• Classical Music I've been so into it lately it's ridiculous. I have fallen completely in love with Ludovico Einaudi.
  • Moleskine Journals I've been neglecting mine lately. But I adore those things to pieces! Sadly, the Barnes and Noble in town doesn't sell them anymore.
  • Green Tea Arizona Green tea to be exact. With Honey and Ginseng is delicious, but with Apple Juice is probably my favorite.
  • Starbucks I'm an addict. I have to admit. Mocha Frapp and the Strawberries and Creme!
  • Lotion Okay, this one might sound a little weird.... but Olay with Coca Butter smells AMAZING! And it makes my skin incredibly soft. I just with the smell would last. Queen Helene Cocoa Butter, can't do without it!
  • Books I'm the type of person that will buy books even if I don't need them. I ALWAYS have "back-up" books. Basically, books that I can read after I'm done with a current one.
  • Pocky It's rare and few for me... but I could eat it allllll day.
  • Gelato BETTER than ice cream. DELICIOUS.
  • Grey's Anatomy I can watch it for HOURS on end.
  • Asian Dramas It all started with It Started With a Kiss. Then the sequel, They Kiss Again... then Lucky Stars... and the list keeps growing.
  • Dexter I've managed to catch up on all episodes/seasons and I can't wait for the new one! Michael C. Hall is a FOX.
jan 21 2009 ∞
aug 5 2013 +