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A place to organise a list of all the fics I've read of EXO and other K-Pop group fics. ★

❤ is my absolute favourites.

listography NEW NEWS

One Shot (PG-13)

  • EXO in general
    • And The History Books Forgot About Us Lu Han has been spending the last two weeks following Minseok around with pitiful sad eyes and wobbly lips, hugging him from behind at the most random moments while whining, "Minseok, don't go! Baozi, don't go!!" post-EXO!au
    • And You Call Yourself a Man Everyone has an irrational fear of bugs. A cockroach turns up in the dorm. The rest is self-explanatory. crack
    • Beautiful Baby Boy Yixing thinks it's magic, Joonmyun considers a "Benjamin Button"-situation and Kris honestly doesn't care as long as they can figure out a solution to this problem. (Pairing: krisyeol). baby!Chanyeol, age regression
    • Bugging Out The members of EXO are generally incapable of dealing with certain things. crack, humour
    • Cap And Gown (Plus Some Crayon) A little ficlet imagining EXO as kindergartners getting photos taken in tiny caps and gowns for kindergarten graduation. kid!fic, cute
    • Chicks Before Dicks Kim Joonyeon throws her annual slumber party. (Side pairing: suchen, xiuhan, krislay, kaisoo, taohun). fem!Sehun, fem!Luhan, fem!Suho, fem!Kyungsoo, fem!Kris, fem!Baekhyun
    • Dragontouched In a world of magic and danger, Jongin is born as one half of a whole with his fate already written out for him. Now if only fate will cooperate. First chapter is xiukai, second is hunhan (Pairing: xiukai, hunhan). fantasy!au
    • Every Angel Has Wings Jongin goes for his first Halloween and meets Chanyeol. monster!au, kid!Jongin
    • Exo-Kids Chanyeol has always been a bit needy and often declares that Baekhyun is his bestest friend in the entire world. But stealing his favourite sky blue crayon and breaking it? That's low. (Pairing: krishan). kid!EXO-K, teacher!EXO-M, kindergarten!au
    • Frustration Jongin is having a shit day and he ends up saying something stupid. He also hates secrets, even though he keeps his own. genderbending, canon compliant
    • How To Save a Life They always have had one another's backs, throughout their high school days, all the way up to university. (Pairing: krisho). suicide, character death
    • I’m Going Down With This Ship An AU in which Yifan and Minseok are the world’s biggest SuDi shippers. (Side pairing: krisyeol). crack, humour
    • Love In A Cold Climate Love is strange. Particularly strange if you are a narwhal in love with a beluga or a polar bear in love with a penguin or... (Pairing: krisoo, kaibaek, layhun, chenyeol, xiuhan, Suho/Minho). humour, crack, fluff, animal!au
    • Name Your Price In which six members are up for bidding. (Pairing: taohunchenho, sexingxiuhan, taorisbaekyeol, kaisoo/ryeowook). crack, canon compliant
    • Not Biologically Possible In which Sehun turns into a giraffe, EXO are no help whatsoever, Baekhyun is an asshole and Junmyeon almost has an Epic Breakdown. (Pairing: sekaitao). humour, crack, giraffe!Sehun, canon compliant
    • No Matter The Letter, Greeks Do It Better Han shouts, “GREEKS GO HARD BUT ETA XI OMICRON GOES HARDER,” before he jumps into the pool. uni!au, fratboys!EXO, humour
    • Observation Diary Of HRM Orange The Cat Furious that his human brought home a pet goldfish instead of mackerel, Chen vowed to eat it, not knowing that it was a magical goldfish. fluff, humour, fantasy!au
    • Oh, Rats The very minute EXO-K gets latched onto the newest season of 'Hello Baby', all hell breaks loose in China. crack, humour
    • Oh, We're Doable In a Lot Of Ways EXO in various genres. crack
