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Fic recs by Ace and Yasie <3

Various fandoms inc kpop, mdzs, mha, haikyuu and more

We have a curious cat now too!! Pls shoot us a message there as we're trying to see if anyone actually uses our recs :')

listography NEW NEWS

-----Super Junior-----

[ Eunhae ]

  • 아직도 난 {still you}, G
    • Eunhyuk comes back and realizes what he'd missed the most during his enlistment.
  • sweater weather, G
    • Where Donghae is a sweater theif
  • no place like home, G
    • Hyukjae's coming back from Switzerland, and Donghae doesn't want him to come home to an empty house.
      • uwuwuwuwu
  • a thousand colours, a thousand years, G
    • A lot of things change in twenty years, specifically the colour of Hyukjae's hair.
  • Breaking Point, G
    • In which Donghae is stupid and a bit of a tease.
  • Donghae's Top 5 Methods of Seduction, G
    • "And he likes someone," continued Donghae. "He really likes this person, but this person has never realised. And so he went to his friends to ask what he should do, and nothing worked."
  • Copper and Rose, M
    • Hyukjae and Donghae tend to spend their Friday and Saturday nights at home
      • this fic is sO HOT omg whew, literally will never forget it
  • Favours, M
    • Hyukjae would do anything for his best friend. When Amber asks him to pretend to be her boyfriend for a family gathering, he's game. He just wishes she'd told him sooner about her hot brother
  • Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better, M
    • Eunhyuk decides to tease Donghae but underestimates how competitive he can be
  • the place promised in our early days, PG-13
    • They all saw this coming. That doesn't stop Hyukjae from freaking the fuck out.
      • wow i love this one so so so much and the way it makes you cry and then immediately makes you laugh at eunhae being stupid gays wow i love it
  • Six Ways to Say I Love You, G
    • Five times Lee Hyukjae couldn't say I love you and one time he did
  • the fluff collective, G
    • A collection of fluff ficlets in an attempt to make the world a softer place.
  • 잘 지내나요 {take care}, G
    • Hyukjae likes being taken care of, and Donghae's learning how to cook.
  • california dreams, G
    • Hyukjae takes off for Los Angeles without the person who makes California so wonderful.
  • 사랑이 멎지 않게 {raining spell for love}, G
    • Hyukjae never liked rain before he met Donghae.
  • pocket-sized problem, G
    • Donghae lives in a Barbie Dream House.
  • unsubstantial reasons at three a.m, NC-17
    • donghae is, all at once, an irritating and sensuous roommate.
  • Cellmates, NC-17
    • Donghae is Hyukjae's new cellmate.
  • black and purple;, T
    • Donghae’s body is Hyukjae’s canvas in which he paints his violence onto.
      • this isnt as bad as the summary makes it sound i promise
  • all that glitters and golds, T
    • Veela Donghae
  • in another life, T
    • in empty hallways and abandoned corridors, they could have lived a different life.
      • so heartbreaking like just kick me when im down why dont u
  • Of Video Games and Religion, PG
    • Who'd have thought that video games could lead to this?
  • five steps to winning another boy’s heart, PG
  • Still The Same, PG
    • He doesn’t think it on purpose, it just appears, right there inside of his head.
  • is there a limit to love?, M
    • Donghae and Hyukjae have been friends for over ten years but what happens when someone shows Donghae another way to love?
  • One-Way Glass, PG
    • A look at the course of a relationship through the eyes of others.
      • this really hit me in the heart i just wanna shake some sense into hyuk
  • Promise, G
    • Donghae makes everyone worry.
      • so soft??? so sweet????
  • All Your Colours, G
    • Now or later, Donghae would hold Hyukjae's hand just as he did all those years ago.
      • the way these two make me feel im a puddle of goo
  • My Wife is a Man, M
    • When two men marry to fulfil a deal made by their parents
  • This Charming Man, M
    • Hyukjae has never had much in the way of confidence, fortunately Donghae acts like he has enough for both of them
  • Not Always Perfect, NC-17
    • A perfect couple doesn't always end up in a perfect marrige
  • you, me and this wire, NC-17
    • Exhaustion is just a state of mind
  • requiem for innocence, NC-17
    • growing up doesn't mean putting out your own fires. it means watching them burn until the smoke dies out
      • i spent the entire fic being terrified that it was gna end badly but it didnt thank god my cute babies end up maybe together, at least theres hope lmao
  • skeleton boys, NC-17
    • Hyukjae loves to come in Donghae's mouth
      • shut up dont judge me
  • Four Letter Word, But I Don't Have The Guts To Say It, PG-13
    • Boy A likes Boy B but he thinks Boy B likes Boy C. He continues thinking that way until a simple kiss changes his mind.
  • what kisses are meant to be, PG
    • everyone remembers their first kiss. eunhyuk wishes there didn't have to be a last.
      • sobbed watching eunteuk's last ktr video and this fic was as much needed to soothe my broken heart as it was eunhyuks
  • a circumnavigation, R
    • soft whipped boys on holiday!!! yes pls!!!

