- Дороф.

- День добрый.

- А это магазин?

- Тебе решать.

- Ну тогда это магазин.

- Ок.

- А можно купить?

- А что ты хочешь?

- А что у тебя есть в наличии?

- Смотри, есть отборный лавровый лист, высшего качества, палочка корицы, сиги с неба и мой сосед Игорь.

- Ну ещё вода есть

- Нууу, водички дай пожалуйста.

- Я ее тебе не продам.

- Чего?

- Того.

- А ты мне продашь?

jun 25 2020 ∞
aug 12 2020 +

Твой культурный уровень низкий. Я не знаю... На уровне каких-то людей, нет, не из провинции, а которые судят типа:" Бля, да он охуел". Но! Но, есть такая единственная твоя эта... Некий ресурс, через который ты можешь высказываться с умным видом, вот и всё. Ты не знаешь, что такое авангард, не знаешь, что такое экспериментальное искусство. Вот. Вот братан, вот твой уровень. Ты не понимаешь, даже если песня максимально тупая, она была сделана для того, чтобы тебе пукан порвать! Чтобы у тебя пукан подорвало...

mar 12 2018 ∞
aug 12 2020 +

Written by Stefan Sasse, a contributing writer to Tower of the Hand. You can follow along with Stefan's reread of A Dance with Dragons, or read more of his work at Geschichtsblog and Oeffinger Freidenker.

In A Dance with Dragons, we learned that Lady Barbrey Dustin hates the Stark family and especially Eddard Stark for first not letting her marry Brandon Stark and then dragging her forced husband into the rebellious war of Robert Baratheon. While it may seem possible that the anger about her dead husband is only a surrogate for something she doesn’t wish to reveal, she tells Theon some conspiracy theories that make more sense than they should, and which fill the reader with a sense of unease. In short: there seems to be more about the outbreak of the rebellion than we originally knew. It seems like Aerys’ summoning of people to the court was not just the product of an insane mind, but ...

dec 15 2015 ∞
aug 12 2020 +
  • So long as Stannis, his queen, or his men continue to support fanatic R'hllorism, he can never hold the North, IMO. Even White Harbor would be wary, for the Seven are kindling for R'hllor’s fires, same as the old gods, and many of Manderly’s people have no doubt taken up the religion of the First Men in the thousand years since they sought refuge with the Starks.

As for Stannis’s second stumbling block, one striking aspect of Westeros’s history post-Conquest is how isolationist the North remains until Robert’s Rebellion and afterwards. Though officially part of the realm and subject to the authority of the Iron Throne, unofficially, the Starks are still kings in all but name. The number of Targaryens known to have ventured north of the Neck in the past three hundred years can be counted on one hand: ...

dec 14 2015 ∞
dec 15 2015 +
  • anyway after he finished reading the chapters, he opened the floor to some discussion about the plot of asoiaf, and some amazing genius girl said: you know my friends and i were debating this pretty heavily in the lobby just today, brienne screams “one word” as she is being hung by lady stoneheart’s men in a feast for crows - what was the word?

george turned the question on the audience and asked if anyone had figured it out - we shouted all kinds of dumb stuff, “jaime”, “sapphires”, etc. but some other genius in the second row said “sword”! george confirmed that the word brienne screamed was “sword”; lady stoneheart gave brienne the choice of either swearing her sword to her or being hung, saying “sword or noose”, and as brienne was being hung she screamed “sword” the questions moved on for some time, b...

dec 12 2015 ∞
dec 12 2015 +

Your question re Sansa... The way I see it, it is not a case of all or nothing. No single person is to blame for Ned's downfall. Sansa played a role, certainly, but it would be unfair to put all the blame on her. But it would also be unfair to exonerate her. She was not privy to all of Ned's plans regarding Stannis, the gold cloaks, etc... but she knew more than just that her father planned to spirit her and Arya away from King's Landing. She knew when they were to leave, on what ship, how many men would be in their escort, who would have the command, where Arya was that morning, etc... all of which was useful to Cersei in planning and timing her move. Ned's talk with Littlefinger was certainly a turning point, though I am not sure I would call it =the= turning point. There were other crucial decisions that c...

dec 11 2015 ∞
dec 11 2015 +
  • The slim, sad girl who wore a crown of pale blue roses and a white gown spattered with gore could only be Lyanna.
  • 5. Since all of their mothers died, who gave Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen and Tyrion Lannister their names?

Mothers can name a child before birth, or during, or after, even while they are dying. Dany was most like named by her mother, Tyrion by his father, Jon by Ned.

