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Fic recs by Ace and Yasie <3

Various fandoms inc kpop, mdzs, mha, haikyuu and more

We have a curious cat now too!! Pls shoot us a message there as we're trying to see if anyone actually uses our recs :')

listography NEW NEWS

Ok it has BEGUN I've been speeding through the anime and I am honest to god in love with all the idiots in this (bar Mineta who can burn in hell) so wanted to make a fic list!!

~Haven't read the manga yet but am planning to but still will hopefully avoid spoilers... This is a dangerous game but I'm here for it~

Also I'm stealing Ace's format here by separating these by pairings bc there are soOOOOO many for bnha and it would be confusing for them just to be jumbled so hope this helps!

Aizawa x Present Mic (EraserMic)

Starting out strong with a nice, spoiler free pairing! While I simp for Aizawa I am so here for this pairing omfg

  • Villainous Heroics
    • Wasn't even the first EraserMic fic I read but it's going right at the top because it is my ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE
      • Eraserhead is an underground hero who is constantly busy and doesn't have time to be dealing with new villains - even if they aren't all that villainous and make the night interesting. Present Mic is the latest up-and-coming villain in the world and he has a point to prove to everyone out there - as long as he doesn't keep getting distracted by Eraserhead. Aizawa Shota is someone who soon learns that there is more to someone than the mask they show to the world - especially when it comes to playing heroes and villains. Yamada Hizashi learns that there is more to heroics and villainy than he could have ever thought - especially in a world where some heroes still care about those lost in the shadows.
    • I could write poetry about this fic and I mean it wow its just so good and sticks to the characters personalities so well and ugh this was truly amazing
  • Closer
    • My actual first Erasermic fic and the one with the highest kudos too! It's what it deserves :D
      • “Hello and good evening, dear listener! How’s it going? What’s on your mind?” / “Why didn’t you do the dishes. I specifically asked you to do the dishes so when I got home from patrol I could have stuff to make us dinner. Tell me why, Hizashi.” Or, one evening an irritable Shouta calls Hizashi during his evening show, and it becomes a regular occurrence.
    • The idea of sappy lil Aizawa listening to his boyfriends radio station so he misses him less meeeelts me I love this concept sm
  • Just A Little Advice
    • As much as I simp for Aizawa I am FOREVER 100% here for the Shouta/Hizashi dynamic, it is sooo adorable imma sob
      • u like that song? i’m p sure i’m going to tear my hair out if i have to hear it 1 more time. Hizashi frowns at the text for a moment, before his phone buzzes with another message. also i think u have the wrong #.
    • Precious with a capital P!! The idea that Hizashi has a DDR obsession is sooo cute too wowie I just loved this fic
  • We Are So (Not) Married
    • I adore adore the character progression and self discovery in this fic it is really the absolute most heartwarming
      • In which everyone thinks Hizashi and Shouta are married due to an incident and while the nation is struggling to decide if this is a good or bad thing, Hizashi's struggling with the urge to say out loud, "Damn, I wish we were actually married, though."
    • How they got into this situation is so sweet too, I really cry over these two on the daily
  • Prince Charming and the Ugly Duckling
    • We love a good misunderstanding fic too! But really Present Mic being whipped for Aizawa hits close to home :')
      • “Hizashi?” Shōta asks, and Hizashi realizes he’s gawking. / “Shōta!” Hizashi squawks, his cheeks heating. “Wow, you, uh. Changed. A bit. I think.” / “Oh,” Shōta replies, blinking at Hizashi, a look of mild surprise on his face. “Yeah, I think I grew a few centimeters. I’m probably about as tall as you now.” That’s not what I meant, Hizashi thinks, but doesn’t say aloud. (Or: Shōta gets hot over break.)
    • Angsty stares is the Aizawa brand and I really appreciate that
  • Present Mic's Awesome Mixtape 2.0
    • Honest to god had to take breaks while reading this to clutch at my heart and bask in the absolute softness of this fic
      • Hizashi is going to make Aizawa Shōta his friend if it kills him.
    • The stuff Aizawa was saying had me blushing too omfg this fic was so good like really really, probably my fave so far :')
  • Obstacles
    • Dadzawa back at it again!!
      • Yamada Hizashi is doing exactly what he's always wanted to do with his life—running his own preschool and daycare. Even though it's small, it's his and he knows he's good at what he does. Then, Aizawa Shouta, an underground pro hero, enrolls his adoptive son, four year-old Shinsou Hitoshi, a boy who's been kicked out of every other daycare and school he's been put in since the development of his brainwashing quirk. Hizashi is more than happy to have him in his school, especially since Hizashi was born with a 'dangerous' quirk himself, and he quickly finds out that he has a soft spot for this kid and a serious liking towards his father that he has to learn to deal with.
