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Fic recs by Ace and Yasie <3

Various fandoms inc kpop, mdzs, mha, haikyuu and more

We have a curious cat now too!! Pls shoot us a message there as we're trying to see if anyone actually uses our recs :')

listography NEW NEWS

I've arrived.

Y'all best BELIEVE that this has been sorted in order of pairings now, ur welcome kids (it took me way too long help)

-- Dat good good stuff --


  • A Beast In Repose, Kai x D.O
    • Beauty and the beast themed kaisoo, where strangely Kyungsoo isn't the beast (you'd think with his satansoo side he would be) but its just really sweet and satisfying
      • A modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast. And by modern I mean no magic or curses or castles.
  • are you mine?, Kai x D.O
    • Kyungsoo is such an insecure, possessive bean and Jongin just wants to love someone
      • Jongin and Kyungsoo are in a hateful arranged marriage. They cannot go on a day without yelling at each other, trying to make the other's life a living hell. Is there hope for them to ever fall in love and live happily ever after?
    • Taemin is Jongin's ex. This just amuses me so much throughout this entire fic
  • Monochrome Wasteland, Kai x D.O
    • This was such a good read for leading up to Halloween
      • Kyungsoo dreams in shades of black and white. Jongin is that splash of colour.
    • Honestly my head hurt after this one but Kaisoo's relationship is sweet?? Kinda?? Maybe not??? Idek anymore
  • high tides, Kai x D.O
    • This was heavy but so incredibly written and Jongin's relationship with Kyungsoo is the most beautiful thing
      • In the middle of a cold war, Kyungsoo gives Jongin the longest summer of his life.
    • This fic is heartbreaking. My head hurts. My heart hurts.
  • Signal Lost(& Found), Kai x D.O
    • Guess who found an EXO soulmates fic!!! Hell yeah!!
      • Ink fades, but the mark on Jongin's heart remains.
    • Kai's such a romantic its so sweet. SEHUN IS THE BIGGEST MOOD.
  • Paint the Sky for me, Kai x D.O
    • This AU was a whole new experience for me, but it was actually really good?? (If not a tiny bit too long)
      • A legend about how the four seasons came about through the story of Joseon's Crown Prince Kyungsoo's first love.
    • The last few lines of this fic make me so happy. It's pretty much the perfect ending...
  • The Language of Flowers, Kai x D.O
    • The infamous flower prompt takes an adorable Kaisoo take
      • Jongin owns a flower shop and one evening, a man storms in, slams some money on the table and says, “How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?”
    • I have read so many fics inspired by this prompt but this is still one of my favourites
  • Amidst Antenuptials and Elevator Kisses, Kai x D.O
    • Yet another precious arranged marriage Kaisoo AU
      • Amidst the engagement born from stock prices and long ante-nuptials signed, Jongin unknowingly finds himself falling for one of South Korea's most powerful and youngest executives, while Kyungsoo enjoys the mornings straightening Jongin's lapels and tie in the office elevator.
    • Cute cute we love Kaisoo and their respective dogs
  • Storm In A Teacup, Kai x D.O
    • Honestly the things that impress the most about these fics is how incredible and detailed the AUs are? People are so creative wow
      • Ever since supernatural creatures gained access to earth, humans are provided with their personal Guardians to protect them from all sorts of monsters. Jongin is a vampire and is put in charge of Do Kyungsoo’s protection. But see, Kyungsoo really doesn’t want to be protected. He also has a passionate dislike for vampires. It’s less-than-ideal.
    • I really did like this AU so much, how do people come up with this stuff? Incredible incredible incredible.
  • escape speed, Sehun x Kai
    • WARNING: Softest relationship but major character death
      • Sehun dreams of darkness, of fire, of bodies that break and stars that live forever.
    • Jongin just wants to see the stars :(((
  • Lost in Your Orbit, Sehun x Kai
    • Kinda edgy but I'm also in love with the ending :p
      • They couldn't be more different if they tried. Sehun is rich, snobby, and maybe just a little curious about the world. Jongin's pierced, tattooed, and more tempting than the devil. The union of a good boy and a fuck-up.
    • Sounds cliche supreme but its "appropiate angst" (and I recognised the author from an NCT fic I love)
  • Demons Aren't Real (So What Are You?), Kris x Suho
    • We love family dynamics with a supernatural twist mmm yes
      • Junmyeon should never have listened to his heart (but thank god he did.) The house is old, but the thing inside it is much, much older
    • I always love detailed AUs and this is no different, absolutely love the concept and its just so soft (even if Junmyeon is slightly unhinged)
  • The Custody Conundrum, Kris x Suho
    • I keep finding these cute Yifan and Junmyeon family fics its becoming a problem
      • Yifan, the popular actor, and Junmyeon, the busy doctor, had hated each other's existence since they met way back in high school. But when their best friends die in an accident, they have to come together to care for their kids. Yifan isn't amused, and Junmyeon is very close to committing a homicide. And looking after three kids is not a joke.
    • This was so much cuter and angsty-er than I expected but it really did surprise me with how invested I got lmao
  • in the territory of the dragon king, Baekhyun x D.O
    • This was looooong but the sweetest ending and honestly, I fell in love a little with Baek's guesthouse too
      • there are so many ghosts on this island. maybe that's why do kyungsoo has come: so his personal ghosts can get lost among them.
    • So good. So so good. One of the longest fics I've ever read but also one of the sweetest. Its really slow and nice, a generally easy read
  • On the Booze With Brahms, Baekhyun x Chanyeol
    • Just cute very cute, can't actually remember much of it so don't fight me if its bad
      • Chanyeol has never heard someone say puppy like the asshole violinist next door does.
  • anything hurts less, Baekhyun x Chen
    • Didn't even know Baekchen was a thing until Dreep recommended it to me
      • Baekhyun gets put on mandatory vocal rest. It does not turn out to be, however, as easy as it sounds.
    • I'm so soft for this fic, its actually the cutest :')
  • Duty Over Pride, Luhan x Xiumin
    • The AU for this is incredible :o
      • To secure peace, Minseok is sent into the heart of his enemies to marry their Prince.
    • Luhan's a bit of a stubborn dick but Minseok's too precious :3
  • 'Til The Morning Sun You're Mine, Kai x Chanyeol
    • My heart hurts because of the ending
      • Jongin had expected a boring summer helping out at his parents' guest house that they rent out to tourists from all over the world. His mother forgets to tell him about the tall, gangly guy who doesn't like to wear sleeves.
    • I love Kai's exes in these fics... (This time its Krystal)
  • ₩4,500, Chen x Xiumin x Baekhyun
    • Based of their MAMA powers but this is actually the sweetest
      • Minseok works the late night shift at a convenience store. Baekhyun and Jongdae are thieves who keep coming back.
    • Nothing Baekhyun does surprises me anymore smh
  • This Golden Cage of Mine, Luhan x Xiumin
    • EXO fics have such incredible AUs omg
      • Earth has been destroyed and with it the only home Minseok has ever known. A long journey leads him to a resettlement camp on the planet Evren and the promise of a new life, as long as he is willing to assimilate. When assimilation equates to an arranged marriage Minseok feels like he can't say no. What he doesn’t expect is to be married to a man who has been locked up for the majority of his life, a prince in a gilded cage.
    • I love love love this AU (so far all Xiumin x Luhan fics have had amazing AUs?? Is this just a Xiuhan thing or??)