    • Pathcode Yifan and Luhan are missing with only days left before the eclipse. They’re being followed, and nobody knows what to do. It feels like time is running out. (Pairing: krisyeol, side pairing: xiuhan). mama!au
    • Pick Me From ninety-nine trainees to nine, the proud nation of South Korea is creating the next big girl group. (Pairing: chanhun, baekchen, sukai, xiuhan, xiusoo, layhan). fem!EXO, produce 101!au, reality show!au, platonic
    • Primadonna Girls Each EXO member is turned into a girl. genderswap
    • Roommates Are A Chipmunk's Best Friend For such a tall guy he makes a tiny chipmunk. Sehun turns into a chipmunk, humour, crack
    • She's Got You High (And You Don't Even Know Yet) Wherein EXO turn into girls for a day, one by one. EXO are all over each other, Suho has a hard life, Lu Han is a troll and Kris is a boss. Nope, nothing new here. humour, canon compliant
    • Stay Strong For Us I never thought I could be so close to hell. And I never thought I could learn to love myself again. depression, sasaeng fans, angst
    • The Babysitters’ Club Yifan is shit at Potions but somehow it’s Minseok who has to deal with the consequences. (Pairing: xiurishan). platonic, Harry Potter!au, humour
    • They Are All Material Girls It started out simply enough, as all chaos does. crossdressing, crack
    • Top Grade Milk: Milk With 8g Fat Mrs. Park is a kind, old lady working in a small kindergarten. kid!EXO, humour
    • Turn Off The Music The members are annoyed with Sehun constantly blasting Luhan and Tao's songs. (Pairing: krishun, chanlu, taokai, chenlay). crack, canon compliant
    • Untitled When Chanyeol, Sehun, and Suho need to rehearse for “Marry You” and SNSD aren’t available ft. Chen, Kris, and Luhan. crossdressing!Chen, crossdressing!Kris, crossdressing!Luhan, canon compliant
  • Baekhyun!centric
    • Byun Baek’s Magical Adventure Baekhyun's a 22 year old with a deadbeat job as a magician's assistant. He just wants a taste of real magic--and so he gets it. (Pairing: baekrisyeol). platonic, fantasy!au, adventure
  • Kris!centric
    • An Episode In Parenting, Starring Kris Wu In which Kris is a mafia don and juggles between work (shooting people), fun (shooting people) and taking care of his kids (not shooting them). (Pairing: krishan). kid!Baekhyun, kid!Kyungsoo, baby!Sehun, mafia!au, family!au
    • Coming Home Kris shows up on his mother's doorstep in tears. hurt/comfort, post-EXO 2014
    • Give Me The Bright Lights Kris doesn't know what to do with a crying child. kid!Sehun, humour
    • Lullaby The beginning of the end starts with half the population dying. Yifan remembers it the virus was suddenly announced. The next day, everyone he knew was getting high fevers. Soon they were throwing up blood. By the end of the week, there was an estimate of about 4 billion dead. Three days later, Yifan wakes up feeling feverish. virus!au, apocalypse!au, illnesses, hurt/comfort
    • Mambo Number 5¾ Kris is a star. The thing is, no one else seems to see it that way. humour, crack
  • Sehun!centric
    • Full House Besides his many major insecurities and overwhelming doubts, Sehun thinks he’s got this four-way, polyamorous relationship-thing in the bag. (Pairing: xiuhun, hunhan, seho). polyamory
    • Hyung, I See A Whale There's no one else in the dorms except but Jongdae, but Jongdae won't wake up, no matter how hard Sehun tries. major character death, angst
    • Prayers All Sehun wants is for his hyungs to be okay. cute, hurt/comfort
  • Xiumin!centric
    • Baby Teeth Minseok wakes up one day to realize that 11 of his dongsaengs turned into toddlers. baby!EXO, humour