    • Deaf Hizashi running a preschool and refusing to deny anyone a place is so freaking cute
  • Black Cat Cafe
    • The family dynamic in this really hits wow
      • Aizawa Shota was a man tired of life, bitter and jaded from the endless horrors of the world. Six years ago, he disappeared, his existence erased. Redeye is a stoic man with a mysterious past, who runs a tight shop, cares for his young ward with his whole heart, and makes a flawless cup of coffee. He also has an unabashed fondness for stray cats.
    • I'm so soft for Dadzawa taking in his strays :')
  • By Moonlight
    • SPOILER (kinda, its revealed aboyt 0.2s in): Ok but Aizawa being a vigilante does actually make a lot of sense? Like even in canon he was an underground hero and didn't seem the biggest fan of the whole superhero concept huh
      • “Uh, Yamada Hizashi?” Hizashi offers, pointing to himself. “I write the entertainment column?” / “I know who you are,” Aizawa huffs, but his expression doesn’t become any friendlier. Hizashi suppresses a grimace. / “Right! Sorry,” Hizashi replies with an awkward laugh, internally berating himself for sounding like such an idiot in front of the reporter most likely to judge him for it. “So I was thinking about doing a piece on that vigilante – ” / “I’m not helping you,” Aizawa interrupts.
    • We adore!! Completely oblivious Present Mic!!
  • 3AM Glitter
    • Currently writing this at just past 3am so appreciate the irony of the title too
      • Yamada Hizashi has never been very good at first impressions. (Or: In which Aizawa mistakes his new neighbor for a stripper.)
    • Why does the concept of Present Mic owning sparkly underwear he just... walks around in... because he can.. not surprise me
  • Star-Bright
    • A Harry Potter AU as well!!!! We were truly blessed with this one
      • “And it’s another perfectly executed save by Aizawa!” Yamada announces, his voice booming through the quidditch pitch. “You know, I used to be more interested in the seekers – everyone loves a good chase, right? – but with Aizawa I’m pretty sure it was love at first save.” Aizawa Shōta is pretty sure he’s going to strangle Yamada Hizashi before the year is out.
    • How is Aizawa the MOST oblivious like home boy Hizashi is yelling shit like "Maybe I should ask him for lessons on broom-handling technique.” and Aizawa is really sitting here like damn we love a good supportive FRIEND <3
  • Toil & Trouble
    • Bless the universe for delivering me this one
      • “Hey, kitty. Did you sneak in here from someone else’s balcony?” the man – Hizashi, apparently – asks, shifting to scratch Shōta under the chin. “Or are you secretly some all-powerful immortal being who teleported here from ancient times?” Shōta meows, and finally nudges Hizashi’s hand away, putting a stop to the petting. “I thought so,” Hizashi replies, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. (Or: witch!Aizawa likes hanging out on siren!Hizashi's balcony - in cat form.)
    • I adoooore witch/supernatural society AUs and this one did not disappoint!
  • Meet (Not So) Cute
    • Just a cute lil cafe AU oneshot
      • “Seriously, just ask the guy out already,” Tensei says, glancing over at where Aizawa is making designs in latte foam. “This is getting ridiculous.” / “I’ve never even talked to him before,” Hizashi sighs, burying his face in his hands. “I don’t want to bother him when he’s working and be that guy.”
    • Broken nosed raccoon Shota is a mental IMAGE omfg
  • After School Special
    • Lil loner U.A. student Shota has my heart
      • “Well,” Shōta snorts, “they admitted you to UA when you can't even throw a decent punch.” A moment later, Shōta realizes his miscalculation. However, that's not before Yamada's fist smashes into his jaw.
    • Not my first trans Aizawa fic but honestly this had the best presentation of it, was genuinely really sweet
  • Harmonize
    • Meddling Nemuri has my whole ass and y'all deserve to know that
      • “Have you lost your mind?” Hizashi sputters, his face flushing red. “There’s no way we can use these songs!” / “Why not?” Nemuri asks, arching an eyebrow at him. / “Other than the fact that Shōta will realize that I’m hopelessly in love with him and then quit the band because he’s weirded out by it?” Hizashi squawks.
    • Present Mic being an actual musician! Gold.
  • Running to Stand Still
    • My first mha de-aged fic without a dadzawa!!??? Because Aizawa is the baby!!? Shocking
      • Shouta never needed much. He had his dream—getting into the UA Heroes course—and he had Hizashi, who’d carved out his own spot in Shouta’s life. That was enough for him… until he wakes up in a dirty alleyway wearing clothes three sizes too big. Faced with an unreliable memory and a school full of strangers, Shouta struggles to unravel what happened to him. (a de-aged!Aizawa fic)
    • The idea of a like 10 year old Aizawa running around the UA forest and successfully evading all the pro heroes searching for him still makes me cackle

