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A place to organise a list of all the fics I've read of EXO and other K-Pop group fics. ★

❤ is my absolute favourites.

listography NEW NEWS

One Shot (PG-13)

  • 600 Days Of Bliss Jongin and Sehun are two bestfriends, trying to get through their high school days peacefully. Although it seems like they both have different definitions for peaceful. Sequel to Dondodon. humour, bffs!sekai, platonic love
  • [Advent] Day 11 Jongin makes Sehun want to be a better person. mpreg!Jongin
  • A Falling Painter The world will come to Kim Jongin’s funeral, but no one will truly be at his funeral. disabled!Jongin, painter!Jongin, florist!Sehun, angst, slice of life
  • A Sight to Behold (Between Your Legs) The plan was to sneak out to practice Quidditch, not bed Sehun. fem!Sehun, sex, Harry Potter!au
  • Blonde Heart Jongin would describe Sehun as uncomplicated, sweet and innocent, if not a little slow. The rest of the world described Sehun as 'too blond to function'. Well, one thing didn't necessarily have to exclude the other... fluff, school!au
  • ❀ Caution Tape Romance (OVA Series) ❀ Sehun’s new roommate has a secret. humour
  • Drabble Request {FILL #10} The wall power socket is making a suspicious noise and Sehun’s pretty sure he’s one wrong move away from being electrocuted to hell and back. domestic!au
  • Fate (The Red String Remix) A red string appears tied around Sehun’s pinky one day, invisible to everyone else in the school but a certain math enthusiast. red string!au, romance, fluff
  • Fic Advent: Day Four Jongin crumples up the garbage from his lunch violently, grimacing as he balls the sandwich wrapper up between his hands. Across the table, Sehun looks up, straw between his lips. “What's with the dumb face?” He asks. canon compliant
  • Geek In The Pink Sehun and Jongin are socially awkward turtles and Baekhyun just likes to interfere with the balance. school!au
  • It's Never Too Late Jongin realised his real feelings for Sehun a little bit too late, but Sehun doesn't mind. romance, fluff, arranged marriage!au
  • Kindling Heart The omega stirred slightly in his sleep eyes cracking open some seconds later to spot his alpha bent over his notebook. He smiled gently as he leaned upwards pressing a small kiss against the other’s cheek. “You’re up early.” Sehun says lightly. domestic!au, alpha!Jongin, omega!Sehun, mpreg!Sehun
  • Lavender's Blue Kyungsoo overhears something he shouldn't have heard - a secret Sehun never meant to reveal. But he can't regret it, not when it leads to bringing the two maknaes closer. canon compliant, fluff, angst
  • Need A Hero Going hunting alone was a bad idea. wolf!au
  • Nostalgic Remains nos·tal·gic ; characterized by or exhibiting feelings of nostalgia. \\ in which a cynical high maintenance woman and a disastrously charming man realize all those romantic cliches have made a home in their heart. fem!Sehun, domestic!au, fluff, baby!Taeoh
  • Of Insecurities And Reassurances After waking up from a fitful rest drenched in sweat, mind frazzled, he decided that the bedroom was too warm and relocated. Two hours had passed and the clock on the microwave now read 5:05am. Sehun groaned lightly from where he was situated on the couch in their living room. fluff
  • Past And Present Five years after EXO’s disbandment, they’re invited for an interview to update the world about themselves. Sehun’s writes fan fiction stories about EXO members themselves and Jongin supports him fully. He has recently started writing about his and Jongin’s (real) love story, and he certainly doesn’t want Jongin to know about it. humour, canon compliant, fluff
  • Playful Haunting Sehun and Jongin are ready to throw the best birthday party a two-year-old could ask for, but strange things start happening to their house. domestic!au, baby!Luhan, Mama!powers
  • Rediscovering Us Jongin and Sehun escape to a winter cabin in the woods for a week-long reprieve from the stresses of real life. angst, fluff