[ Random Pairings ]

  • Still Waters, Heechul/Donghae, E
    • Heechul knows that Donghae likes them with long hair.
      • fuck this made me feel a whole range of emotions
  • Clear Objectives, Donghae/Kyuhyun, PG
    • Kyuhyun’s trained himself to be sharp of eyes and analytic of mind. Thus, he’s almost always right. That margin of error, though...
      • why do i find this so unbearably sweet??
  • down & out, Donghae/Kyuhyun, E
    • Kyuhyun likes being ordered around and Donghae likes Kyuhyun.
      • hot hot HOT with a side sprinkling of adorableness


aha this tag holds bittersweet feelings for me now which hurts but I will still love Jongtae forever even if I may not be able to get myself to read it again

[ Jongtae ]

  • Ace, NC17
    • Jonghun's life is thrown off course when Taemin asks him to participate in his upcoming solo album.
  • A Series of Lists, PG
    • aka biker au aka taems a hot biker nd jong works at the motel that the gang stays at sometimes
      • sob sob sob the cutest/softest/purest
          • its been like a solid 3 years since i read this last and theres no way ill be able to get myself to read it again but maaaan do i still remember this absolute cuteness lowkey wanna cry

[ OT5 ]

-----Monsta X-----

[ Random Pairings ]

  • Mint and Poppy, Hyungwon/Wonho, Kihyun/Shownu, T
    • After an angel's mistake, Chae Hyungwon is stuck sharing the body of a Yoo Kihyun, a small, grumpy guy he's never met before. What happens when he and Kihyun start falling for two different men, while they're in the same body?
        • this is a roller coaster of frustration and the softest fluff and i love it
  • you can stay here tonight, Kihyun/I.M, T
    • Kihyun returns to school on a Wednesday towards the end of January, one and a half months after the night of the Winter Formal, which is the last time anyone saw him. Changkyun sits behind him in Calculus.
      • there was no pointless angst and it was just so??? lovely???? like yes!!!!!


I swear i had a seventeen section but thats seems to have disappeared????? ok then

[ MingJun ]

  • every chance I get {I'll turn you on}, E
    • Minghao is a kid with miserable talents at choice making and a lot of feelings. Wen Junhui is the hot graduate who he's sleeping with and has most of those feelings for. Everything about his life is confusing, but at least the sex is great.
      • this is like actual porn lmao but we all have our regrets anyway theyre so cute n soft and im like lowkey dead inside after this which is fun fun fun
  • The Expert, T
    • Junhui has no idea why, but half the group's members are coming to him for advice on their feelings...on other members. This will probably go well.
      • this fic had me in stitches omfg i love it

[ Random Pairings ]

  • No One Said it Would Be Easy, Minghao/Mingyu, R
    • Minghao is set on hating Mingyu, Mingyu is set on loving Minghao and they're both too stubborn for their own good. It's a marriage, but it feels like a war.
      • ok but???? yes i am jealous i want mingyu to be my husband too pls and thank u
  • Hair to Dye For, Jeonghan/Joshua, G
    • Jeonghan does not believe there are enough hats in the world to cover the abomination that is his hair right now.
          • im a happy mess i lvoe this


  • Something Borrowed, Daehyun/Youngjae, T
    • Youngjae gets an invitation to his ex's wedding. Well, he can't show up empty-handed, can he?
      • dumb youngjae is a classic
  • Live and in Person, Daehyun/Youngjae, G
    • The road to stardom is a hard one for Daehyun. Made harder by a perpetually unimpressed judge, a throat infection, and Youngjae's general existence.