Bakugou x Kirishima (KiriBaku)

Honestly there was only 1 or 2 mha pairings I could easily understand from seeing them on screen and this is one of them, Kirishima's endless patience with Bakugou when everyone else dismisses him is so freaking precious ugh I love these two boys.

  • quote love unquote
    • This was a freaking rollercoaster but I adore the concept of Jiro/Kami/Kiri/Mina as a band wowie
      • When Kirishima Eijirou's band hits the big time, he's not prepared for his newfound fame. He's even less prepared to meet the actor he's been crushing on for years, or to start dating him as a publicity stunt. The closer Kirishima gets to Bakugou Katsuki, the more he realizes he's in over his head. But it's hard to stop, once his heart is in it.
    • The ending made me really happy I won't lie :')
  • downhill
    • Just a sweet lil oneshot of 1A shenanigans in the dorms
      • Bakugou sleeping in the common areas like it’s no big deal seems to give everyone else permission to be just as bizarre, and little by little Kirishima starts learning things about his classmates he never knew.
    • This just made me smile a lot, Kirishima den mum makes way more sense than it should
  • Roses are red and they taste like shit
    • My first mha Hanahaki disease!! Did not disappoint :D
      • Katsuki was really fucking sick of the smell of flowers.
    • This was less relationship centric and focused more on how Bakugou processed it but I actually wasn't mad about that
  • but i've got an angry heart
    • Bakugou really just reminds me of an angry kitten most days and this fic enforces that
      • He’s about to open his door to go to the shared bathroom on this floor when he notices the scrap of paper that’s been pushed under his door. It’s a salmon-colored flashcard, the type that’s sold in 500-packs with multiple colors. Bakugou stoops to retrieve it, frowning at the message he finds written on it. "Hey neighbor, welcome to the house! I heard you knocking things around, yesterday, and I think you maybe punched a wall? Anyway, the landlady gets pissy if you put holes in the wall, but I have a punching bag! You can come over and use it, or I can move it into the hall, if you want!" There’s only one other bedroom on the fourth floor. Now, Bakugou crosses the hall to the bedroom on the right side, slamming the post-it note against the door. Fuck off and die, it reads. Bakugou Katsuki is not going to jeopardize his future a second time, and that means staying away from anyone who gets too close. Kirishima Eijirou has never learned how not to be close to someone. Of course, they end up as next-door neighbors.
    • Kirishima soft boy pulling through :( Also love how true this is to the canon of Kiri not even blinking an eye at Baku's insults and death threats
  • The Lost Continent
    • I think the longest mha fic I've read so far?? But every word was worth it because PIRATES
      • Kirishima Eijirou is from a noble family of pirate exterminators. Bakugou Katsuki is rising as one of the most fearsome pirates on the seas. When a trade goes awry, Kirishima finds himself cast among Bakugou's crew, having to learn the ropes and the sea as they chase after All Might's infamous hidden treasure.
    • Baku squad pulling in clutch: Pirate addition. Couldn't be better for real what more could you want
  • Chitchat and Pencil Pushers
    • Angry office boss Baku I repeat!!! Angry office boss Baku
      • Kirishima did not believe in love at first sight.

