- A relationship does not determine your self worth
- Accept no one's definition of yourself
- As you get older, I will become your friend. But I will be your mother more than your friend.
- Computer/ TV time will be limited on school nights
- Daughter, I do not care when you decide to wear makeup
- Do NOT harass my animals
- Don't ever play in mommy's makeup or shoes
- Drugs are irrelevant
- Eating clean will be important
- Everyone has a story, and it is never your place to judge
- Follow your dreams always
- For as long as you spend on the computer on school nights, you have to read for that long on weekends. This rule applies all through elementary school.
- God is real
- God loves you more than anyone
- I love you and support you. That’s not based off your gender or personality
- I don't believe in grounding my kids. But I believe in taking things away
- I don't care if you have sex after the age of 16. But you have to use protection. And never let pressure get the best of you
- I love you
- I will allow your significant other to be in your bedroom, as long as the door is open.
- I will love you no matter who or what you are.
- I will never judge you no matter what you do.
- I will never not love you
- If it's on the floor, and it's been there longer than it should be, then you must not want it
- If you are ever bullied, come to me. I WILL take care of it.
- If you are my daughter, I don't care how you dress. What you wear will define who you are. However, you will not leave my house looking like a stripper.
- If you are under the age of 15 and I hear a curse word, you are grounded for life
- If you bully anyone, you're a dead child
- If you do not answer the phone, then I don't pay for the phone
- If you drink and drive, the car is mine for 3 months. Unless you wreck it. Then you don't get a car until you can pay for half of it.
- If you drive without a license, you will pay the ticket
- If you end up pregnant as a teenager, I will not be mad. But I will no longer treat you as a child. You will become an adult when you become a parent.
- If you get in trouble at school, your home punishment will never be as bad as it is at school.
- If you have a nightmare, you may come sleep with me
- If you hurt the pet, you clean up after the pet
- If you throw a tantrum, I will tear your behind up
- If you want to watch a scary movie, that's fine. But if you're too young to do it, and you do it anyway, you don't get to come to me when you have a nightmare.
- It's okay to be afraid
- It's okay to feel upset
- it's okay to say no (unless it's to me)
- Learn how to cook... because I never did.
- Never cheat on your spouse
- No one can make you do anything you don't want to do
- Sex is not something a relationship should be based on
- Son, pull your pants up. It isn't cool to see your underwear.
- There are consequences to every choice
- When I'm talking, you're not
- You can tell me anything and everything
- You do not get to name the pets. That is my job
- You may NOT watch a PG-13 movie until you are 11. Unless I am in the room.
- You may NOT watch an R rated movie until you are 13.
- You will attend church at least 3 Sundays out of every month
- You WILL go to college
- You WILL graduate high school
- You will NOT do illegal drugs, and that is final.
- You will not get a phone until you are in middle school
- You WILL not make anything below a B on your report card.
- Your first phone will not be an iphone. You will know the struggle of a flip phone

mar 16 2015 ∞
mar 18 2023 +