• I can do it:

- Swim - CPR - Basic First Aid - Opperate a computer - Use Google Effectively - Deliver bad news - Handle a job interview - Speed read - recognize personal alcohol limit - handle a hammer and screws - do pushups/ sit ups properly - give compliments - recite basic geography - take useful notes - be a respectful houseguest - make a good first impression - type - basic computer skills - detect a lie - remove a stain - end a date politely without making any promises - hold a baby - change a diaper - dress appropriately - drive a vehicle - public speaking - backup data - basic sign language - sing or play an instrument - learn how to read other people - learn a sport - emergency preparedness - prioritize - take decent pictures - opperate microsoft word - vote - treat a wound - basic etiquette - how to balance a check book

  • I can't do it:

- Drive Stick - unclog a toilet - Relocate living spaces - packing light - give driving directions - how to research without using the internet - jump start a car - read music - use appropriate body language

  • I'm working on it:

- Change a Tire - understanding sarcasm - how to have a sense of humor - not taking things personally - basic decision making skills - respond to criticism - argue appropriately - admit you're wrong - lift your own weight - wrap gifts - self defense - keep a clean house - speak at least 2 common languages - Build a Fire - protect personal identity - navigate a map and compass - flirt without looking ridiculous - paint a room - smile for a camera - make a short, informative public speech - parallel park - negotiate - listen carefully to others - select good produce - make a simple budget - Time management - Remembering names - Basic Cooking - Handle/ talk to a police - Sewing - Tell stories that captivate people's attention - Win or avoid a fist fight

dec 20 2016 ∞
dec 20 2016 +