Absolutely not. It was a ridiculous notion. He did, however, believe in holy shit, he’s hot at first sight. Kirishima starts a new office job and unfortunately discovers that he may just have a big crush on the worst person possible

    • Unexpectedly soft about DekuBaku's friendship in this, didn't see it coming but genuinely wanna wrap em both in blankets and cry
  • Not Spring, Love or Cherry Blossoms
    • Cute n cuddly bakugou has me emo, I just wanna squish his cheeks and if death is the outcome of that, so be it
      • Baku-bro [9:19pm]: I think fake dating could work, but not if I brought just anyone home. My parents would know it was a fucking lie right away. Eijirou was starting to piece it together. Oh fuck. You [9:21pm]: So… you’re saying…? Baku-bro [9:22pm]: Fake date me. OR In order to avoid a Quirk marriage, Bakugou goes to Kirishima for help.
    • Today I'm: Having a meltdown over how Baku considers Kiri to be his one true friend, wbu?

Todoroki x Midoriya (TodoDeku)

I'll be real, didn't really know this ship was a thing until I started looking on A03 but I honestly GET IT after reading a couple! Shy and damaged lil Todo with Midoriya who just wants to help everyone just works

  • count your blessings, not your flaws
    • My first tododeku fic and a cuteee little oneshot start
      • Midoriya Izuku has never been asked out, confessed to, or flirted with, except as a joke.
    • The idea of Tododeku escaping off the fifth floor to get cake surprises me less than it should
  • Summer Stars
    • I'm already beginning to understand that any fic with Todo in is just going to break my heart in one way or another
      • It's been judged safe to send the students of UA home to their families for the first three weeks of summer, much to the relief of everyone whose name isn't Todoroki Shouto. Luckily, Midoriya has a solution for him, and Midoriya Inko has a lot of love to give.
    • I really loved the focus on Inko's relationship with Todo too! And how hard she worked to make her home a safe space for him ugh I could cry (and almost did)
  • <image attached>
    • Ok but why is Todo so good at flirting istfg
      • Shouto [5:10] a random person texted me on this number / Momo [5:12] ..... and? / Shouto [5:14] well, for one thing, I don’t know how they got this number and they sent me some rather, interesting, images / Momo [5:18] OMG TODOROKI SHOUTO DID YOU JUST RECEIVE ACCIDENTAL NUDES?
    • Not even usually the biggest fan of text AUs but I adoooored this yes pls
  • If I'm Being Honest...
    • Damn does the T in Todoroki stand for Thirsty bc holy shit dude
      • They say honesty is the best policy, but it sure as hell had a knack for Todoroki making a complete and utter fool of himself. In which Todoroki is placed under a mysterious truth-telling quirk and suffers, Uraraka laughs at him, Midoriya is confused but smitten nonetheless, and Twitter is the thirstiest site on the planet
    • All jokes aside this was really freaking cute and a delightful little spin on the truth spell trope
  • Thanks for Saving Me
    • I loooved this but freaking Izuku Midoriya and the shit he said had me YELLING!! When he meets All Might and says that I literally shut my laptop and screamed into my pillow I wish I was joking
      • Midoriya Izuku is a university sophomore, a fanboy, quirkless. On the list of things he is not: a hero. That's why he's more surprised than anyone when he rescues Todoroki Shouto, his favorite pro hero, from a deadly villain attack. His actions fling him into the media spotlight, grabbing the attention of the entire country, including Todoroki himself. But Todoroki actually wants to get to know him past the headlines. Izuku finds himself living a story straight out of a fairy tale, one where the mysterious, handsome prince is played by the real-life superhero he has always admired. But Izuku is convinced he's the ugly duckling, not the swan; could he ever be remarkable enough to get his happily ever after?
    • All Izuku headaches aside (mostly from recognising my own social awkwardness in him) I loooooved this concept and Todoroki was freaking enchanting
  • home is just a room full of my safest sounds
    • Why is Deku the absolute softest in all these Tododeku fics I beg
      • Todoroki has no idea how he somehow got himself into a cuddle buddy arrangement with Midoriya but he's not questioning it. In fact, he quite likes it.
    • A lil soft oneshot with the bed sharing and hurt comfort tropes, just really really cute
  • two sided feeling
    • I will forever adore Tododeku hurt comfort fics wowie
      • When Todoroki slips up and does something he would never do, it becomes a common practice between him and Midoriya. He didn't know it would end up like this.
    • This really made me feel all the emotions but was genuinely one of the best shorter tododeku fics I've read, so so good
  • i won't just buy you a rose
    • Flower shop AU!! Y'all already know I adore these
      • Shouto decides to visit his mother for the first time in years, and decides to stop at a flower shop along the way. He freezes in place, and before he can move again someone is bustling through the door behind the counter, all messy hair and wide green eyes. It’s a teenager, a little shorter than Shouto but probably the same age. He’s got a wide smile and there’s a smudge of dirt on his cheek, which instantly draws Shouto’s attention. His fingers itch to rub it off.
    • Oh to communicate in flower language, tis the dream
  • No hero no villain
    • A soulmate AU AND Deku as a villain (an interesting character!! omfg!!) have I died and woken up in ~heaven~??
      • Midoriya Izuku had grown up bullied because he didn't have a quirk. Handled with kid's gloves because he also lacked a soulmate. Told he could never be a hero by the person he look up to the most. Filled with rage at everyone that had ever doubted him, he left to become something they wouldn't see coming, to get back at every single one of them for doubting him. He left to become a villain.
    • I really loved this interpretation of the soulmate AU and how well it fits with the whole quirks idea, v v cool
  • Death's Aegis
    • I absolutely adore death/underworld fics and was so happy to come across an mha one
      • Shouto was created to conquer Death. Izuku wants nothing more than to celebrate Life.
    • This just makes so much sense, like I'm awed they managed to make this trope work with the original motivations of each character in a 14k fic wowie