One Shot (R/NC-17)

  • EXO in general
    • Girls Like Girls In which Chanyeol throws an apartment-warming party for Baekhyun, Baekhyun hasn't seen nor heard from Yixing in three months, everyone has a thing for Minseok, Jongdae has a plan, and someone's brought a bag of sex toys, some of which sparkle a lot. What could possibly go wrong? (Pairing: baekxing, side pairing: taohunlay, baeksoo, chanho, krishan, various others). fem!EXO, romance, orgy, sex toys, cunnilingus, voyeurism, dirty talk, slight spanking, slight anal play
    • Have You All Night, Vodka Straight When Yixing and Jongin walk into the house, the party is just getting started with beer pong. It's hard to tell who's winning when Minseok just giggles at everything Zitao does, especially when he tries to hit the ball while drinking from his cup at the same time. house party, multiple pairings
    • The Oh Tunnel People said that the senator's fuckboy son Luhan lost his virginity in the Tunnel, and that the Tunnel was where his sister Sehun smoked her first joint. Now they're about to graduate, and neither one sees the infatuation coming. (Pairing: xiuhan, taohun). fem!Minseok, fem!Tao, fem!Sehun, high school!au
  • Kai!centric
  • Kris!centric
    • Night Of The Living Bottom Yifan's been living a lie for most of his life. It only takes one – or three – guys for him to realize it. (Pairing: taoris, krisyeol, krishun). non-idol!au, bottom!Kris, lots of sex, dub-con
    • Screwing Wu YiFan The truth is; Yifan very much wants it in the ass. (Pairing: KrisEXO). bottom!Kris, double penetration, crossdressing!Kris
    • When Kris Bottoms A set of drabbles where Kris bottoms for every member of EXO. (Pairing: KrisEXO). bottom!Kris
  • Luhan!centric
    • Make That Flower Bloom As one of the few remaining alphas, it’s Luhan’s responsibility to breed his omegas. (Pairing: LuhanEXO, various others). hybrid!au, alpha!luhan, omega!EXO, top!Luhan, a lot of sex, threesomes, foursomes, double penetration, implied mpreg
  • Sehun!centric
    • Al Dente Sehun wheedled and nagged and whined, but no amount of puppy dog eyes could change the fact that they simply needed more time than they had, if they were going to do this all together like he so desperately wanted. (Pairing: xiuchenlayhun). double penetration, bottom!Sehun, group sex canon compliant
    • Batting Practice After a discussion about Sehun's sex life that probably went on for way too long, the boys on his baseball team were inspired to try something... interesting. And it's no secret that Sehun's game for pretty much anything. But maybe they should have more carefully considered the potential consequences. Prequel to Shameless. bottom!Sehun, size kink, bat used as a dildo
    • I Know Your Lips Like The Back Of My Hand Sehun claims that he can tell his bandmates apart by their kissing technique alone. The boys want to test it. (Pairing: SehunEXO). exhibitionism, voyeurism, kissing
    • Latch “You’ve been showing too much skin, Sehunnie.” (Pairing: SehunEXO(OT9)). biting
    • Pink Sweater Sehun and the boys are already high when they discover that Sehun is wearing an overlarge pink knit sweater that used to belong to Kris. And the sweater is the only thing he's wearing. Kris can't keep his hands off. (Pairing: krishun, chanhun, chantao). bottom!Sehun, drug use, voyeurism, exhibitionism
  • Xiumin!centric
    • Cheap As the president of student council, Kim Minseok will do anything to make sure his school wins the prestigious Seoul Best High School Award, even it means he has to make a deal with the school delinquent gang. But it’s not that he doesn’t like it. (Pairing: XiuEXO). bottom!Minseok

Completed (PG-13)

