• LUST = raul, sprinkler guy, mailman, hdoIII
  • GLUTTONY = when I order lunch that someone else pays for even though I have a perfectly good meal in my bag at work, my lunch usually goes to waste
  • GREED = not leaving my job despite the fact that i hate it, letting others pay for things because "i have no money"
  • SLOTH = sometimes on beautiful weekend days, my daughter will want me to get up and take her outside and play and enjoy the day, all I do is ignore her pleas and lay in bed until my head hurts
  • WRATH = really wanting the cows at work to suffer and writhe in pain, ditto for the donor
  • ENVY = other women's toned, slender bodies
  • PRIDE = my hair, my eyes and the fact that I know how to look at a man and make him forget where he is.
feb 11 2009 ∞
jul 28 2010 +