Bakugo x Todoroki (TodoBaku)

I have a feeling most of the fics I rec from this pairing will be stolen from Ace's own bnha rec list so thanks a lot for that in advance! <3

  • The indelicacies of nitroglycerin
    • Solely read this because Ace told me Mineta goes through it in this and I'm all for Mineta punishment :D Burn the rat :D
      • “Don’t you think Bakugou is pretty?” Todoroki looked up, after having apparently caused the untimely deaths of his three friends. Uraraka was doubled over, clutching her throat as bits of food sprayed from her wheezing mouth, Iida had somehow mini-Recipro Bursted his way through the floorboards and was struggling to get back out of the crater, and Midoriya… Midoriya looked like he needed an ambulance. Or an immediate blood transfusion at least, his face was so white.
    • Ok but for real this made me caaackle the freaking taped up Mineta sent me

Hawks x Dabi

I've been mostly avoiding this pairing so far as I haven't caught up in the manga and I'm well aware their pairing is based off manga events but!!! I adoooooore Hawks with my entire heart he's such an idiot and ofc love that spicy hero x villain so I already know I'm gonna read so many fics of this pairing whoop. IVE RETURNED WITH A VENGENCE AND HAVE POWERED THROUGH LIKE 30 OF THESE RIGHT BEFORE EXAMS SO DONT MIND ME BUT THE LIST IS DOUBLING AND I AM SPIRALLING