  • Love or Lies, Jihun x Seungjun
    • The first ever fanfic I read and in my opinion, still one of the best I've ever read
      • Park Seungjun is an ordinary lit major with some extraordinary looks. Why shouldn't he use them to his advantage? After concocting the perfect plan to make some extra cash, Seungjun runs into a chance at his dream girl or... dream boy?
    • Bit of a dodgy summary but its really good ;)
  • Blink Twice, Seungjun x Inseong
    • I love this. So much. The concept. Yes.
      • Park Seungjun is the hopeless romantic who has wanted to be married since the day he was born and Jeong Inseong is the happy go lucky ice cream shop worker who gets dragged along.
    • The feud with Heejun's family gives me LIFE. I strive for this saltiness.
  • I have my own bed (but yours is warmer), Youjin x Heejun
    • Light up trainers are trendy af (ofc)
      • "There were a few things youjin knew for sure. One of them was that every member of knk had their own bed. Another was that every member was aware of his hatred of skinship. One thing he couldn't figure out was why one of his members had woken him up by lifting the blankets and causing the bed to dip before crawling into bed behind him."
    • Aka the growth of Youjin's love of skinship
  • Protector, Youjin x Heejun
    • Back at it with the loosely incorporated Mafia AUs ayy
      • Kim Youjin is Heejun's hired bodyguard.
    • CuteCuteCuteCute


  • Fools, Bobby x B.I
    • This one is just the sweetest, softest Bobby x B.I, it's refreshingly slow (but not the point that it's boring) and it has a nice ending for a change
      • He's a fool. An absolute idiot. He's not supposed to fall but he still does.
    • I'm never gonna get over this fic
  • five centimetres per second, Bobby x B.I
    • This is so beautiful I'm deceased
      • Hanbin doesn't know if Jiwon's ever coming back but he'll wait for him anyways, because isn't that what love is?
    • This actually doesn't have as much kudos as other fics but personally its my favourite iKON fic? Its the perfect length and ends so sweetly