  • Second Best "Hey you. Boyfriend?” Jongin makes a face. “Ew no. I’m his best friend.” (Side pairing: chanhun). highschool!au, humour, romance
  • Sekai Domestic Fic Jongin ft. his hyperactive toddler and gorgeous husband. Sequel to Keep Your Body Moving. mpreg!Sehun, baby!Kyungsoo
  • Sight Jongin is both terrified of the pretty cheerleader and also entranced. It occurs to him this is knowing what 'the one' is like. cheerleader!Sehun, fem!Sehun, school!au, romance
  • Steps Toward Tomorrow High school is almost over and Jongin wonders what path he should take for the future. He doesn't know how everything will work out or how well it'll be. All he knows is that he wants to make the most of his youth before he takes on more responsibilities. And Sehun is there to help him with that. Sequel to Small Steps. fluff, school!au, blind!Sehun, disability
  • The Best Man A story in which Sehun is in love with his best friend and his best friend is engaged to someone who isn't him. Sehun goes through the motions of love and loss, and struggles to push onwards through darkness in order to begin anew. (Side pairing: sebaek). angst, pining, unrequited love, romance
  • The DILF Conundrum Sehun has a crush on Jongin's dad. Jongin does not approve. bffs!sekai, crushes, platonic love
  • The Fragility Of The Heart Sehun has always felt this way about Kim Jongin. (Side pairing: krisyeol). romance, fluff, angst, nurse!Sehun, cage fighter!Jongin
  • The Magic Touch Sehun loses his friends in Disney Land on the first day. He thinks it’s Disney magic when Prince Phillip finds him instead. Disneyland!au, Prince Phillip!Jongin
  • This Must Be (L.O.V.E) This is unfair because Shixun is the only one who’s feeling it and Jongin will never know how it feels because Shixun doesn’t want him to know. (Side pairing: krishan). school!au
  • Vibrant Transparency Every morning, Jongin takes a blue pill. Everyday he's dutifully following the orders given by those who are lucky enough to take a red one. He's pliant, obedient, submissive. Until one day he meets Sehun and things get more complicated than that. dystopian!au, light angst
  • Wednesdays Are Not Zen Days College librarian Sehun keeps dropping the books he's supposed to be shelving. Jongin has an essay due and he needs Sehun TO STOP. fluff, library!au
  • What a Beautiful World When Jongin excuses himself to go to the toilet, that's when Jinri starts. humor

One Shot (R/NC-17)

  • A Coming-Of-Age Dare Sehun hunches into himself furtively, curling his toes into the rug and not daring to look at himself in the mirror because if he accidentally catches the eye of his own reflection, he will actually evaporate from humiliation. humour, come-on-face
  • A Man Provides What happens when The Alpha of his pack takes a seemingly unwarranted interest in him? abo!au, alpha!Jongin, omega!Sehun, mpreg, knotting, bottom!Sehun
  • And We'll Be Running Sometimes Jongin kisses Sehun like he's making a promise that he can't keep, and Sehun is to much of a sucker to push him away and run. __mafia!au, angst, violence, romance, bottom!Sehun
  • Daimon Sehun would give anything to be with Jongin, shame the feelings aren't reciprocated. bottom!Sehun, daddy kink, dd/lb, unrequited love
  • Double Trouble Sehun finally gets a night with his pregnant boyfriend. mpreg!Jongin, bottom!Sehun
  • Double Trouble He had only tutored those twins for one week but he had learned profusely about them. Sehun has a twin, bottom!Sehun, bottom!Shixun, daddy kink
  • Give Me All That You Got Now “D-Daddy, please..!” “You're gonna have to use your words if you want daddy to know what you want, baby." daddy kink, bottom!Sehun, pwp
  • Hard To Believe Shy, quiet, demure Kim Jongin doesn't believe that someone as popular as Oh Sehun could actually be interested in him as a person. He attempts to ignore his advances, but Sehun persists. It pays off. bottom!Jongin, rimming, felching