  • Another Option
    • This is one of those fics that is really long but passed so so quickly?? Like I'm pretty sure I even read it in one sitting I-
      • When Touya stops his mother from hurting Shouto, he decides enough is enough. He needs to get out of this house and he's taking his baby brother with him.
    • I adoooored the Touya/Inku/Mitsuki mum group omfg the real legends here
  • Second Lap Around The Block (almost almost gen tho won't lie)
    • Ft Dadzawa, which ofc if theres a de-aging fic what else did we expect
      • “No.” It’s a fair response. “And you found him because…?” An even better response. Hawks isn’t in the mood to answer it though. “I heard a cry; I was first on scene.” Naomasa nods and everyone else buys the tale. They’re all looking at one thing only. Specifically, the A-Rank villain known as Dabi who is, for all intents and purposes, currently five years old. aka, Dabi is turned into a child and suddenly turns a lot more talkative, leading to some (possibly unwanted) revelations.
    • This was cuuuute cute aww I always love de-aged todoroki family fics
  • love has conducted us unto one death
    • Wow tell me more about Dabi's eyes Hawks I'm begging you
      • Hawks realizes very quickly why he never should have taken this spy gig.
    • I absolutely adore a Hawks narrative just for his millenial sense of humour alone
  • darling, thank god it’s this universe we’re in (and you can annoy me as much as you please)
    • Baby lil Hawks befriending the entire Todoroki family will never not make me soft god I love these idiots
      • Todoroki Rei divorces Endeavor and moves all four of her children into a small apartment next to a boy with wings as red as the hair of her eldest son.
    • A healthy sprinkle of family feels too to really destroy my emotional stability, we love to see it
  • The Art Of Adopting An Overgrown Bird
    • My love of hurt/comfort fics is really thriving with this pairing
      • When Dabi accidentally uses a gesture that Hawks associates with the Commission's brutal punishments, the league discovers exactly what the hero's life is like. They're not happy about it.
    • League family :'')
  • Nothing But
    • Just a short oneshot with a decent amount of angst but still made me laugh??
      • Hawks gets hit with a truth quirk right before a meeting with Dabi. Dabi thinks it'll be fun. It isn't.
    • Kinda tragic but also Hawks waxing poetry about Shigs is funny
  • You Speak, It Contradicts The Lie They Live
    • Yet another heavily angsty one!!
      • After what was supposed to be a simple arson, an ambush leads to Hawks getting recaptured by the Hero Public Safety Commission. A lot has changed since the last time he was there.
    • Will never get over Hawk's background story and I mean that
  • maybe that makes me a fool
    • Freaking love the double agent Hawks AUs
      • Five times Hawks let Dabi get too close, and one time he got too close, himself.
    • Love love the dynamic in this one
  • Through the dark side of the morning
    • While I don't like mpreg I'm such a suuuucker for kidfics
      • Hawks manages to keep his baby a secret from Dabi for a grand total of two months. Once Dabi finds out about him, he starts coming around a lot more often, usually at night. These are snippets of their time together.
    • Insanely freaking adorable, I just always love how they describe Hawk's quirk
  • take my gun from my enemy's side
    • Soulmate AU and one of my fave pairings? Peace out y'all we've made it big leagues
      • Keigo has known since he was a child that his soulmate is going to hate him. He knows he is one of the unlucky few who have a mark displaying pain, instead of love. That he’s got his tragedy inked onto his body for all the world to see. Why else would he have the shape of a large hand wrapped around the base of his throat? Keigo's not expecting his soulmate to care for him, he's not expecting to end up caring for the League of Villains, and he's definitely not expecting a happy ending. He's wrong, on all accounts.
    • Yet again another freaking awesome take on the soulmate AU
  • Grass Is Green (Except For When It's Not)
    • De-aged Hawks bby has my heart
      • Hawks get's de-aged and the league takes care of him
    • Idk what juice boxes this kid has but I want them
  • Burn, Baby Burn
    • I ADOREEE all these interpretations of the bird features Hawks has
      • Hawks stress-grips Endeavor, and gets burned as a result. The League may or may not be planning murder
    • Enji can't stfu for 2s huh
  • No Place to Go