Monsta X

  • Inhale. Exhale. Repeat, I.M x Pretty much all of Monsta X
    • I.M is a babe and Minhyuk and Wonho are typical angsty beans
      • It had been a month and a half since No.Mercy ended, and honestly, Changkyun still felt like an outsider. He didn't expect this to change any time soon.
    • This fic is honestly a tad too real :((
  • Tell me where it hurts(and I'll take care of you), Hyungwon x Wonho
    • a BiT kInKy and tbh I just spent the whole time screaming at them for being low-key idiots but the ending is e v e r y t h i n g
      • And here, here is the breath of heaven they’ve been looking for all their lives, the sweet peace only true love can bring upon one’s soul.“Where should we start from?” There’s only one answer Hyungwon can think of. “From Zero.”
    • Also a lil bit of Kihyun x I.M, Minhyuk x Shownu and Jooehon x #GUN is sprinkled into the mix
  • until the flowers bloom, Wonho x I.M
    • Pretty short but actually so, so heart-warming
      • Hoseok looks at him and thinks, “This kid will never make it.” Alternatively; a study in growth between Changkyun and Hoseok
    • Wonho’s fave colour is yellow. I.M’s is orange.
  • Mint and Poppy, Hyungwon x Wonho and Kihyun x Shownu
    • I wanna c r y this fic was amazing, also completely unique?? Like a concept I had never seen before?? WoOoOoAaAh
      • After an angel's mistake, Chae Hyungwon is stuck sharing the body of a Yoo Kihyun, a small, grumpy guy he's never met before. What happens when he and Kihyun start falling for two different men, while they're in the same body?
    • I love Minhyuk. So much.
  • you can stay here tonight, Kihyun x I.M
    • One of the best Monsta X fics I've ever read, their growing relationship is so sweet and Kihyun's ex is Wonho which I just find hilarious at this point
      • Kihyun returns to school on a Wednesday towards the end of January, one and a half months after the night of the Winter Formal, which is the last time anyone saw him. Changkyun sits behind him in Calculus.
    • I.M ends up tutoring Kihyun. ALSO I.M'S MUM IS A BAE IN THIS OMFG
  • Unfinished Colouring Book, Wonho x Kihyun
    • This is all the fluff and happiness I've ever wanted from a fic and more
      • When Kihyun's sister dropped her three year old son off on his doorstep, he would never have thought it would be the best thing to happened to him. But its three years later and Changkyun is the most important thing in his life. Then one day, they get a new neighbour with a full sleeve of uncoloured flowers and Changkyun is amazed. Honestly, so is Kihyun, though probably not for the same reason.
    • It's actually so cute I'm sobbing
  • Tell me what's broken(and I'll piece it back together), Minhyuk x Shownu
    • Showhyuk is such a fluffy pairing I love it
      • Minhyuk believes he’s not that hard to please so when Hyungwon starts avoiding their weekly date nights, he knows something is wrong. With his best friend gone abroad, who will help him pick up the pieces of his broken heart?
    • My poor heart cant take much more of these adorable endings (also written as a prequel to 'Tell me where it hurts')


  • Citation, Jinyoung x JB
    • The first GOT7 fic I ever read and MAN IS IT A GOOD ONE! Jinyoung is a bit of a prick but its chill because JB's a sweetie
      • When the one book he needs for an important term paper has to remain in the campus library, Jinyoung catches the eye of Jaebum, a library assistant.
    • JJ Project fics just make me think of bounce... Why am I like this ;-;
  • tea lights, Mark x Jackson
    • Markson is the enemy ship. Markjin is the only real ship. But I still can't help adoring this fic <3
      • in his first year of high school, jackson joins the astronomy club and meets a quiet, star-loving boy called mark.
    • Just a cute lowercase fic
  • i didn't know i was lonely 'til i saw your face, Mark x Jackson
    • Mark is blind and Jackson is just mildly overeager. This fic is so cute istg
      • Jackson notices Mark well before Mark notices Jackson, and once he starts, he can't stop.
    • This fic made me emo
  • Love Shots, Mark x Jinyoung
    • Finally being loyal to my very first otp
      • Jinyoung was the most popular barista at the cafe, his charming personality was a hit with the customers and the staff, everyone loved him. Everything was perfect until they hired Mark, and suddenly all the attention shifted to him. What was so special-- oh. he's really cute.
    • "What is he doing!? Is he having some sort of muscle spasm?"..."He's dabbing"
  • midnight pomegranate, Mark x Jinyoung
    • Why are there so little Markjin fics :((
      • Mark isn’t a people person, despite working a job in retail, but he has friends that are the worst, best, and everything in between. Jinyoung is someone new in the mix, but it’s hard to say whether or not Mark thinks that’s a good thing. (And at the end of the day, he still hates Hollister.)
    • Their relationship is so cute tbh, I aspire to watch disney movie marathons WEEKLY