  • Hips Don't Lie Sehun gets a set of piercings on his hips. This affects Jongin a lot more than he'd expected. bottom!Sehun, piercings
  • It's Jongin On The Streets (But Kai In The Sheets) There's something sexy about Jongin's onstage persona, 'Kai', that all the fangirls (and Chanyeol) love, and Sehun loves it too. bottom!Sehun, canon compliant
  • J Jongin just wants to show the world that Sehun is his. highschool!au, fluff, smut, romance, bottom!Sehun
  • Jealous to the Bone Jongin and Sehun have a BDSM relationship, are specifically into puppyplay. When Jongin invites fellow owner Kyungsoo and his pup Yifan over for dinner, Sehun gets a bit jealous when Jongin makes some remarks about the other pup's appearance and lashes out. Jongin in turn, has to reinforce why Sehun is the one for him, remind him exactly who has his heart and makes his world spin. (Side pairing: krisoo). puppy play
  • Keep Your Body Moving A very horny and very pregnant Sehun wakes Jongin up at 4AM. mpreg!Sehun, bottom!Sehun
  • Let's Study Jongin wants people to stop calling him stupid because he is not. He just doesn't like studying at all. Sehee tries to change that and comes up with a fantastic plan. smut, fem!Sehun, romance, fluff, highschool!au
  • Like What You See? Maybe it was your shitty blowjob that made us switch bodies. body swap, (technically) bottom!Jongin
  • Multiplication Jongin’s jerked awake by an unruly shriek right by his ear. “What the fuck,” Jongin yells, lurching into an upright position and clutching at his ringing ear. It’s ridiculously bright, and Jongin has to blink a thousand times a minute to get used to the piercing light. present and past!sekai, double penetration, smut, pwp
  • Nothing But Summer While lifeguarding on the beach, Sehun has to deal with the obnoxious guys from his class who think they can skimboard. One is Kris, who he's had a crush on for years. Another is cute, flirty Jongin, who might be just what he needs to get over him. lifeguard!Sehun, unrequited crush, recreational drugs, beach!au, bottom!Sehun, bottom!Jongin
  • Only Cool Kids Know Sehun's been getting really close with his daddy, and it's a 1-1-2 call later that Jongin realizes they have very different images of "daddy." (Pairing: seho). bffs!sekai, daddy kink, humour, platonic love
  • Open Mind Jongin can't control when the feeling hits him. It doesn't matter what he's doing or who he's with, it creeps up on him like an old friend and worst enemy rolled into one. He knows, when he starts to feel the low strum of heat in his tummy, that he doesn't have long. His hyungs try to help, but he's searching for something he won't find with them, searching for one person who's not there. fluff, angst, asexual!Sehun
  • Perfect Timing Jongin just so happen to run Sehun's favorite NSFW blog. daddy kink, rimming, bottom!Sehun
  • Rum Pum Pum Pum Sehun has an ass that Jongin just can't ignore. (Basically just Jongin worshipping Sehun's ass). bottom!Sehun
  • So Baby Come Light Me Up Getting a new student is a rarity in the first place, but someone transferring a quarter into the school year is basically unheard of. Why the son of one of the wealthiest and most influential families in the country has suddenly decided to come to their school is a mystery. Even more so when the son in question is an alpha. abo!au, highschool!au, bottom!Sehun
  • Spin Spin Sugar Sehun shifts a little, thighs flush against Jongin's as he laughs breathless puffs of air that curl around the shell of Jongin's ear. His pelvis slides right into the spaces above Jongin's own, almost like two puzzle pieces fitting together perfectly without those annoying splinters that are always found along the edges. bottom!Sehun, pornstar!au, Luhan wants to join in
  • Territorial Boundaries Sehun gets a hybrid puppy for his 8th birthday. 10 years pass by and Sehun notices some changes in his pup. Confused, Sehun pushes the pup away at each advance, but the more he does, the more determined Jongin had become. hybrid!au, bottom!Sehun