    • I don't think I can emphasise enough this fic has my SOUL
      • The first time they meet, there’s trouble gleaming at Hawks from Dabi’s eyes. Fortunately, Hawks wears trouble like a crown. But that doesn't mean he won't do his best on this spy thing...
    • There aren't too many chaptered fics for this pairing and this is just incredible
  • boy next door
    • Time to add 'knows my coffee order' and 'cooks for me' to my list of expectations from my partner smh
      • Dabi needs a place to stay and doesn't take no for an answer. Things get dangerously domestic, dangerously fast.
    • Just a short oneshot which I kinda loved, the lack of political manuevering meant it was just Hawks, Dabi and an egg in the morning <3
  • decision height
    • Aka Hawks gets fucked over by the hero commission but gains a partner
      • When pictures surface of Hawks meeting with Dabi, he has to make a decision. Sacrifice his cover, or sacrifice his career. It's not much of a choice.
    • Genuinely one of the most accurate depictions of Dabi I've read, harsh sides n all
  • Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time
    • Pls pls the fact the fandom managed to make a coffee shop AU of this pairing has me in freaking awe
      • Hawks loves his coffee the way his soul is - with lots of heavy cream, lots of sugar, and a double shot of syrup.
    • Just a huge softie for Hawks' character in this one tbfh
  • To Drink A Thousand Needles
    • Smth about these AUs where Dabi and Hawks meet as kids man... My soul aches after this one
      • “My reason for helping the League of Villains? Well, a long time ago, I had a friend.” Hawks says, smiling widely at Kurogiri. “It’s a common story. Bullied kid meets another bullied kid, they become each other’s first and best friend, bullied kid #1 finds out bullied kid #2’s abuser is actually a hero, and so bullied kid #1 decides that hero society needs to be destroyed.” Hawks first meets Todoroki Touya when he is eleven years old, on a humid afternoon by a concrete staircase. He meets the villain Dabi eleven years later, on a chilly evening by a decaying building.
    • Freaking love the transition of Hawks mentally calling Touya "Dabi" to calling him Touya omfg
  • take these walls and rip em rip em down
    • These wing grooming fics dude could genuinely make me tear up that poor birdbrain
      • The next time they see each other, Dabi knows something is off. Hawks still smiles as Dabi lists off info for his next target, sure, but there are small indentations across his cheekbones, and along his neck, and his eyes have this weird glossed over look to them. And then Dabi notices the crest Hawks had been happily preening when he left is gone.
    • Always adore the fics about Dabi indulging the bird aspect's of Hawks' quirk
  • flying blind
    • Love love how the fandom finds ways to extend Hawks' quirk
      • Keigo, as a child, had been unclear about why the Commission is so upset to find out he is blind. Keigo has always been blind. He was born this way. He was like this when they took him. He doesn’t understand why they’re so angry when they find out he sees using his feathers, instead of his eyes. Keigo, as an adult, knows that the Commission’s anger is bullshit. Dabi knows it too, and is less hesitant to say so.
    • This is suuuuuuch a cool twist on Hawks
  • It's a Bird Thing
    • More bird quirk fics ik but this is adorable
      • Torpor.A thermoregulatory process exceedingly common for birds, in which physiological activity is drastically reduced when the animal enters a period of high metabolic stress. Hawks didn’t understand what that meant when his handler explained it to him, he was eleven, after all. He knew a bit here and there about biology, especially when it pertained to the avian aspects of his mutation quirk, but some of the more complicated bits still flew right over his head.
    • The amount of bird facts I've learnt from Hawks fics?? Mad
  • A Romance Written All Over Your Body
    • There's a few pieces of fanart dispersed amongst this fic and it's genuinely some of the best I've seen?? Like the final one adds so much oooh I love it
      • Hawks is assigned to infiltrate the League of Villains in order to expose them. Hawks usually never fails a mission, but Keigo usually never falls in love, either. A story of how Hawks falls from grace to become a villain, because hero society has failed them all.
    • This is one of those fics that reflect's the POV's emotions so freaking well, like I felt empty alongside Hawks there holy crap need to read some fluff now