  • sugar on your lips, it's hard to kill, N x Leo
    • I'm such a slut for Neo omfg
      • Taekwoon gets placed in the underclassmen's dorm and has to deal with the fact that Hakyeon is the most overbearing RA in existence.
    • ^^If that ain't Hakyeon in their dorm too. Ngl, gets hella kinky out of nowhere near the end but the adorable lead up makes it worth it.
  • even if the skies get rough, N x Leo
    • Ya girl's back at it again with the Neo fics
      • Taekwoon thinks Hakyeon is a likable person– friend if he was being nice– who’s a glutton for his black forest mousse cake.
    • This is just really soft and slow and sweet (Oooh look sibilance fml)
  • Goodnight, Majestic Skies, N x Leo
    • This was so action filled? Woah? And I love it?
      • Hakyeon is a space journalist. Taekwoon takes care of space dragons. It’s a love story of galactic proportions.
    • Hyuk's rock puns make me cry
  • Unethical, N x Leo
    • Forever a slut for those Neo one shots mmm
      • When a sasaeng takes things too far, singer Jung Taekwoon has only one good option: hire a bodyguard. Cha Hakyeon is just the man for the job.
    • This is so so cute wow, also pretty accurate in their characters (aka Hakyeon, single mother of Hyuk and Taekwoon and his love of children - especially his nephew)
  • Spicy, N x Leo
    • Wowie the dance squad are all hoes
      • Jung Taekwoon, a famous ballad singer, decides to branch out a bit in style and needs someone to teach him how to dance. Cha Hakyeon, a recent dance graduate, is still not entirely sure why he gets the job.
    • Tag yourself I'm Peas the dumb cat :)))
  • Relative Density, N x Leo
    • I found a rec list of Neo fics from another account so watch me nyoom through all of them at once ;)
      • Hakyeon is clueless. Taekwoon is clueless. The people they each like are clueless. Also, Hakyeon throws things at Wonshik and Taekwoon glares at Hongbin.
    • This is just an ultimate compilation of Taekyeon trying to ask each other out
  • love letter, N x Leo
    • Also from the rec list (As I don't usually read from live journal)
      • ”Taekwoon-ah, what are you doing?”/ Taekwoon’s eyes flicker up to him for a second before they turn back to the paper. He doesn’t reply./”Are you writing? What are you writing?”
    • Mmmmh pre-established Neo
  • Forsaken, N x Leo (and other pairings)
    • I seriously can't stress enough how goddamn incredible this was I truly can't
      • To Hakyeon, it was just a performance. To Hongbin, it was just a job. To Sanghyuk and Jaehwan, just another party. To Wonshik, another night of boring work. To Taekwoon, it was duty.
    • At some point of the line I went from "Aww Neo" to "FIND THE MOTHER DRAGON!!!! HYUK 4 KING!!" So good, so so good! Genuinely one of my fave fics y e s
  • Teacher's Assistant, N x Ravi
    • Vixx as 'The staffroom gang' is a whole aesthetic
      • Kim Wonshik just landed himself an awesome TA-ing job right out of University at a performing arts boarding school. He's nervous, sure, but he gets to teach kids about his passion so what could be better? Especially when the dance teacher next door looks ridiculously good sweaty as hell, or dressed up in a well fitted suit, or bundled up in a warm winter coat. Wonshik can't stop himself from wondering what he would look like in bed. But of course, life is not always that simple.
    • This is *claps* so cute *claps* rip me *standing ovation*
  • My Stolen Heart, N x Leo x Ravi
    • This is honestly my favourite fic to date from this fandom
      • Hakyeon has to spend three months in hell - literally. After eating some pomegranate seeds from the Underworld's garden, he is The Lord of Death's prisoner - excuse me, "guest" - for three whole months. He thinks it's going to be miserable and lonely and well...hell. But the arrival of four spirits to the Underworld's palace changes everything, and Hakyeon just might find himself learning to like hell.
    • I've always loved greek mythology and the way they incorporated this to tie into the Fantasy MV is wooooow im in awe - The writer even writes KNK and Monsta X fics im so happy


