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A place to organise a list of all the fics I've read of EXO and other K-Pop group fics. ★

❤ is my absolute favourites.

listography NEW NEWS


  • B.A.P
    • Sleep Well, Dream Sweet Yoo Youngjae is a lonely boy from Seoul. Tired of living his pointless life, he attempts suicide. To the relief of his best and only friend Choi Junhong aka Zelo, he survives. The only problem is... He's left in a coma and doctors don't know if he'll ever wake up. Jung Daehyun is a boy from Busan who wants nothing more than to find someone to love and cherish. He was always a flirty person who men and women alike fell head over heals for. That changed though, when Daehyun started to fall in love with a boy from his dreams. A boy named Yoo Youngjae. (Pairing: daejae {Daehyun/Youngjae}). angst, romance
  • GOT7
    • Strangers At Heart Let’s start with Mark Tuan, he was dumped by his boyfriend because he was too cold and distance for his own good and then we have Jackson Wang who got dumped on his wedding day itself, exactly a week after Mark. When they crossed path as the groom and the wedding caterer, they realized that they are entangled to each other because of their respective ex, a painful secret that Mark doesn’t know but Jackson does. Now with Jackson having not enough time to find a replacement partner in order to save his mother’s health, Mark had decided to step in and help. How will this marriage turns out? (Pairing: markson {Mark/Jackson}, side pairing: 2jae {Jaebum/Youngjae}, jinbam {Jinyoung/BamBam}, markjin {Mark/Jinyoung}, jackbam {Jackson/Jaebum}). marriage, non-idol!au
    • Nothing Good Ever Comes from Truth Or Dare Minghao always had a disliking for the game Truth or Dare. Just mentioning it meant bad news, especially with his friend group. Not only were there always bad outcomes in movies, he'd had a few unpleasant experiences himself. Or rather, experience. Unfortunately for him, his friends loved it. And they all seemed to be in on some secret, one with underhanded intentions, when playing. It didn't help that his best friend acted the shiftiest out of all of them. Yeah... remind Minghao again why he still hadn't found new friends? (Pairing: junhao {Jun/THE8}). fluff, humour, romance
  • SHINee
    • The Best Friend Code Never have a relationship with someone your best friend has feelings for. Never sleep with your best friend's exes, no matter what they say. And unknowingly, Jonghyun did just that. (Pairing: jongkey {Jonghyun/Key}). romance, drama
  • 2PM and B2ST
    • Smile And Nod (The Foreign Teeth Edition) Doojoon has to be dreaming. He has to be, because things like this, they don't happen in real life. They happen in movies, and that's fine, because movies are movies, and he's just hallucinating, or something, and soon, he'll open his eyes, and he will absolutely, positively, not be in Ok Taecyeon's body. Characters: Doojoon, Taecyeon, B2ST, 2PM. humour, bodyswap


  • 2PM (0T7)
    • Nectar & Ambrosia Jay incites the wrath of the Queen of the Gods when he becomes an object of her husband's affections. (Pairing: taecjay {Taecyeon/Jay Park}). bottom!Jay, Greek gods!au
    • Shadows In which Nichkhun is a prince, Taecyeon is a hunter and Wooyoung is the guardian of the gem. (Pairing: taecwoo {Taecyeon/Wooyoung}, side pairing: khunyoung {Nichkhun/Wooyoung}). bottom!Wooyoung, fantasy!au
  • Topp Dogg
    • Dive Not for the first time, Hansol thinks that he would like to take Byungjoo home. It shocks him, how strong the desire is—it rushes through his nerves like wildfire, makes his fingers curl into fists at his sides. He won't, but he wants to. (Pairing: hanjoo {Hansol/B-Joo}) music producer!Hansol, bottom!Byungjoo
aug 18 2015 ∞
sep 8 2016 +