Ok so now for all the fics with unusual pairings or no pairings at all! I've noticed there are quite a few platonic Class 1-A shenanigan fics so wanted a place to log them all too :D

  • Hero Class Civil Warfare, No Pairings
    • This was a ROLLERCOASTER omfg my brain could hardly handle some of the strategies that were used here, this was just so freaking clever
      • Heroes lead by Bakugo. Villains lead by Midoriya. Seven days prep time.Three days for Izuku Midoriya to show why they should be glad he's not a real villain.
    • Mad respect for the author for learning all of 1-A and 1-B's quirks and coming up with insane ways to use them (forever cackling over Monoma and the arm situation I won't lie)
  • In which Midoriya Izuku is fucking savage, No Pairings
    • This is by faar the shortest fic I have ever recommended with less than 1k words but believe me its worth the 3mins it'll take to read
      • Protip: pyrokinesis doesn’t make you immune to roasting.
    • I did NOT expect that insult the way I wheezed then applauded at like 4am
  • journey to the past, No Pairings (deku crushes on todo tho)
    • Fr tho this was really really sweet, I adore class 1A wowie (and Shinsou!!)
      • Izuku is five years old the first time he's saved by heroes. He's an instant fan of the woman in pink with her cheerful smile and the man with his ice powers and fine-boned features, even if they both refuse to tell him their names. For most of his life, Izuku has been the centre of villain attacks, but he has never been injured. Every time, he's saved by bright, unknown heroes—heroes who smile at Izuku, and ruffle his hair or ply him with hugs, and seem mesmerised by how small he is. Heroes that the rest of the world doesn't believe exists
    • The idea of a long haired Todoroki with a freaking braid!!! Devastating. I'm going to lose sleep thinking about how robbed we were of TODO IN A BRAID omfg i cant
  • stickers and stars, No Pairings
    • Kaminari throwing a tantrum over not being called a good boy by baby Izuku is a freaking moment
      • “Aizawa, are you sure I’m the best person for this job? There are a lot more qualified people on campus. People who have been teachers for years, and—” As All Might spoke, Midoriya Izuku crawled the length of the couch, ducked under All Might’s arm, and made himself comfortable on his lap. All Might’s hands rose into the air, as though unsure of what to with his arms now that he had a toddler curled against his stomach like a cat seeking the warmth of its owner. “Um,” All Might said
    • I loooooved this fic it was just so soft and wholesome! Love how everyone is always whipped for baby Deku
  • rock'n'roll, buckaroo!, No Pairings
    • This has no right being as funny as it is and I mean that
      • Kaminari walks up to Todoroki in the hallway after class and says, “Dude, I need your help.” Todoroki checks over his shoulder, twice, to verify that Kaminari is indeed talking to him. “Why?” / “Yesterday you asked Shinsou-kun if he was Aizawa-sensei’s son,” Kaminari says, as though that explains anything at all. / “...yes?” / “Make a hero conspiracy YouTube channel with me.”
    • Saying Best Jeanist has a jurtleneck made me shed genuine tears omfg
  • Looping Back to the Beginning, No Pairings
    • Funniest gen fic so far by a mileeee I can't stop cackling at Todo's loop in particular
      • Where Class 1-A finds itself in a time loop centered around their first year at UA. After getting over the usual angst, they decide that the best way to grow as heroes is by antagonizing dangerous villains for fun and amusement.
    • Midoriya running a help group for all the confused parents who are wondering why their kids can suddenly pick locks and keep sending pizzas to villain hideouts is an aesthetic
  • Izuku's Project, No Pairings
    • I think this is the most I have ever laughed at a fic omfg it was so short too, I cannot emphasise enough how funny this was pleaase read it I'm begging you
      • Now that he finally has a moment to reflect on what Todoroki told him during the Sports Festival, Izuku realizes there's only one way to take down Endeavor. / “Midoriya? It’s half past four in the morning, what the hell do you want?” / “Oh, is it really? I hadn’t noticed. Anyway, if I told you I had a way to majorly fuck up your dad in the public eye, would you be okay with it?” He paused in shock that Izuku had sworn. “...Yeah, sure, whatever. Go nuts.” Todoroki hung up.
    • Midoriya being up at 4am making freaking spreadsheets to cancel heroes is wayyyy more in character than it should be
  • I Would Understand, No Pairings
    • I cannot even put my love for the fic author deafmic into words, they really deliver on that Aizawa content we need
      • Shinsou Hitoshi had a bit of a problem, and that problem was that he’d gotten attached to Aizawa Shouta. And somewhere along the line had started seeing him as a parental figure, a replacement for all the foster home parents who’d passed him along and never quite done their job. A kid who's been in foster care his entire life spends a normal, average day after training with the teacher who seems to care a little too much.
    • I absolutely adoooored this! Shinsou managing to find his forever home (excuse the cheesy language) is just :')) Alternative title: Bestest Boi Getting What He Deserves
  • Apparations, No Pairings
    • I was giggling like a maniac throughout this entire thing, the whole chaotic Izuku Midoriya honest to god made me like his character which is nothing short of a miracle
      • Eleven year old Izuku stood as still as he could as the man in front of him rambled. He could barely hear the garbage he was spouting about ‘no heroes coming to save him’ over the pounding in his chest. However, even that man didn't know how right he would be. Or: Midoriya learns to hack and turn in criminals himself because no one else will
    • This one line SENT me because the accuracy huuurts: "Green hair, green eyes, freckles, short. Hold up, are you the guy in that one closet that only appears when someone is crying?", extra shoutout to PastMic thats a gooood one
  • Bakugou and Todoroki's Foolproof 5-Step Plan to Fuck with Mineta Minoru, Tododeku and Kiribaku (but both are more background)
    • I am the absolute number 1 fan of ripping away Mineta's human rights yes pls, rat bastard can burn xoxo
      • It was a simple enough idea; screw around with the resident bastard of Class 1-A to let him know that his medieval ways and perverted behaviour weren't going to be tolerated by even the most career-focused of UA's students. To say that things had snowballed was an understatement. Todoroki had no idea how he had ended up sitting on Bakugou's floor at 1 am, holding a dossier of incriminating material that would make the FBI slobber, but he wasn't sure he wanted to know. The long and short of it was, fuck Mineta.
  • Logical Ruse, Midoriya x Shigaraki
    • To be honest this fic doesn't even finish and carries on into another fic but I'm reccing this anyway just for its sheer comedic value
      • When Shigaraki has him hostage at the mall, Izuku pulls out all the stops to make sure nothing goes pear-shaped. Neither of them signed up for this.
    • The idea of Mido looking a barista dead in the eye and explaining Shigaraki holding him by the throat in the mall as a HAND KINK sends me into the fucking stratosphere
jun 29 2020 ∞
may 7 2021 +