now I can do something worthwhile... Like Myspace!
  • King Kong: They did what? Took a perfectly good film that was about an hour long and made it into Lord Of The Rings?! With Brody?! AND WATTS?! And she doesn't even get them out?! And there are still extras from Buffy to be hit?! What the bejabbers?!
  • Harry Potter And... (Pick One): Yeah... You know those tedious little books about those tedious little kids doing tedious little magic things and uncovering tedious little secrets whilst dealing with the tedious trauma of growing up to be even more tedious? They made them into these really tedious films. Anyone would think The Worst Witch never happened....
  • Serenity: So, that programme that wasn't as good as Battlestar Galactica? Yeah, it got cancelled! Hahahahahahaha.... Take that Whedon, you smug arse Buffy writing bugger! I blame you for Emily Strange and all the desperados that wear/read/model themselves on it! This cancellation is my revenge on you for all the... What..? A movie? A bastard movie?!! Bollocks to it all...
  • Brokeback Mountain: The princess from Princess Diaries does what? What, right out? Both of them..? And this is the young one right? Not Andrews... Because I've seen that. Oh sure, yeah... There's some other stuff... But it's pretty dry really. And anything revolving around bottoms and love should really be the result of a misworded Google search. Or at least a good film. Not a desperate stab at oscar glory. And don't think I've forgotten Hulk either Mr. Lee...
  • Spider Man (1 and 2): Piss poor really. Hate Dunst. Hate Maguire. Love Campbell. Maguire is the lead. Dunst occupies a lot of the screen not doing much. Campbell is hardly in either. And the second one is exactly the same as the first one! What a frickin' rip off.
  • The Sixth Sense: In a word, bollocks (See also, The Village)
sep 16 2006 ∞
sep 16 2006 +