  • Thin Apartment Walls “So like,” Chanyeol starts after he takes another drink, “I’ve been wondering: why is Jongin with you?” blowjob, humour
  • The Lunar Order It started with x’s and y’s. Two simple factors that decided between life or death. And Sehun fell one letter short of life. (Side pairing: sulay, baekyeol). dystopia!au, mild gore, angst, non-con, rebels
  • Unlined & Electric For all intents and purposes, Jongin is considered to be one of Victoria's Secret's most prolific models. Despite only modelling in Asia, Jongin's name is constantly placed up alongside internationally booked Angels – something she's not-so-secretly proud of. fem!Sehun, fem!Jongin, VA model!au
  • Up Close And Personal Who knew bboi88 aka his nerdy online gaming friend Kim Jongin was actually the famous Youtube and Instagram star Kai? Sehun certainly didn’t. (He actually thought he was getting catfished instead. Oops.) bottom!Sehun, non-idol!au, internet famous!Jongin
  • We Intertwined Twins Kai and Jongin are practically inseparable. Sehun is a minor complication. Jongin has a twin, threesome, incest, catboy!au, hybrid!au, bottom!Sehun, bottom!Kai, double penetration
  • XCIV It’s the beginning of the year 2194 - and in just a few days, Jongin will be turning another year older. bottom!Sehun, humanoid!au, double penetration
  • You’re Alluring, You’re My Universe It starts in a laundromat in London and ends in the Hogwarts hospital wing (but not really). AKA the story of how a Hufflepuff named Jongin falls in love with the strangest Slytherin in the world, Oh Sehun. Harry Potter!au, angst
  • You Know What To Do With That Big Fat Butt Sehun's ass is magnificent. bottom!Sehun, pwp
  • You Make It Easy (To Fall In Love) Sehun doesn't expect a lot of things. bottom!Sehun, romance, domestic!au

Completed (PG-13)

  • Afflatus After months of struggles, manhwa artist Kim Kai finally finds inspiration in form of a young, beautiful coffee shop owner named Oh Sehun. coffee shop!au, romance, light angst, fluff
  • Give You Everything You Want (Everything You Need) When Sehun moved to a little town far from everything he'd ever known, he wasn't expecting get feelings for anyone. Even less for his daughter's annoyingly perfect kindergarten teacher. parenting!au, single dad!Sehun, kindergarten teacher!Jongin
  • It's Good To Be Bad Adventures of notorious delinquent Kim Jongin and his goody two shoes boyfriend Oh Sehun. Follow them as Jongin constantly gets into trouble and Sehun constantly tries to keep him out of trouble. ❤
  • Ladylike Jongin discovers gender norms don’t mean shit. genderfluid!Sehun, crossdressing, homophobia
  • Love Don't Make Sense, Bro Someone apparently thinks it’s an amazing idea to stuff Kim Jongin’s book bag with mysterious Valentines on a daily basis. school!au, fluff
  • Of All The First Times It’s usually peaceful and quiet at the 9th floor. But there are occasional baby cries resonating in the hallway for the past few weeks. What’s weird that it’s coming from the apartment 94, where the only bachelor on that floor lives. parenting!au, adopted!Taeoh
  • Orange Juice Sehun doesn’t like a lot of things. He hates orange juice the most. angst
  • Overlapping Worlds They live in the same house, in the same space, at the same time. In the same world, but not really. skewed reality, romance
  • Small Steps Jongin, a high school student with an average amount of friends but above average looks, goes day by day living through a regular life, until a new student suddenly appears in the middle of the school year and makes Jongin question himself. fluff, disability, school!au, blind!Sehun
  • Underbelly A part of Sehun has always belonged to the sea. fantasy
  • We're All Just Taller Children When Joonmyun decides to add Oh Sehun as the sixth member of their crew, Jongin seems to be the only one that has a problem with it. criminal!au

Completed (R/NC-17)