  • a little extraordinary, Mark x Haechan
    • It's just so soft and the whole dream gang is such a meme I love this. Taeil and Taeyong are just over-protective parents at this point.
      • Mark didn't consider his life as special. Not in a depressed sort of way, he just kind of knew that there were people out there leading far more interesting lives and he was okay with that.Not everyone was born to be in a history book.His life wasn't boring either. He had enough friends that got up to dumb shit when they were bored, that he could confidently say that his life wasn't boring. It just wasn't amazingly extraordinary. That is until one fateful night in late autumn. That's when his life became a little more extraordinary.
    • Actually the longest summary ever but its soooo sweet. Also there's Johnny x Ten, just sayin' ;)
  • I was lowkey(that's the old me), Mark x Haechan
    • *sighs happily*
      • donghyuck is going to start prematurely greying because of mark lee. alternatively, mark gets glasses
    • I can relate, we're all a bit weak to mark in glasses tbh
  • Sunsoaked, Mark x Haechan
    • This is so so precious oh god
      • Delicate. The word that Mark was looking for, to describe Donghyuck’s expression. It was delicate. And it was all he had been able to think about. He was all Mark had been able to think about.
    • I love flowershop fics so much and this one is truly remarkable
  • freak like me, Mark x Haechan
    • I love Dreamie based fics so much and this one was really no exception
      • Mark's biggest worries used to be what he'd say in his prom king acceptance speech, or whether his soccer team would win their next game. Then, one day, he sprouts a set of claws and everything changes. Suddenly, he has to worry about keeping his claws hidden from his boyfriend, and about why the boy with the fiery eyes at the back of the classroom seems to know more about what's happening to Mark than he's letting on
    • It's literally a X-Men AU, what's not to love?
  • Escaping fate, Yuta x Taeyong
    • Yutae has rapidly become my favourite NCT ship, and this fic is one of the best
      • When the red string appeared around his neck, Yuta knew that he was doomed. Gone would be his freedom and independency. Wasn't that’s how it always went? Well, he was definitely not willing to give up his dreams just like that. Taeyong discovered the red string around his wrist when he was practising. But instead of happiness the only thing that ran through his mind was panic. There was no way he was letting fate ruin even more than it had already done in his life.Two 21-year-old guys who have no interest in a relationship or soulmate whatsoever, end up being paired together by fate. Can they make it work or is it destined to fail?
    • So much a n g s t but it all turns out well. Also first time reading a soulmates AU fic but its actually pretty good
  • diamonds & pearls, Taeyong x Winwin
    • GiMmE a FeW mInUtEs tO gEt mYsElF tOgEtHeR
      • Sicheng has never gone abroad. He’s never done a lot of things, like ridden on a boat or gotten drunk or fallen in love, but there’s always time for a first. (Or, the very simple universe where Sicheng is Weird and Taeyong is in charge of protecting him.)
    • Its so fluffy... As expected of a Taewin fic tbh... But so so fluffy i love
  • thus is fate, Taeyong x Winwin
    • I love NCT one shots sm
      • Some soulmates have funny stories about how they met. The stars must’ve snickered behind their hands when they engraved his Words onto his hip.
    • This just made me so happy
  • wait a second, Ten x Johnny
    • Ten is salty af... So whats new?
      • Ten’s life is pretty spectacularly normal until Youngho crashes in and turns it all around… also Dongyoung is really nice and Yuta is nerdy and unhelpful. College AU.
    • Ten works in a coffee shop and Johnny keeps making him call out the worse names (e.g Naruto, Obama)
  • we'll meet in the spring, Lucas x Jungwoo
    • I can't even describe how excited I was to see a Luwoo fic pop up on the NCT tag and I was not disappointed
      • His heart falters and Jungwoo is punch drunk on Lucas’ face and his eyes and his smell and the way that he holds him - carefully, tenderly, but not like he’ll break. He could spit a whole love song out of the way he looks at him now, and Jisung was right. Forever really isn’t long enough
    • Jisung's all poetic outta nowhere and has Jungwoo shook
  • Wait This Isn't What I Asked For, Taeyong x Ten, Jaemin x Jeno, Mark x Haechan, Jaehyun x Doyoung
    • Probably the most pairings I've read in a single fic but this is actually incredible (and so so funny)
      • Mark Lee likes his girlfriend, he really does. So why is some random guy making him have to repeat that in his head like he's trying to convince himself. Lee Jeno swears he's doing this for his friend. No personal attachments nor personal motives involved, none at all. Kim Jungwoo is questioning the loyalty of his friend's own girlfriend. He won't let him get hurt. Lee Taeyong knows the rules of infatuation, they take you. Beyond the reaches of sanity, that's where all the unrequited crushes go. Jung Jaehyun wishes his study partner would see him as more than just an irritating friend, but it doesn't seem likely to him. And it's quite the chaos of screams and chats and confessions and all other things that come with crushes
    • Actually the longest summary but one of my favourite NCT fics (and finally a good fic with a Taeten pairing!!!!)


