• Someone who is freakin' HAPPY and not ANGRY for no reason at all. It's the little things in life that mean the most people.
  • A guy that has a really good and cynnical sense of humor, just like myself. He needs to laugh at his own faults.
  • Someone who doesn't think he is "da shit" when his life is clearly IN the shitter. HATE that.
  • I want a guy who is actually excited to see me, a guy who anticipates my arrival so much so that he actually plans shit out. For example, what HE is going to wear to impress ME. That would be nice.
  • I am a cuddler and I like to be physical. Now I'm not saying that I will be all like TSA on some guys ass, but I do enjoy PDA and some physical proof of our 'love' for one another.
  • If you think it's cool to kick your dog when you're angry, the deal is off. (I only say this because it actually happened).
  • If my man cannot stand camping several weekends out of the summer and smelling like a dirty hippie, the deal is also off.
  • Please, PLEASE, just remember my birthday and at least acknowledge that I was born. Gifts don't matter to me, just at least show that you give a shit.
  • BEING LITERATE. This is very crucial. If my man cannot spell (and yes, I have dated one that could not), there is no hope for us.
  • If a guy does little things, no matter how stupid they may seem in order to show how he feels about me, he's a keeper.
  • I want a man who will surprise me and who will keep me on my toes (in a good way, of course)
  • Lies are no good, so yea, none of that crap.
  • If he has a criminal record (ok, like if he murdered someone or got arrested for like doing crack, no deal), or did not complete high school, yea, dealbreaker.
  • Just don't be a dick. Seems simple, right?
  • If you spend more than 4 hours playing video games or games on Facebook, you have no life and therefore no life I want to be a part of.
  • If a man cannot support himself and does not choose to make himself a better man in order to make more money to pay his bills....do I really have to say it? NO GO.
  • Cooking is very awesome. My future man should be pretty comfortable in the kitchen and should also have an idea on how to cook. Frozen pizza and Burger King are NOT dinner, they are toxic horse piss in the form of food. In short, just be able to cook! Even if its just scrambled eggs!
  • My future squeeze shouldn't take more time to get ready than me. That sends my gaydar into defcon 5.
  • It would be awesome if Mr. Right likes the same music as me too. I understand fully that having differences is what creates 'personality', but if you like Lil' Wayne, I hate your personality.
  • I want a man with whom I can talk about ANYTHING. By anything I mean like having my period and what kind of tampons I require. I want to be able to have no secrets at all and have everything be an open book. That creates an awesome relationship.
  • Someone who will accept me for all my quirks.
  • Someone who will accept me for who I am and love me for what I have to offer.
feb 9 2011 ∞
feb 16 2011 +