  • 1. How could Edric Dayne and Jon Snow be milk brothers if they are several years apart in age - 12 and 16 or so? Can a nursemaid really produce milk for so long a stretch, or perhaps did Wylla have a(nother) kid of her own when Edric was born? Or if Edric was lying, and why didn't Arya call him on it?

Edric is stretching the term a little... "milk brothers" more usually refers to tw...

dec 10 2015 ∞
dec 11 2015 +


  • All-New Hawkeye #1-3
  • Amazing Spider-Man #529-533


  • Black Widow vol 5 #1-6


  • Civil War: The road to Civil War
  • Civil War #1-3
  • Civil War: Frontline #1-5
  • Civil War: Young Avengers and Runaways #1


  • Darth Vader #1-12


  • Empire #5-6, #14, #20-22, #24-25, #29-34


sep 12 2015 ∞
nov 6 2015 +
  • Пираты карибского моря: Черная жемчужина
  • Пираты карибского моря: Сундук мертвеца
  • Назад в будущее
  • Назад в будущее 2
  • Другие
  • Астрал
  • Дивергент
  • Перси Джексон и Похититель молний
  • Перси Джексон и Море чудовищ
  • Гарри Поттер и Филосовский камень
  • Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната
  • Гарри Поттер и Узник Азкабана
  • Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня
mar 27 2015 ∞
sep 14 2015 +
  • Валери и неделя чудес
  • Вечное сияние чистого разума
  • Паганини: скрипач дьявола
  • Дракула
  • Город грехов
  • Властелин колец
  • Лабиринт фавна
  • Убить Билла
  • Запрещенный прием
  • Бегущий по лезвию
  • Ангелы Чарли
  • Лаура
  • Дуэлянты
apr 5 2015 ∞
oct 10 2015 +

видимо, в Башне Радости умерла не только Лианна, но и любовь Неда к Роберту. Конечно процесс начался раньше, а именно в Королевской Гавани, где Роберт оглушительно одобрил трупы Таргариеновских детей, на что Нед ему ответил полнейшим северным игнором и всяческим избеганием. И когда Лианна просит его защитить Джона, она в первую и главную очередь подразумевает Р. Баратеона, известного своей истерикой по детям Таргариенам. Когда Нед с кристалльной ясность понимает, что как только Роберт узнает...

nov 29 2015 ∞
nov 29 2015 +

Hey, you little piss baby

You think you're so fucking cool? Huh?

You think you're so fucking tough?

You talk a lotta big game for someone with such a small truck

Aw, look at those arms

Your arms look so fucking cute, they look like lil' cigarettes

I bet I could smoke you, I could roast you

And then you'd love it and you'd text me "I love you"

And then I'd fucking ghost you

aug 7 2020 ∞
aug 12 2020 +

На завтрак я сегодня хавал тёмную энергию, укутавшись в незримую материю Вселенной, и запивая молоком гравитационных волн, разлитых звёздами которых давно нет, я перевариваю боль Вселенной, я здесь живу веками, во тьме построенной из сгустков атомов, рождённых смертью света и сотканных в агонии случайных встреч

jan 1 2018 ∞
aug 12 2020 +
  • Солнце - Мартеллы
  • Луна - Аррены
  • Меркурий - Талли
  • Венера - Тиррелы
  • Марс - Ланнистеры
  • Юпитер - Баратеоны
  • Сатурн - Старки
feb 12 2016 ∞
feb 12 2016 +

I think that “baby swap” theory (which is what Varys claims to have happened) has merit. I think they (Varys, Elia and whoever else…) might have attempted to do it after realising the war was lost, but they were perhaps too late?

I think one of the biggest reasons for doubt is the fact that the only people whose word we have for who he is are inveterate liars, schemers, and usually do nothing that does not first benefit themselves in some way. The idea that they are doing all this to restore the “rightful monarchy” or “for the good of the kingdom” is a bit hard to swallow.