  • elementary, Eunwoo x Moonbin
    • A spin off from another fic but is actually so sweet I cry
      • There's probably a reason why most head detectives need a partner, especially when that partner is Junior Detective Moon Bin.
    • Bin is such a clutz. Also there really needs to be more Astro fics for the sweetest sunshine bbies :(
  • hot-line bin, Eunwoo x Moonbin
    • I aspire to be as salty as our memelord bin
      • In which Bin gets a wrong number, Eunwoo gets a strange text, and somehow they find out that they have a lot more in common than they originally thought.
    • This fic has me c a c k l i n g
  • I will give you my galaxy, Eunwoo x Moonbin
    • The world needs more Binwoo fics
      • "And you’re actually a lot like the stars, you know? Stunning and beautiful but out of reach.”
    • Eunwoo's character really fits him?? Woah?? Also this has so many references of 'To be continued' ;-; I reread this again and cried fat tears its so beautiful and cute and goooood
  • Contact created, Eunwoo x Moonbin
    • Have I ever mentioned what a slut I am for soft Binwoo fics?
      • Dongmin hadn't meant to fall in love with a barista, he swears.
    • Moonbin's just a shy bby and MJ is a little shit like always :))
  • I'll be that voice inside your head, Eunwoo x Moonbin
    • This fic is heavily centred around social anxiety (anxiety in general) and self-confidence issues, but its actually the sweetest and makes me really happy
      • “I think that someone who can change someone else in such a short amount of time, like Bin did, is someone really special. I’ve already told you this, but he somehow made you… have more confidence in yourself. Like you really matter, which you do, and I’m glad that Bin could get you to realize it even if you don’t feel like you’ve changed yourself.”
    • Where Eunwoo begins to learn to love himself, and also love Moonbin.
  • Forget-Me-Not, Eunwoo x Moonbin
    • Oh God, this fic is so beautiful but so sad
      • He felt his eyes get wet as Dongmin held the flowers like they were something fragile, smelling them. Dongmin's favorite flowers are forget-me-not. Moonbin wonders if he'd still like them if he knew Moonbin coughed them up every night because of him.
    • I actually wanna cry after reading this omg
  • petal, Eunwoo x Moonbin
    • Just the fluffiest short story ever
      • Today is the day that Bin finally strikes up the nerve to talk to Dongmin.
    • What is this warm, fuzzy feeling?
  • Broken Snow Globes and New Perspectives, Eunwoo x Moonbin
      • The whole school is absolutely infatuated with the student council president, Lee Dongmin, including Bin. After all his grades are nearly as perfect as his face. When a manufactured meet cute goes wrong and Bin breaks Dongmin's project for the holiday fair the two of them end up spending more time together than either party ever thought they would. Bin starts to learn that Dongmin might not be as perfect as everyone thinks and what started out as a simple crush begins to get much more complicated.
    • The ending... Is so cute... I love this fic... So much...
  • Seaside Town, Eunwoo x Moonbin
    • There's usually two types of fics that I'm just generally not here for: Space and Merman AUs. But this is gooooood
      • Moon Bin is given one year to write the first draft of a story and turn it into a publisher before his parents send him to university. Unfortunately, he has never been less inspired in his entire life. To make things even more complicated, he finds an injured merman stranded on the beach and he takes it upon himself to care for him until he's able to swim again. Will this merman be the inspiration he needs to write his book? Or will he just be another thing that Bin has to worry about?
    • This is so cute and the whole backstory (especially the merman side) is really well-developed and thought through?
  • the thing about moonbin, Eunwoo x Moonbin
    • This fic has me yelling and sobbing, I'm a whole mess after this
      • The thing about Moon Bin was that he just wasn’t worth his time.
    • The last chapter of this fic is so beautiful and meaningful and SanMyunWoo's friendship in this is so pure
  • to save your love, Eunwoo x Moonbin
    • This has to be amongst my fave Eunbin one-shots
      • Dongmin doesn't speak. Bin talks enough for the both of them.
    • Protective Bin is the sweetest, I just love this fic so so much
  • maybe i'm in love(sunlight shimmering love), Eunwoo x Moonbin
    • I love domestic Eunbin oneshots
      • For as long as he could remember, Lee Dongmin had been in love with love. He aspired for a love like his parent's.
    • I can only describe this fic as perfectly tied up with a little bow, its adorable.
  • the place farthest from goodbye, Eunwoo x Moonbin
    • I had no idea a Eunbin fic could be so angsty but it was honestly kind of refreshing (and made the ending 10x more satisfying)
      • to dongmin, it was nothing. to bin, it was everything (dongmin can’t stop falling for bin, bin insists on keeping him away.)
    • This fic had the most beautifully written angst, with the sweetest moments. Ugh im just so happy after reading this
  • inked, Eunwoo x Moonbin
    • Checked the Astro tag in the first time in ages to see this finally completed :D
      • Dongmin isn't the type of person that belongs in a tattoo parlor- Bin is determined to make him one. (aka, a binu tattoo parlor au)
    • This is such a cute fic to come back to, it was so so cute and everything I had been hoping for when I saw the AU
  • quack quack(that's I love you in duck), Sanha x Rocky
    • The softest, fluffiest fic I have ever read. I'm just feeling so warm and soft rn <33
      • At the ripe old age of six, Sanha decides that he's going to spend the rest of forever with Minhyuk.
    • "quack quack", "oink oink oink" *wipes away a single tear*
  • sanha vs soulmate, Sanha x Rocky
    • Socky fics are always so cute and fluffy ugh they make me so happy
      • yoon sanha has a soulmate, but park minhyuk is a total jerk. rocky, on the other hand, was really handsome and cool, and it would be nice if he was his soulmate.
    • Unsurprisingly, Rocky IS Minhyuk but this fic was adorable and Minhyuk is the cutest lil bab (even tho he can be a bit of a sass)
  • Benefits of Existing as Lee Dongmin, Eunwoo x Sanha
    • Usually not here for Eunha but this fic was a tad too relatable and Eunwoo is just a love-struck fluff
      • In which Sanha’s a stressed high school student, Dongmin is marrying him, and some feelings will follow you your entire life.
    • I'm really sad this wasn't continued a bit more because I feel like it ended really suddenly...


  • when i get weary of the sky, Hui x Edawn
      • “I think you deserve everything.” Hyojong said under his breath. “I want to give you everything, hyung. I want to protect you.”
    • This actually ended so suddenly I didn't even realise it ended until I started reading the end notes. Other than that it was great and Edawn is actually the sweetest bean
  • rule #3,Kino x Yuto, Hui x Edawn
    • This was a long'un but a good'un
      • Kang Hyunggu has three rules that he lives by. Three little rules that are sure to let him live his entire life in peace if he follows them correctly, and so far, he has. It’s not like they were hard and he’s always been good at following rules, especially ones as simple as these.
      • #1: Be kind, always.
      • #2: Be a little bad, when you need to.
      • And #3: Don’t hook up with the new guy in the school bathroom, no matter how hot he looks in a leather jacket. He really should’ve paid attention to that third one.
  • The Den, Hui x Edawn
    • A cafe AU with a difference: Its a cat cafe!!!!!
      • Lee Hwitaek is a little stuck and needs the support of an old friend and some aggressive action to get him out of it. Kim Hyojong doesn't understand not doing what you want, no matter how odd it might be.
    • Edawn's a swaggy rapper and Wooseok's his fanboy so whats new

