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Wishes are false. Hope is true. Hope makes it's own magic. ~ Laini Taylor

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. ~ Oscar Wilde

listography GIVE MEMORIES


  • 12 books that you've acquired most recently (from start date)
  • 11 books that you never find time to get around to or that have been on your shelves the longest (pre-choose these)
  • 10 books you randomly select from your shelves (such as by using -- as you go or pre-choose)
  • 9 sequels, series continuations, or spin-offs
  • 8 novellas or short-stories - they can be part of anthologies, you don't have to read the whole book in this case.
  • 7 books that everyone seems to have read but you
  • 6 anticipated releases (release dates after your start date)
  • 5 books that were recommended to you via Goodreads
  • 4 books that you started but never finished
  • 3 books that you've already read before
  • 2 books with covers that you don't think fit the storyline or that you don't like the covers of but everyone raves about the books
  • 1 book that intimidates you
jan 12 2014 ∞
feb 11 2014 +