-----Red Velvet-----

  • Softly We Go, Seulgi/Wendy, PG-13
    • Wendy really wasn't expecting to spend her reunion sleepover with a power outage and the girl she loves impossibly close, but hey, things happen.


[ Nomin ]

  • weak knees {smooth like honey}, T
    • jaemin’s always been a charmer, his words effortlessly dripping with honey. maybe it affects jeno a little bit more than it should.
      • confident gay jaemin turns into panicked gay jaemin
  • if you were a chicken you'd be impeccable,T
    • Donghyuck is evil but for once it works out in Jaemin's favor.
  • gravitational constants, T
    • mark realizes that there are things that he's known all along when it comes to jaemin and jeno and the space (or lack thereof) between them.
      • the cutest lil nomin fic im
  • perfect
    • Jaemin is terrified of thunderstorms and Jeno is conveniently one bedroom away.
      • soft boys bein soft
  • thinking 'bout jumping in instead
    • Jeno falls, literally and metaphorically, for his best friend Jaemin.
  • Change Your Ways, G
    • Jaemin is back from hiatus and realises just how much has changed.
      • sobsobsob
  • laugh at this clumsy boy who loves you, T
    • jaemin’s on a mission to let jeno knows how much he loves him. too bad people keep getting in his way.
      • hi they're gay
  • anytime, anyplace {i’m thinking about you}, T
    • jeno’s never thought that living with jaemin would be easy, but having a big fat crush on jaemin does absolutely nothing but complicate things. great.
      • legendary nomin author giving us legendary nomin content
  • talk me down {take me higher}, T
    • jeno doesn't want to say that he can't sleep well without jaemin there, but that's exactly it: he can't sleep well without jaemin there, and he'll wait as long as he needs to until jaemin comes back to him.
      • jaemin haitus fics really go for the heart
  • go {louder, faster, stronger}, T
    • jeno keeps running into an enemy agent on his missions. donghyuck thinks it's romantic, mark thinks it's a potential security breach, jisung thinks it's hilarious, and jeno thinks it's just plain annoying.
      • the only version of romeo and juliet i'll accept
  • like in the movies, G
    • They say they're too young to understand, but Jisung doesn't believe he's too young to understand anything.
      • we've all seen how much jaemin loves jisung, now it's jisung's turn and this is sosos adorable
  • fly me to the moon, T
    • {BREAKING} Two chaebol heirs seen out together?
      • an arranged marriage au where the two don't hate each other for half the fic????? w o w
  • the butter to my toast, T
    • the cute actor’s role in the mv is to steal jeno’s love interest, but he steals jeno’s heart instead.or, snapshots of jeno and jaemin falling in love.
      • look at these cuties
  • jeno the teenage witch, T
    • Jeno gets partnered on a project with the guy who's been asking him out all semester.
      • this is just quirky and adorable
  • Adore, T
    • It was moments like this that made Jaemin think it was impossible to adore Jeno any more.
  • Sniffles for Kisses, T
    • Jeno is sick and high off painkillers. He sends an unexpected message to his crush and chaos erupts.
  • of tabby cats, broomsticks and a proposal, G
    • Falling in love with a Slytherin can sometimes suck.
  • Cat Café
    • Jeno, a panicked gay, tries to flirt with Jaemin, a confident gay. Even though he's an idiot, they fall in love anyway.
      • mayhaps i cried over how adorable jaemin is
  • Yellow Roses Mean Freedom, T
    • the one where Jeno is a genie, and Jaemin is the owner of his lamp
  • This is Most Definitely Not What I Ordered[This is Most Definitely Not What I Ordered]
    • In which, Jeno is telling himself he is just being nice for letting Jaemin off. Not because he is cute
  • synchronisation, G
    • the dreamies are all spending korean new year with their families. jeno arrives back to their dorm early. of course, he didn't want to worry anybody by telling them he's back already, but jaemin knows him too well.
  • i hear he does hoverboard commercials.... in korea, T
    • Mean girls on crack edition
  • "Dude, I'm Gay.", G
    • Heteronormativity can go fuck itself.
      • ugh we love icons
  • lost in the abyss, this metropolis, T
    • It's hard enough to navigate being bitten by a radioactive spider without adding the tricky business of love into the mix. Unfortunately, Jeno's not that lucky.
  • Tell Me All The Ways To Love You, T
    • Jaemin sends Jeno love letters (via Howlers). How romantic.
      • this was ,,, smth else asnsk so precious
  • you bloom inside of me, T
    • They say that when the person you love touches you, flowers bloom on your skin. Jeno’s seen this happen before to other people. He’s spent his childhood watching his mom and his dad walk into the kitchen with roses blooming across their necks and arms, and while his sister laughs into her hands, Jeno stares at the blooms and wonders when he’ll have something like that— if it’ll ever even happen.