Triple H

  • The Road, Hui x Edawn x Hyuna
    • Ok but I love love love the 365 fresh MV and I looove the continuation to it in this fic
      • They survived the jump. Now all they have is the desert, and each other. And, you know, a trunk full of cash.
    • Both boys are so weak for Hyuna (tbh same) but also for each other and awww


  • Last Moon Rising, Himchan x Jongup
    • Those one shot and skydive feeeeelsss, throughout the whole last chapter I just had skydive on endless repeat in my head aaaaah
      • Jongup doesn't go looking for trouble, but it keeps finding him anyway. Kim Himchan is definitely trouble.
    • So good. So good. Lemme be emo and cry over the dramatic action scenes but the soft soft ship I cri ;-; (Also Jongin is mentioned for 0.2s yay)
  • baby,baby, Daehyun x Himchan
    • My insides are all gooey
      • Daehyun lands a babysitting gig for the summer.
    • I had to stop reading this fic just to squeal every so often (also zelo is the cutest in this fite me)
  • something borrowed, Youngjae x Daehyun
    • A rlly cute short(er) fake boyfriend AU
      • Youngjae gets an invitation to his ex's wedding. Well, he can't show up empty-handed, can he?
    • This is the good stuff right here


  • sunflower boy, Taeyang x Hwiyoung
    • Taeyang is just a lil sunshine and Hwiyoung is a midly socially awkward bean
      • There’s no way this super handsome customer kept failing his dates.
    • There's even a lil bit of side Jaeyoon x Inseong ayy ;)
  • Killer Smile, Zuho x Inseong
    • Excuse me while my emo ass goes and drowns in a hole of feelings
      • “Perfect, a pair of assassins to take out a pair of hackers, this should be an interesting job for you guys.”
    • Chani's a boo
  • I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home, Taeyang x Zuho
    • Why are SF9 fics the cutest, fluffiest most adorable stories ever (especially when the whole group are a bunch of hoes)
      • Taeyang doesn’t like coffee, Zuho doesn’t know how to human, and all of Rowoon’s friends are handsome. (Taeyang thinks he might be in love.)
    • I. NEED. More. SF9. Fics. In my life. Pls.
  • Pay Attention To Me, Taeyang x Hwiyoung
    • Precious. Precious. Oh so precious.
      • Everyone's convinced Youngkyun and Taeyang are in a relationship. Youngkyun doesn't know. Taeyang is just trying not to lose Youngkyun. Everyone is just confused until they are not anymore.
    • My fate is to drown in the fluffiness of these SF9 fics


  • your life was new(but you waited far too long), The8 x Jun
    • This is precious
      • The high school-au where Junhui thinks he's getting to know the sweet kindhearted bullied kid, but ends up dating an Very Disrespectful Kid (with rumoured cannibalistic tendencies)
    • Minghao is a legend in battle. ;)
  • No One Said It Would Be Easy, The8 x Mingyu
    • Arranged Marriage AU alert!
      • Minghao is set on hating Mingyu, Mingyu is set on loving Minghao and they're both too stubborn for their own good. It's a marriage, but it feels like a war. (And Minghao is losing.)
    • This is so domestic and sweet ;-;
  • Check Engine Light, S.Coups x Woozi
    • Please keep these mafia/gang fics coming, seriously they're so good
      • Software engineer Lee Jihoon gets a flat the on a deserted highway, and he doesn't know how to change it. As luck would have it, gang leader Choi Seungcheol is passing by, and stops to lend a hand. They get....friendly. Soon, Jihoon finds himself in the centre of a long running gang dispute.
  • Just Watch Me, Wonwoo x Mingyu
    • I need a daily dosage of Meanie to keep me alive at this point
      • When Wonwoo is forced into taking a home economics class his senior year, he doesn't see how his luck could get much worse.
    • Naive Wonwoo... You got a hurricane Mingyu hurtling your way and he loves bagels
  • 0% APR, S.Coups x Woozi
    • Wow this fic was the biggest mood in the goddamn universe from start to finish.
      • Jihoon is a bank manager. Then his bank is burgled by fumbling idiots. Do you see where I am going with this?
    • a.k.a how Jihoon becomes a mother of 3 full grown men and fights a bunch of park rangers. Iconic.

Wanna One

  • hold onto me, 'cause I'm a little unsteady, Seongwoo x Minhyun
    • All the PD101 bbies in one fic - YeS PlEaSe
      • Seongwoo forms a habit of kissing Minhyun but wasn’t ready for the onslaught of feelings that later came with it. Things get complicated when you’re best friends, but even more so when one of you is already involved with another.
    • Youngmin was in this fic and I highkey squealed when I found out omfh, I'm such Youngmin trash


  • kiss her once(kiss her twice to keep the night on),Momo x Mina
    • This fic is incredible, packed with so many musical references that my head is spinning
      • Momo hated classical music, so why exactly was she sleeping with the pianist of the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra?
    • I just love happy endings <3

