• for particles connected by an inextensible string and a light pulley system, assume the mass of the system is zero
  • ciara o'mongain is willing to forgive my flagrant disregard for our friendship over the past two years if i write her a handwritten, heartfelt letter by monday.
  • many people, ms.corcoran included, think shereen is odd.
  • we're getting a new art room built for my final year at school.
  • the year after my final year is also the year my school begins teaching mandarin chinese - typical!
  • níl luibh ná leigheas in aghaidh an bháis
  • i am horrendously underprepared for my french oral tomorrow
  • computer stations numbers 2 and 4 in the library do not recognise my usb drives - avoid them
  • there is a small orange spider lurking in my copy of barack obama's 'dreams from my father'.
  • rebek'ah's group of sixth years know marginally more about jd salinger than me.
  • i know significantly more about nineteenth century english literature than caoimhe.
may 12 2010 ∞
may 14 2010 +