        • aahhh i love everything by this author
  • manhattan beach 2.0, T
    • A small series revolving around the lives of seven teenage boys with strange powers they neither want nor need, but have anyway, and the everlasting bond between them.
      • this is sosososo good 10/10 would recommend
  • free falling, G
    • Jeno finds what (who) he hasn't been looking for.
      • theres this group of nomin writers who are rlly good friends and theyre all amazing writers im crying
  • forget all the shooting stars, T
    • in which Jeno and Jaemin are neighbours, best friends, boyfriends, and everything in between.
  • 23, T
    • when jaemin's an asshole and jeno tries to show him his place.
  • kiss me you idiot, G
    • it's jaemin's birthday and all he's wishing for is a kiss
  • love me, take me to outer space, T
    • If healing is 75% mind power, then the bone-deep sense of peace Jaemin feels after falling asleep midway through a phone call with Jeno is what cures him. His brain says I need to see Lee Jeno again and his body bends over backwards to comply.
      • canon nomin fics can like literally step on my face
  • chased your love around a figure eight, T
    • When Jeno gets stood up on a date at a Moomin exhibit, the last person in the world he wants to see is Na Jaemin, the speed skater who’s been using up all of his time on the rink. But then Jaemin offers to go see the exhibit with Jeno, and, well. He supposes that there are worse things in life than going on a date in the name of making friends with the enemy.
        • kinda wanna frame all of jenuyu's fics on my wall
  • fallin' all in you, T
    • What exactly is the probability of the boy you're in love with over email ending up as someone you're very lowkey crushing on in real life? Technically, the answer is zero, but Minhyung makes it work.
      • love simon x nomin ???? best crossover in history
  • We Can Be Braver, G
    • Jaemin is popular and Jeno didn't think he'd care until suddenly he does.
      • aaaaaahhhhh i love this sososososo much !!!!!
  • loose ends, T
    • jaemin recounts the six times he’s kissed jeno. he enjoys every single one, even though the boy uses too much tongue and too little lips.
  • Forgive Me Brother For I Have Sinned
    • the one time when soulmates actually exist – he can’t do anything about it, and it’s driving Jeno crazy
        • oof
  • Take All That Is Yours, T
    • Jaemin offers to be Jeno's first kiss and Jeno has been in love with him for too long to say no.
      • my heart:crushed
  • the wet blood dripping from your lips, T
    • jeno isn't pleased when his boyfriend starts flirting with a human.
        • oof also whoops havent read the part with hyuk too lazy to go back and do that
  • kiss me (like you wanna be loved}, T
    • Jeno kisses the jealousy (and the daylights) out of Jaemin.
  • Where Your Heart Belongs, T
    • It has always been Jaemin and Jeno, Jeno and Jaemin. They never put their relationship into words, and Jaemin was always satisfied with it. Not now though.Not when Lami, a pretty girl from a year below them stands in front of their declared table in the cafeteria, blushing, hands on her back, and shy but determined eyes focused on Jeno. His Jeno.
  • The Struggles of Dating a Vampire, T
    • 1. They’re too goddamn beautiful, it’s going to make you start prematurely aging. 2. They have a thing for biting and nipping. (This might not apply to all vampires, Jeno’s more of a dog than a vampire anyway.) 3. If you know one vampire, you suddenly know all of them. And they all suddenly know you too.4. They’re extremely territorial. (Like I said. Dog.) 5. Their sleeping schedule is fucked. Your sleeping schedule is fucked now too. 6. Loves touching you everywhere with their cold cold hands. 7. Sometimes they forget just how strong they are. 8. Sometimes they remember just how strong they are.
  • anything for you, T
    • Jaemin gets held hostage by one of his lover's many enemies. Jeno is livid.(Or where Jaemin is a mere college student and Jeno is a mafia boss that doesn't like it when other people touches what is his)
  • in every known universe, T
    • In every dimension that Jaemin has ever travelled to, like an irrefutable fact of life, Na Jaemin and Lee Jeno are inseparable.So when Jaemin wakes up in a post-apocalyptic dystopian world, the first thing he does (after searching for coffee) is try and find his best friend.It turns out that the hardest part about surviving in this world isn't the threat of death lurking around every corner.It’s that Lee Jeno positively hates him.
        • I cant help it i love me some multiple universes soulmate stuff alright