Idol Producer

  • Turn into oxygen and slip into your heart, Xukun x Zhengting
    • I have no shame saying I stole this from Deep's fic masterlist
      • He thinks he’s imagining how warm the room has gotten suddenly, or the relieved breath Xukun takes straight afterwards. He doesn’t want this moment to be over, he wants it to stay forever. Zhengting knows that it won’t. But, for the time being, he’ll pretend that it’s real, that they’re together, that they’re hopelessly in love and will stay forever.In which Zhengting is Cai Xukun's makeup artist for three weeks in Hainan, and wants to stay as his boyfriend for long after.
    • Wow this was so good, thanks for finding this (big bugs <3)
  • Leave your regrets behind, Ziyi x Xukun
    • The 2nd fic taken from Deep's rec list - ThEsE aRe sOoOo gOoD i cAnT
      • Cai Xukun wants it all, if only he'll let himself.
    • Wow this was so cute don't we all love genuine Ziyi
  • why don't you just meet me(in the middle), Zhengting x Xingjie
    • We love the IP parents
      • Zhengting is convinced Xingjie is slowly stealing his children. His children just want them to date.
    • Zhengting will forever be the mother of the Yuehua kids
  • sad and blood(the tears we've drained behind), Xukun x Linong
    • This fic is kinda centred around all the hate Nongnong has been receiving recently :((
      • Should he just forget all about music and singing and everything he loves and just live off a life as a normal Taiwanese boy, Chen Linong? Should he?
    • This is just a short comfort fic where Linong's confused and Xukun's an angel as always
  • Man's best friend, Xukun x Linong
    • Ngl, I just loved this one for incorporating Dahua
      • how Linong wished Xukun would like him as much as he liked Dahua, and how the puppy ensured that happened
    • Perfectly ended with some Bufan x Yueyue
  • The Passing of Seasons, Zhengting x Yanchen
    • This was perfect to read during my real soft hours (Cheers for the rec big bug)
      • It had stopped raining, and the scene outside was starting to take on colour, flowers sprouting their pink and yellow petals against the slowly greening grass. Yanchen took a deep breath of the chilly air and looked up at the sky, splendidly blue for the first time in a long while. Spring was here.
    • I read this right after listening to Sistar's lonely and the song honestly fit this fic perfectly
  • I'm Gonna Give You My Heart, Ziyi x Jeffrey
    • Found a soulmates AU! Kind of? I actually love how this strayed from the cliche soulmate stories
      • Wang Ziyi has a soulmate, which makes life much harder than it should be
    • Qin Fen and Mubo are the strongest background couple of all time. Almost every fic I've read they're together (precious)
  • We Artist, Baby, Yanchen x Xingjie
    • There's so much to love about this fic: The title reference, caring Xingjie, annoying Zeren and a cute ending
      • Yanchen is a man of his word, so when he loses a drunken bet, he intends to fulfill his promise to go and get a tattoo. Luckily, Xingjie is both responsible and cute, and he's not going to let Yanchen make any truly horrible decisions.
    • Why does Yanchen getting drunk and confidently wanting "Boss Bitch" tattooed sound so goddamn possible
  • Don't Have To Say I Love You, Yanjun x Zhangjing
    • Guess whos soft? Me me me!
      • "Yanjun is very far from romantic," Zhangjing whines. "He's so cold. He's like a walking fridge. So, so cold." / "He carried you princess-style to bed last night, put a blanket around you, kissed your forehead and put a glass of water on your nightstand," Dinghao says flatly. "What else do you want from him?"
    • Wow i love Yanjing
  • Hang Onto Burning Wires, Ziyi x Xukun
    • This is the angstiest of all angst fics and this fic managed to make me cry... Had to look through the Binu tag for ages to cheer me up again :(
      • Xukun keeps telling and Ziyi keeps forgetting.
    • My poor poor heart didn't see the bold, large "major character death" but this fic is incredible (in my angsty opinion anyway)
  • les fleurs de l'amour, Xukun x Zhengting
    • I've read so many Zhengkun fics but how do I only have a few on this list rip
      • It’s no rare thing to have his friends and classmates come to him for romantic advice; he is the ever popular Zhu Zhengting after all. But now, he’s speechless, confused, puzzled, downright bewildered because, well, because it's Xukun asking him for it. Cai Xukun, who’s never had a romantic bone in his body, who’s never once batted an eye at love forecasts and couple gossip, who’s definitely never had a crush on anyone since the fourth grade. It’s kind of cute- so cute in fact, that it sends an uncomfortable swirl of anxiety through the pit of his stomach...
    • Ik this is on Itsa me's fic masterlist but this deserves to be featured twice on this listography, for the two people it broke <\3
  • stay with me, Yanjun x Zhangjing
    • Oooooh its the real soft hours at 10am
      • "I wasn't going to leave you, You Zhangjing" / "I wasn't going to let you leave me"
    • A whole 13k of Zhangjun bliss
  • weightless, Yanjun x Zhangjing
    • Whenever I saw that this fic had been updated it never failed to make my day
      • Lin Yanjun was selfish and cold. He did not care for much except himself and his rap, and he definitely did not care for chubby boys that trampled on his feet in the middle of dance practice. You Zhangjing was dramatic and loud. He made easy friends with almost anyone, except for narcissistic, judgmental, disrespectful, incorrigible, condescending - Well, except for Lin Yanjun.
  • This is honestly so sweet
oct 3 2017 ∞
may 24 2020 +