bob. the head rooster of the flock. he's either a rhode island red or a production red (we are unsure.)
japhet. second in the pecking order. he may be small, but he sure is muscular. i believe he is a cornish rock bantam.
chewy. one of my two silkies. him and his brother are currently at eachother's throats (not literally, there hasn't been any serious fights) and i am unable to tell which is higher in the ranks but i believe it is chewy. he's also my little sweetheart<3. he is a silkie bantam.
phil. chewy's beardless brother. he's a for sure ladies man. too bad none of them like him. he is also a silkie bantam.
goldilocks. one of, if not, THE flock's biggest bully. tends to eat feathers which is a bad habit. she is a golden sex link.