To accept Aegon as Rhaegar’s son, we have to trust Varys. Varys, who is the most untrustworthy source of information, together with Littlefinger. Varys, who left his Pentoshi home to serve a foreign king in foreign Westeros for still unknown reasons. Varys, who can’t have a family h...

dec 15 2015 ∞
aug 12 2020 +
  • Here are the chapters in the north in narrative order.
  • Prologue
  • Jon I
  • Bran I (Bran and co spend a night in a deserted village)
  • Jon II (Sam, Aemon and Gilly leave the Wall)
  • Davos I (The Sisters)
  • Jon III (Mance burned)
  • Reek I (Dreadfort, Hother)
  • Bran II (arrival in the cave)
  • Davos II (White Harbor, Hother rides with Ramsay)
  • Jon IV (Stannis' council, Mors and Hother Umber have divided their loyalties, Ryswell-Dustin-Cerwyn-Tallhart-Hornwood meeting in Barrowton)
  • Davos III (The Merman's court)
  • Reek II (Moat Cailin, Bolton-Ryswell-Dustin hosts, Roose and the Freys come north)...
dec 14 2015 ∞
dec 14 2015 +
  • [Note: This report refers to the question of Jeyne Westerlings hips, described by Catelyn as being "good" for the purposes of having children, and described by Jaime as "narrow". This seeming contradiction has sparked theories that the girl Jaime sees and is told is Jeyne is in fact an impostor.]

I actually asked GRRM about this at the union square signing. When he spoke he said some mismatched descriptions are him doing it on purpose, and some are mistakes. And the mistakes are really unfortunate because it detracts from when he does it on purpose. When we approached the stage for signings we had the chance to ask a quick question, and he told me that that the hips were a mistake unfortunately.

dec 12 2015 ∞
dec 12 2015 +
  • * He specifically cited the difficulty he had with the Meereenese sections of ADwD, trying to figure out the POV, and he called it the "Meereenese Knot." He admitted being annoyed when some turned it into "the Meerenese Blot", but someone made a series of essays with that title. "I read those when someone pointed them out to me, and I was really pleased with them, because at least one guy got it. He got it completely, he knew exactly what I was trying to do there, and evidently I did it well enough for people who were paying attention."


dec 11 2015 ∞
dec 11 2015 +
  • Being both a fascinated medieval scholar and a long time fantasy reader, I proved an easy victim for your captivating talents. Here at last is what I've been waiting for so long - the fantasy novels that are in fact a history of an alive and true, though imaginary, world. Actually, the first real example of this sort since the great Tolkien. That's how the fantasy must be written nowadays! That's, in fact, what it was always really meant to be.

Thanks for the kind words. Yes, I set out to give A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE as much of the flavor of a good historical novel as of traditional fantasy. I am glad you feel I've succeeded. Well, I have some questions for you, Mr. Martin, concerning the details of your world. Please forgive me if I put down too lengthy an account for them, taking too much of your precious time to read it, but I thought it would b...

dec 10 2015 ∞
dec 10 2015 +

Джоан Роулинг

  • Гарри Поттер и Филосовский камень
  • Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната
  • Гарри Поттер и Узник Азкабана
  • Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня
  • Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса
  • Гарри Поттер и Принц полукровка
  • Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти

Рик Риордан

  • Перси Джексон и Похититель молний
  • Перси Джексон и Море чудовищ
mar 31 2015 ∞
sep 14 2015 +

I'm sorry, I will have to kill you

As it's the only way for me to know for sure

That there nothing and never

Will be possible between us ever

I will have to kill you

As it's the only way for me to know for sure

That there nothing and never

Will be possible between us ever [x3]

You, being (something) red, are flowing down the drywall

Like a river

You've cast your eyes down. “What's wrong?”

I'll explain later. Sleep,

Like in old age during the night,

You'll leave and won't notice,

I've chosen a softer pillow,

Sleep tight, my dear.

I'm sorry, I will have to kill you

As it's the only way for me to know for s...

aug 10 2020 ∞
aug 12 2020 +

Вот...всей швали моих критиков, моих завистников: Вы думаете, что с человеком, который до такой степени...


исследует тему, можно спорить? Вы думаете, что я вас не переиграю? Что я вас не уничтожу?

Я вас уничтожу.

jun 9 2020 ∞
aug 12 2020 +

мне двадцать один. и я о д и н.

мой друг умер двадцать часов назад. я наполняю ванну, ныряю до самых глубин. по водопроводу, сквозь этажи, прямиком в ад.

"мы" летим над городом, /люди, дороги, мосты/. стекла, открытые форточки, /я - это ты, ты - это я,ты.../ выстрели мне в голову, господи, как стреляют в больных лошадей. снег идёт лёгкой поступью, /я - это ты. ты - зверь/.