  • #powercouple Anyone would kill for a job that requires nothing but a computer, high speed Internet, a few well-placed words, and a ton of pictures. At the age of twenty-one, Oh Sehun has that job. He had started his celebrity fashion blog – The Milk Bottle – when he was eighteen, and after a couple of years of hard work and perseverance, it had finally started to take off. fashion blogger!Sehun, model!Jongin, bottom!Sehun, bottom!Jongin
  • Alone, I Had Only To Wish Jongin is seven when he first joins a ballet school. His mother holds his hand as they enter the studio where the auditions are held and he has no expectations. When the adjudicators announce the names and numbers of those accepted into the Primary Boys I class, Jongin’s name is not called out. He is not altogether surprised, even if he is disappointed. bottom!Sehun, au, angst
  • Crescendo Jongin never realized how much his life had been missing until he took home an abandoned puppy one day. (Subscribers only). implicit violence, bottom!Sehun
  • Dead Until Evenfall He is the prince of all Vampire clans, the son of the Count himself. He is the leader of all Werewolf packs, a first and just First Alpha. He is the rightful heir presumptive of the Werewolves, a merciless Berserker. An eternal lifetime of rivalry and vying. Foes by nature. Lovers by heart. (Side pairing: Kai/Krystal, Jongin/MaleOC). Chapter 2 to (majority of) Chapter 5 is Part 1. Part 2 is the rest of Chapter 5 to Chapter 16. Part 3 is Chaper 17 to Chapter 39. vampires and wolves!au, Jongin and Kai are twins, vamp!Sehun, wolf!Jongin, wolf!Kai, bottom!Sehun, character deaths, OCs, love triangle, plot twist
  • Endgame Sleeping with the lover of East Asia's most dangerous arms dealer wasn't one of Oh Sehun's brightest ideas. bottom!Jongin, mafia!au, police!au
  • Every Rose Has Its Thorn After spending their last summer together before college, Kai and Sehun agree that it would be best to end what they have going on between them in order to experience college life to the fullest. When Kai brings a “new friend” home with him for Christmas break, however, Sehun quickly decides that that may have been a big mistake. uni!au, bottom!Sehun
  • Everything Beautiful Is Far Away “We have been in photoshoots together before, just the two of us. We make a good team.” “We are best friends.” Sehun says out of nowhere. “…So?” “This shoot is different. Would you feel comfortable lying in a bed with me, pretending you are my lover?” canon compliant, angst, bottom!Sehun
  • Game On Sehun and Jongin are best friends, and they're both competitive as hell... bottom!Sehun, bottom!Jongin
  • Heliotrope Jongin breathes in pink and breathes out in purple. Sequel to Thulian. fem!Sehun, fluff, college!au
  • Hooked On You After 6 years, Kai crossed path with a child that painfully reminded him of his former flame. bottom!Sehun, mpreg!Sehun
  • Hypernova It’s the same story every single time. Today, Jongin opens the door to the dance studio and it takes him a minute or so to notice the absence of a trainee that always seemed to enjoy dance practice. She’s no longer standing at the front of the room, stretching out her hamstrings or chatting with a fellow trainee. He walks up to Moonkyu, drops his bag in its usual corner, and jostles his friend’s shoulder. “Where did Yunbi go?” “She quit, apparently. Last night.” “Couldn’t take it?” “Yeah.” bottom!Sehun, romance, drama, friendship, angst, canon compliant
  • Let's F*** in the Cafeteria Kai wants to fuck Sehun. In the cafeteria. bottom!Sehun
  • Lusus Naturae In which Sehun is born with occult and power to bend weather. His atmokinetic Flair strikes him a ticket to the most prestigious mutant academy in the world—Flairers' Academia. At the age of 17, his powers become even more difficult to administer and the only solution his very mundane parents could come up with is to send him to a school where their son would fit in best. One of the many quandaries that Sehun is forced to face in Flairers' Academia is the fact that he holds the weakest Flair when compared to the rest of his schoolmates who bend Flairs such as time, space, thoughts, so on and so forth. But his biggest predicament gremlin which he has to face in every Combative Defense Arts class is his dogmatic, pedagogue, roguish, arrogant, aggressive instructor Kim Kai who specializes in Superhuman Agility. Part One of PRODIGIALIS. mutant!au, fantasy, romance, age gap, underage, student!Sehun, teacher!Kai, plot twist
