- "May the odds be ever in your favor" -The Hunger Games
- "If I'm gonna die, I wanna still be me" -The Hunger Games
- "The worst kind of extravagance is throwing away opportunity as if we were guaranteed a second chance" -Hope Floats
- "No amount of time with you will ever be enough... but we'll start with forever" -Breaking Dawn
- "If we burn, you burn with us!" -Mockingjay Pt 1
- "Fire is catching!" -Mockingjay Pt 1
- "Some people are worth melting for" -Frozen
- "Life is a movie... only you can't pick your genre" -Scream
- "I volunteer as tribute!" -The Hunger Games
- "Hakuna Matata" -The Lion King
- "There's a 30 % chance that it's already raining" -Mean Girls
- "BOO you whore!" -Mean Girls
- "I'm gonna finish him like a cheese cake!!" -Pitch Perfect
- "If you're a bird, I'm a bird" -The Notebook
- "I see your toner! A musical boner!" -Pitch Perfect
- "Yeah, no, don't put me down for cardio" -Pitch Perfect
- "Aca-scuse me?!" -Pitch Perfect
- "Horizontal Running!" -Pitch Perfect
- "Even though some of you are pretty thin, you all have fat hearts!" -Pitch Perfect
- "My breasts can always tell when it's gonna rain" -Mean Girls
- "That is SO fetch!" -Mean Girls
- "I know it seemed like I was a bitch... but that's only because I was acting like a bitch" -Mean Girls
- "Nice wig Janice, what's it made of?" "YOUR MOM'S CHEST HAIR" -Mean Girls
- "You guys are going to get pitch-slapped so hard!" -Pitch Perfect
- "I don't know why terrible things happen to us, but I have to believe that something good is going to come out of this" - Soul Surfer
- "Shalom" "That's not a real word, but keep trying! You will get there!" -Pitch Perfect
- "I can see your toner through your jeans!" "That's my dick!" -Pitch Perfect
- "I just got ear-fucked in a tent. What do you want from me?" -We're the Millers
- "I am so frickin pissed!" -White Chicks
- "Your mother is so old her breast milk is powdered!" -White Chicks

mar 11 2015 ∞
mar 11 2015 +