[ norenmin ]

  • the moon, the sun {and all of their stars}, Renjun/Jeno/Jaemin
    • Renjun knows he doesn't belong. Jaemin and Jeno are in love - that much is clear. The moon only reflects sunlight, and yet the sun never says, ‘You owe me’. And a love like that… well, it lights the entire sky. And yet.
      • sososo precious we love the superior trio
  • runaway baby, T
    • renjun doesn’t think flirting with the cute guy from the store he’s trying to rob (or the cute guy’s boyfriend) is a good idea. jeno and jaemin would beg to differ.
  • patterns forming everywhere, G
    • Renjun’s eyes flick between Jeno and Jaemin, their fingers still intertwined on the couch between them. He wants to move his hand, wants to slide free from the grip Jaemin has on his wrist and lace their fingers together too.
      • soft domestic boys in love
  • your night is of lilac., T
    • jaemin is troubled, jeno is scared, and renjun has never known how not to be invisible.
      • one of my fave nct fics of all time
  • sweater theft, G
    • renjun has an affinity for his boyfriends' clothes. jaemin and jeno have nothing to wear.
      • norenmin in crop tops ??? sign me tf up
  • {close your eyes} and kiss me slowly, T
    • Renjun has always thought that first kisses are supposed to be breathtaking — the kind of kiss that burns at the back of your mind, leaving the memory to repeat in your head for as long as time will allow. Jaemin and Jeno are all too happy to give him exactly what he wants.
  • when my eyes find you, M
    • when your soulmate experiences an intense emotion, you'll feel it just as acutely.
  • oh my, my, my, M
    • Lee Jeno is a self-destructive mess when comeback season for NCT comes around. His boyfriends, Renjun and Jaemin, just want to help him, but that's kind of impossible if they never see him.

[ nominrenhyuk ]

so uhh i might be a bit obsessed with 00 line,,,, dont judge me ok theyre the best

  • Dreamies A/B/O, T
    • I promise this series is actually amazing
  • Boys, boys, boys, G
    • Donghyuck is looking at Renjun like he’s the only person in the room. In the world, even. Jaemin wonders if he should be angry, if there is something broken inside him because he doesn’t mind this, nor would he mind if Renjun looked back at Donghyuck with the same glint in his eyes.
      • this is sosososo good
  • will they ever give mark a break?, T
    • Mark and Donghyuck move back into the Dream Dorm
    • In an ideal world, this is how their relationship would have come about: Jaemin sends them all an eight-slide PowerPoint presentation titled “P’00LY?: YOU, YOU, AND YOU BELONG WITH ME (AND EACH OTHER),” and then proceeds to give them all an impassioned, well-thought out, well-reasoned, and well-argued speech on why they should make it official—all of them. In the real world, it's a little more complicated than that.
  • It's You, You, You
    • In which Jeno breaks the golden rule of being an idol.