  • My Angel Having a pampering sugar daddy may not be a bad idea after all. bottom!Sehun, sugar daddy!Jongin
  • Office Hours (Let's Work On It, Baby) Sehun and Jongin are CEO and secretary. They're fuck buddies, too, no strings attached. office!au, smut, angst, romance,bottom!Sehun
  • Once Upon a Time Sehun gets a jackass for a roommate. Kai gets a nerdy whiner for a roommate. They hate each other. What happens when they switch bodies and everyone see Sehun as Kai and Kai as Sehun? bottom!Sehun, college!au
  • Rivaux Sometimes, life doesn't go as planned. Sehun wanted a peaceful life. But again, life just doesn't give in that easily. A 5th rank officer and a baby agent slammed together and sent off to missions to take down anti-government associations? And what happens to Sehun? He gets bullied and shoved around, only earning his arrogant partner, Agent Kim Kai, a glorious amount of hatred. But nothing can stay the way it was forever. (Side pairing: Sehun/Bobby). assassin!au, agent!au, plot twist, bottom!Sehun
  • Safe (Lost Memory) He always carries a gun. He probably carries a code. He has never wanted to protect a man all his life. Until he is lost. Who is he protecting? And who is he protecting him from? click on story tag for following chapters. police!Jongin, syndicate!au
  • Stockholm Syndicate “Sign here.” The sound of the pen’s nib scratching across crisp paper reaches Sehun’s ears. “The operation starts tomorrow. Messages between you and us will be encrypted. Everything is secure – you just need to stick to the discussed plan. And remember, this is classified and covert. Do not mention this operation to any individual.” bottom!Sehun, undercover!au, drama
  • Suck My Cockiness In the world of the rich and reckless, hybrids are playthings. Hybrids do not major in astrophysics. (Side pairing: baekchen). catboy!au, hybrid!au, catboy!Jongin, bottom!Jongin, bottom!Sehun
  • Thread Of The Fates In spite of living a decent Flairer's exquisitely and ironically mundane life, Kai has his own inner demons to reign over. Howbeit, it's virtually impossible. Freshly turned 18, Kai has gobs and a shedload of unwanted troubles on his plate. He hides behind the mask of belligerence and insubordination in order to fit in, and he yields to absolutely nobody. He makes his own rules and often his reckless behaviour comes with a string of inconvenient consequences. This is his journey, this is his story. Of course, the bloody annoying Sehun just has to tag along in his story to make his life miserable. So it's his story, but he's bound to share it with his lovesick roommate slash family friend slash bully victim, Sehun. Kai doesn't foresee the dire consequences of his curiosity when he unleashes the most powerful Flairer that has been locked away for decades. A Flairer who hunts down Flairers and feeds on the Flairs, steals them. A Flairer who wants to hunt down all of Recherchés one by one. And he is Grace and Gwenna's much feared father—the oldest living Recherché. With no option but to join hands with his most hated/most loved person in this world, Kai has to share his story with Sehun now. Because Sehun is Kai's destiny as much as Kai is Sehun's. Part Two of PRODIGIALIS. mutants!au, college!au, fantasy, bottom!Sehun, plot twist
  • Thulian Sehuna is invincible and Jongin is perfect so it only makes sense that their insecurities are each other. (Sehuna takes advantage of Jongin’s debit card and his dick). fem!Sehun, school!au, humour, romance
aug 18 2015 ∞
feb 7 2017 +