  • EXO in general
    • Constellations Joonmyun and Kris have spent the last eight years taking in pups with nowhere else to go, but with all the energetic pups running around their house, sometimes one can be overlooked. (Pairing: krisho). fluff, wolf!au
    • Dealing With The Love Of One's Life Is So Nerve-Wracking And it's how, with torturing the coffee, Chanyeol glaring at his cellphone and Tao staring after the waiter, they are all quite screwed. (Pairing: xiuris, taohun, chanlu). family!au, kid!Jongin, kid!Baekyun, kid!Kyungsoo
    • Kiss Me Baby Six stories, six couples, six new beginnings. (Pairing: xiuhan, chankai, krishun, subaek, chentao, laysoo). mpreg, family!au
    • Tell Me You're Not Miserable There are two high schools that serve the town Kris lives in: K High, which serves the well-to-do area of town, and M High, where the rest of the kids are shipped off to. In an attempt at fixing the problems at M High, the school administration decides to pilot a scheme where some of the K High students are transferred in. Kris didn’t think that the school administration had really thought this plan through remarkably well. (Pairing: sudo, xiuhan, taoris, baekyeol, kaisoo). violence, mentions of underage sex and abuse
    • The Twelve Protectors When Yixing and Luhan turn up at Suho's front door bloody, bruised and bringing a comatose seven year old girl and a horde of monsters, the superpowered boys must find their missing members and fight back against the Dark, but where is Xiumin? How do you find a teleporting paranoid teenager? Book 1 finished at Chapter 19. Book 2 unfinished. (Pairing: kaisoo, taoris, baekyeol, xiuhan). mama!au
    • Tuesday Morning Normally on a Tuesday Umma D.O walks his little boy Minseok to nursery, but when Appa Suho has a doctor's appointment, it all falls on big brother Kris' shoulders. (Pairing: sudo). teen bffs!taoris, baby bffs!xiulayhan, family!au
    • Wounded Pride Set of related omegaverse drabbles/short fics, with six different pairs. (Pairing: kaibaek, xiuhan, chanxing, chensoo, taohun, krisho). abo!au, alpha!Yixing, alpha!Suho, alpha!Luhan, alpha!Baekhyun, beta!Chanyeol, beta!Kyungsoo, beta!Sehun, beta!Kris, omega!Jongin, omega!Minseok, omega!Jongdae, omega!Tao, mpreg!Kris
  • Kris!centric
    • Who's The Daddy? Eight months after he left EXO, Yifan is back. But not in a good way. He's eight month's pregnant and he has no idea who the father is. All he knows is that it has to be one of the eleven remaining EXO boys, but since he slept with all of them he's in a bit of a pickle. Because who is the daddy? (Pairing: kray, KrisEXO). mpreg!Kris, humour
    • Everybody Loves Kris 11 one shots pairing each member with Kris, and then some. humour, romance
    • Heart Attack Kris never left EXO... He never broke so many millions of hearts... He remained strong and smiling next to his brothers... But one thing he didn't do... He told no one about his condition... Then one ill fated night... This happened... (Side pairing: krisho). angst, character death
  • Xiumin!centric
    • Obsession The members of EXO have called a meeting to complain about Luhan's obsessive and possessive behavior towards their favorite hyung and their lack of attention from their beloved Xiumin-hyung. (Pairing: xiuhan, XiuEXO). humour

Completed (R-NC-17)

