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  • bob. the head rooster of the flock. he's either a rhode island red or a production red (we are unsure.)
  • japhet. second in the pecking order. he may be small, but he sure is muscular. i believe he is a cornish rock bantam.
  • chewy. one of my two silkies. him and his brother are currently at eachother's throats (not literally, there hasn't been any serious fights) and i am unable to tell which is higher in the ranks but i believe it is chewy. he's also my little sweetheart<3. he is a silkie bantam.
  • phil. chewy's beardless brother. he's a for sure ladies man. too bad none of them like him. he is also a silkie bantam.
  • goldilocks. one of, if not, THE flock's biggest bully. tends to eat feathers which is a bad habit. she is a golden sex link.
  • misfit. a sweet little bearded hen who i love a lot even though she doesn't show much love back. that's okay though. she's an easter egger, originally sold to us as an 'americana,' although she is not a true americana.
  • dandelion. a big, fluffy sweetpea. she's one of our oldest hens along with goldilocks and misfit. she's a buff orpington.
  • cricket. a sweet and perky little hen. currently molting and she looks like a mess but that's okay, i love her no matter her looks. she's a plymouth barred rock.
  • spot. younger and not related to goldilocks, she still tends to be a bully to other hens in the flock, smh. still love her tho. she's a golden sex link.
  • spot's twin. yes, that's her actual name. she's spot's sister and is more docile and sweet yet flighty. she is, of course, a golden sex link.
  • crow. a proud, fluffy hen who loves treats. she once went broody for over a month and it was hell (literally, her screaming sounded like she was possessed by a demon.) she is a black sex link.
  • pup. a quirky, attention-loving, and probably freeloading young hen who was bought and raised with the silkies. i love her a lot and she's probably one of our friendliest chickens. she is a black sex link.
  • pigeon. a loud-mouthed teeny tiny little hen who has the cutest eggs and egg song. she is an old english game bantam.
  • miracle/mira. a special hen who we basically rescued from my cousin's coop when she suffered fatal injuries (to which my cousin did nothing about.) she now lives with us and surprisingly her only remaining scar from her injury is a bald spot. she's quite flighty, but i still love her. she is a buff orpington.
  • holly. a beautiful little hen who loves getting her nice feathers all dirty. she lays monster-sized white eggs which we are very thankful for. she is a white leghorn.
  • bear. one of bob's daughters that we kept. she is a quirky, prideful, and sassy hen who loves treats and attention at all times. she is a rhode island red (or a cross between a RIR and a production red)
  • pearl. another daughter of bob who also is extremely sassy, loves treats, is very nosy, and loves being scratched under the chin, but only if she gives you permission. she is half RIR or production red and half white leghorn.
  • pepper. a very shy and flighty but beautiful hen. she truly is a pretty little hen and soon i hope i can gain her trust with some treats and love. she is a silver laced wyandotte.
jan 5 2018 ∞
jan 5 2018 +