[ Markmin ]

  • one does not simply walk into mordor, G
    • jaemin's plan to go from being mark's chaotic not-truly-bad-at-chemistry lab partner to boyfriend is simple, and it consists of spending 10 hours watching frodo throw a ring in a volcano
  • Stupid Cupid, T
    • oblivious mark at work and jaemin always coming to bother him
  • sugar and smoke rings,T
    • Falling for Jaemin had never really been a part of the plan.

[ Hyukmin ]

  • hearts don't break, T
    • Donghyuck doesn’t know when his life spiralled into this romantic comedy brilliance, but Donghyuck has the strong tingling sense that it’s probably Jaemin’s fault. It’s quite always Jaemin’s fault.
  • a kissful day, Jaemin/Everyone, T
    • when nct gives na jaemin the smooches he deserves.
  • then the charm is firm and good, T
    • Donghyuck knows he's being selfish, wanting to keep this part of Jaemin as it is - as it always has been. But change is inevitable, in life as it is in magic.
  • this is gonna be a big one, T
    • It was Johnny who introduced them to the game. Sort of. He’d made an offhand remark to Mark about the time he’d jerked off a classmate in America just to win fifty bucks, and Mark gleefully recounted the story to Jeno on the way down to the staff cafeteria for lunch, and Jeno had said, “Wouldn’t it be fun if we did that, hyung?” and Mark had pulled a face and replied, “You wanna jerk me off, Jeno?”
      • we love nct's biggest chaotic gays
  • tea leaves, G
    • a fic in which slytherin keeper donghyuck absolutely hates gryffindor chaser jaemin

[ Random Pairings ]

  • first steps, Yuta/Jaemin, G
    • As he grows up, Jaemin learns that first loves rarely last.
      • this is soso cute and precious omg
  • Sunrise, Taeyong/Ten, E
    • Taeyong discovers how thorough a massage parlor in Bangkok can be.
      • shhh dont judge me
  • you say you want passion, Renjun/Everyone, G
    • In this episode of who will eventually win Renjun's heart, we have contestants Mark Lee, Lee Jeno, Lee Donghyuck, Na Jaemin, Zhong Chenle, and Park Jisung. -- Birthday edition. Or alternatively, the boys compete with one another to see who's going to give a better gift to Renjun. Sort of.
  • Wait This Isn't What I Asked For, Mark/Hyuk, Jeno/Jaemin, Doyoung/Jaehyun, Taeyong/Ten, T
    • Mark Lee likes his girlfriend, he really does. So why is some random guy making him have to repeat that in his head like he's trying to convince himself. Lee Jeno swears he's doing this for his friend. No personal attachments nor personal motives involved, none at all. Kim Jungwoo is questioning the loyalty of his friend's own girlfriend. He won't let him get hurt. Lee Taeyong knows the rules of infatuation, they take you. Beyond the reaches of sanity, that's where all the unrequited crushes go. Jung Jaehyun wishes his study partner would see him as more than just an irritating friend, but it doesn't seem likely to him. And it's quite the chaos of screams and chats and confessions and all other things that come with crushes.
  • hoodie, Renjun/Jaemin, T
    • “you look cute,” jaemin says, almost tacking a ‘bro’ on the end, but deciding against it last minute.
  • breaking the chains, Renjun/Jaemin, T
    • “what are you gonna do, then? kill me? go ahead.”
  • go throw your arrows, Yukhei/Jaemin
    • In a group of eighteen people and counting, it's natural for some to not be quite as close with each other. When Yukhei puts his mind up to changing that, Jaemin may get more than he bargained for.
      • can we get a hell yeah for the cutest rare pair
  • flower patch, Jaemin-centric, G
    • most days, jaemin finds himself happy- content. like, when he watches all the support and love his group are receiving. when he gets to watch the new dream music videos before anyone else (but that’s only because the managers all have a not-so-secret soft spot for him). when he, after months of no talk, texts his groupmates a ‘well done’ and ‘congratulations’ and they text back almost a second later. when he gets to see his family win awards and soar higher than any star.(most days, he pretends it doesn’t hurt as much as it does.)
  • puppy love, Yukhei/Jaemin, G
    • wong yukhei, star quarterback player on the football team, falls head over heels for a boy named na jaemin.
  • you started this game first, Mark/Jeno/Jaemin, T
    • “Jaemin said you’re a better kisser than me,” Mark blurted out, surprising even himself.There was a momentary look of surprise that crossed Jeno’s face, before the boy glanced at Jaemin, silently asking if this was really an okay topic to be discussing with Jaemin’s boyfriend, of all people.