  • EXO in general
    • 48 Hours "After 48 hours, only one boy will be alive in this house." (Pairing: kray, various others). angst, character death, violence
    • Boys Will Be Girls Genderbending magic works on some of our boys and general chaos ensues. (Pairing: baekyeol, sulay, taohun, kaichen). genderswap, angst, fluff
    • Girls Actually A story in which loves and lives cross paths featuring Sehun being a brat, Junyeon getting hunted as hot piece of ass and Jongdae who just wants recognition for sock bloggers (with a guest starring of Exo Chen). (Pairing: fem!hunhan, fem!chenho, baekchen, side pairing: kray, chansoo). fem!Baekhyun, fem!Luhan, fem!Sehun, fem!Jongdae, fem!Suho, fem!Kris, fem!Yixing, fem!Kyungsoo, humour, romance, ninja drama
    • Phoenix The mercenary crew of the Phoenix takes on the dangerous job of kidnapping three genetic experiments and bringing them across the galaxy, unaware that the scientist who created is chasing them to get his children back. (Pairing: chanrisoo, taohun, xiuho, chenlay). sci-fi, space!au, criminal!au, genetic manipulation
    • Playboy One practice space, three bands, and plenty of drama to go round. Joonmyun refuses to settle down, but that's all Sehun wants. Jongin and Chanyeol watch as a friendship slowly crumbles. Luhan can't bring himself to tell the truth about his relationship. And Kris is a giant, idiotic mess, unintentionally bringing about the certain demise of Baekhyun's band. how did things go so wrong? (Pairing: seho, xiuhan, chankai, baekris). band!au, angst, fluff
    • Preying On You Tonight In which, Lay needs a mate, and Suho does too; Kyungsoo needs to learn to embrace his other half; Sehun just needs to learn to embrace; Minseok has secrets no one else knows; Tao wants a child; and Baekhyun and Chanyeol have three. (Pairing: sulay, kaisoo, taoris, chenhun, baekyeol, xiuhan). abo!au, wolf!au, drama, romance, mpreg
    • Revolution Luhan is captured and used as an experiment. It leaves him confused and desperate for answers. They make him do stuff he isn't able to do, have his body bonded intimately by someone he doesn't know and according to his captors, all this for one thing: to save the world. (Pairing: hunhan, various others). mama!au powers, violence, angst, drama, action, romance
    • The Royal Traditions Yifan is the young prince and sole heir for the throne of the Xuanlong Empire. (Pairing: krishan, taohun, sekai). historical!au, Sehun has a twin
    • ❄ The Twelve Days of SEXOmas '13 On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me. (Pairing: hunhan, taoris, baekyeol, kaisoo, xiuchen, sulay). bottom!Suho, bottom!Minseok, others switch
    • Spin The Bottle “This is a drag,” Lu Han moaned. She sat upright. “We should play a game! That’s a good way to get to know each other. I'm thinking spin the bottle!” (Pairing: suchen, krisbaek, kaisoo, fem!chanhan, fem!xiulay, fem!taohun). fem!Baekhyun, fem!Suho, fem!Kyungsoo, fem!Chanyeol, fem!Luhan, fem!Minseok, fem!Yixing, fem!Tao, fem!Sehun
  • Kris!centric
    • Behind His Back Chanyeol was leaving town for a three days and exactly on that day his younger nephew (I think that's supposed to be cousin) Kai, had to stay at his place for temporally time. (Pairing: krisyeol, kairis). bottom!Kris, angst, infidelity
    • Call Me Mr. Park “Your lover is concerned about your stress levels,” Mr. Park says, his fingers trailing against Kris’s palm as their hands separate. “He’s asked me to help you.” (Pairing: krisoo, krisyeol, chanrisoo). bottom!Kris, bottom!Kyungsoo, bottom!Chanyeol, BDSM, multiple partners, threesome
  • Kai!centric
    • Sightless Anathema The wondrous thing about falling in love is that you never know when and with whom you will. Two Princes, two brothers, two soul mates embark on an extraordinary journey and a mystical adventure on which they face brutal obstacles, find love, make unthinkable promises, confront betrayals and abandon hope. (Pairing: jongkai). incest, royalty!au, medieval fantasy!au, bottom!Jongin, Kai has a twin
    • We All Fall Down Ring-a-round a rosie, a pocket full of posies. Ashes! Ashes! We all fall down. (Pairing: sekai). Hunger Games!au, violence, character death
  • Sehun!centric
    • Absentia Sehun wishes to see the future. He unknowingly jumps in time and loses five years in the past. Slowly, he realizes, he didn't only lose time. He lost a lot. (Pairing: sekai, kaihan, krishun, taohun). non-idol!au, plot twist, heavy angst
    • Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad Sehun's looking for his other half, who doesn't want to be found. (Main pairing: seho, side pairing: xiuhun, chanhun, taohun, sekai) soulmate!au
  • Xiumin!centric
aug 18 2015 ∞
feb 27 2017 +