• write a poem inspired by a color
  • focus on one of your five senses
  • write a poem based on something that happened this week
  • listen to one of your favorite songs and write a poem based on the feelings it brings up
  • write about a lesson you recently learned
  • think of a friend of family member who has played a huge role in your life
  • write a poem about the advice you would give your younger self
  • recall a favorite holiday memory
  • create a gallery of your heart. take readers on a guided tour of what they might see there
  • write about a time your illusions of someone or something were shattered
  • write a haiku inspired by an element of nature
  • write a piece about body positivity, as though you are looking into the mirror and speaking to your reflection
  • if you could freeze time in one moment of your life, what would it be?
  • has there ever been a time you felt like the hero of your life? how about the villain? write yourself as the the hero, and then as the villain.
  • write a poem where each line/sentence is about each day of last week
  • how does it feel when you don't belong in a group of others?
  • write about a time in your life you said goodbye to someone
  • what's it like to feel nothing at all?
  • write about the feelings you experience or things you notice while waiting for something
  • describes something toxic and its effect on a person
  • imagine you, but in a completely different life based on making a different decision that impacted everything else
  • use the last sentence from the nearest book as inspiration
  • think about something that is broken and write about possible ways to fix it
  • write your poem in the form of a recipe
  • write a poem about something that is coming in between you and your goals
  • write about an experience that made you feel trapped
  • write a poem from the perspective of a queen
  • write about an experience in the moonlight
  • find something good in the terrible
  • has there ever been a time when you thought you might lose your mind?
  • use a valuable object in your home as inspiration
  • use words that relate to being weightless and floating
  • what's like it like waking up in the morning on a night you couldn't sleep?
  • the day your hope was restored
  • when day becomes night
  • first heartbreak
  • "keep on trying"
  • write a poem about how to stop crying and holding back the tears
  • write about a recent dream you had
jul 1 2021 ∞
jul 1 2021 +