я достаю нож, изъеденный ржавчиной, скверный. то, что отрезано, назад не пришьёшь. верно?

feb 20 2018 ∞
aug 12 2020 +
  • You know you’re in deep shit when you encounter something in A Song of Ice and Fire with a color-based nickname.
  • Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you, and just because you’re the jilted ex-girlfriend of a slain Stark doesn’t mean your shit-talking isn’t true.
  • Red Wedding Too? 2 Red 2 Wedding? Red Wedding 2: Barbaric Boogaloo? Whatever you call it, signs point to a repeat of the marriage massacre that wiped out Robb Stark’s forces, but this time the shoe will be on the other foot and the knife will be in the other heart. Some readers believe that the new, more brutal Brotherhood Without Banners, led by the remorseless “Lady Stoneheart,” will wipe out all the guests at an upcoming Frey-Lannister wedding as payback for what went down at Walder Frey’s stronghold a few books back...
dec 15 2015 ∞
dec 21 2015 +
  • It’s often overlooked, but three men—Black Jack Bulwer, Hairy Hal, Garth Greyfeather—have died by Jon’s orders and gruesomely so. He must be questioning his own competence and judgment. There’s a hint of how violent Jon’s thoughts are in that he, possibly singlehandedly, wrenches out one of the head-topped spears the wildlings may have taken hours to drive deep into the half-frozen ground during the night. Four others struggle to remove the remaining two spears. Jon’s performed incredible feats of strength before but usually in a berserker rage. Though his reaction is much more controlled here, stifled under the weight of his office perhaps, psychologically, he’s probably little better than when he nearly chokes the life out of Alliser Thorne in ASOS, lifting the man clear off his feet. Simply put, Jon’s not fit to make choices as ...
dec 14 2015 ∞
dec 14 2015 +
  • 1. Jon might be the mad Targaryen. People on ASOIAF forums talk a lot about the Targaryen “taint” when it comes to Danerys, but she has never exhibited the sort of obliviousness to reason that Jon demonstrates in his last chapter. Purely from a story-telling perspective, neither does Jon for that matter. I find it exceedingly strange that the Jon that does all the things he’s done up to this point just suddenly loses his shit and announces to a hall full of people who hate each other a whole series of things that might make them go crazy and want to kill him and each other. It’s not just irrational from an outsider’s perspective, it’s irrational from the perspective Jon has shown up to this point.
dec 12 2015 ∞
dec 12 2015 +
  • And any true hero will be willing to take great risks to protect an innocent person in danger. When a maiden is in danger, the knight risks his life, defeats the monster, and saves her. That’s how it works in all the stories.

But now Jon has power, and with that comes responsibility. For a ruler, the hero’s instinct to take great risks to help the individual can be disastrous. In real life, if you take enough risks, you’ll eventually stop getting lucky. And rulers have the responsibility for a great many lives.

dec 11 2015 ∞
dec 11 2015 +

Interesting question about the different tourney rules as seen in "Hedge Knight" and the novels. It was not so much a question of some king changing the rules, as you venture, as it was of the rules themselves being very variable. Medieval tourneys were never governed by a single set of rules or rulesmakers, like NCAA football or major league baseball or even (shudder) boxing. In essence, every tourney had its own rules. The lord or king who was staging the event would usually choose the format of the tournament in the broadest sense, and then appoint a "master of the games" to run the event and make all the "fine print" decisions. The earliest tournaments were melees for the most part, fought over miles of woodland by teams of knights. It was a battle, in essence, though with blunted weapons (usually). The l...

dec 11 2015 ∞
dec 11 2015 +
  • Петир Бейлиш, при всем его уме, остается слеп, усматривая в лорде Эддарде только «колоссального дурака». Со свойственной ему циничной иронией сравнивает Мизинец лорда Эддарда с танцором на подтаявшем льду, заседание Малого совета – с первыми трещинами на этом льду, а последствия для Старка – с впечатляющим всплеском.

В этом сравнении Бейлиша виден не лорд Эддард, а сам вертлявый Мизинец, ощущающий себя танцором. При этом Бейлиш полагает, что музыка написана...

dec 10 2015 ∞
dec 10 2015 +
  • stuck in a 90s timewarp of messy hair, ufos, conspiracy theories and the seattle sound. has a tendency to get over obsessed with things.
  • in a cosmic sort of way, yes
  • Trapped in The X Files hell
  • #my fbi losers
sep 12 2015 ∞
jan 25 2016 +
  • Игра Престолов 4/4
  • Сверхъестественное 4/10
  • Гримм 1/3
  • Американская история ужасов 3/4
  • Кухня 4/5
  • Однажды в сказке 3/4
  • Сорвиголова 1/1
  • Arrow 3|3
  • Skins 5|7
  • Flash 1|1
  • Marvel Agent Carter 1|1
  • Merlin 5|5
  • Секретные материалы 8/9
  • Касл 1/7
mar 31 2015 ∞
aug 17 2015 +