[ Junwhan ]

  • Just to Waste My Time with You, PG-13
    • Junhwe has a rule where he doesn't deal with anything that makes his life harder than it has to be. Jinhwan is, to no surprise, the exception.
      • my angsty gay heart :((
  • Ground Zero, T
    • The day Junhwe dies starts out like any other. The day Jinhwan goes back is a little different.
      • these are real emo hours chief gosh i love time travel stuff and this is just perfect
  • let sparks fly {and dreams launch}
    • When Junwhe has a ~crush~ on jihnhwan and jinhwan finds it adorable
  • sing, sing, sing, T
    • Fake dating his duet partner for audition show “Birth of a K-pop Star K3” may not be the easiest way to forge chemistry, but let it not be said that Koo Junhwe is anything but determined.
  • kiss and run, T
    • there's suddenly an abundance of mistletoe in every corner of the dorm, to jinhwan's dismay.
  • i'll melt you down, PG
    • If there’s one thing Junhoe’s bad at, it’s interpersonal relationships.
  • Maybe You're My Love, T
    • All Junhwe wanted was a kiss.
  • Sound of a Crescendo, T
    • Between having to deal with petty crime and falling hard for his partner, Junhwe's not sure he's all that cut out for this job.
  • there is just one thing i need, PG-13
    • Four times Junhwe gave Jinhwan a present, and one time he (almost) (barely) succeeded.
  • soft taste of soft serve, G
    • “I need new friends,” Junhwe moans. He hates his life.
      • the softest bfs of all time
  • A World Apart, T
    • Junhwe eventually loses track of the number of times he encounters Jinhwan.
      • askndkn that ending uwu
  • I’ll Come Running If You Call My Name, G
    • in which Junhwe finds out he might have feelings for his partner, a re-assigned case ends up testing said feelings and unsurprisingly, the entire squad is incredibly unhelpful.
  • if i were you i'd never let me go, T
    • Contrary to what the press says, Junhwe does not have an attitude problem.
  • Not The Worst, T
    • Junhoe finds himself going out on spontaneous ice-cream dates with his new neighbor and he may or may not lose a lot of sleep over it.
      • this was so precious oh my
  • Passing the Guard, T
    • In the entire five years that Junhoe has been competing in Jiu-Jitsu tournaments, he's never lost a first round match—at least not until he faced Jinhwan. Now he has a new enemy to focus on, some annoyingly cute short guy (not cute, just annoying!) and there is no way in Hell that he's going to let Hanbin talk him into falling into that stupid "enemies to lovers" trope. No way. Not a chance. It's not happening (it's totally happening).
      • this was a mf rollercoaster goddamn

[ Random Pairings ]

  • blow me gently {cause we sure ain’t gonna kiss}, Bobby/Junhoe, E
    • In his defense the first time Bobby tells Junhwe to suck a dick, it’s completely, one hundred-thousand percent- a joke. (the five times Bobby casually propositions Junhwe to suck his dick as more or less of a joke and the one time Junhwe accepts the challenge)
      • this was surprisingly deep for a fic thats essentially abt bobby wanting head
  • Call It Passive or Aggressive, Junhoe/Donghyuk, T
    • Junhwe’s pretty good at self-sabotage, so it’s not like he tries to ruin Donghyuk’s dates — it just comes naturally.

-----[ ATEEZ ]-----

[ Songjoong ]

  • Unnamed Feelings, M
    • Seonghwa worked so hard to become closer to Hongjoong, even when it seemed the other wanted nothing to do with him.

But then the air is cleared, which means they’re good now, right? Or: Seonghwa falls in love with Hongjoong slowly and doesn’t even notice.

  • Everything That's Beautiful, M
    • Hongjoong has so many burdens, and never allows himself to show weakness. Seonghwa decides to be the one to bend, before Hongjoong breaks.
  • my, heart beating so fast, E
    • He tries to sound as delicate as he can, as if anything above a whisper might scare Seonghwa off, "do you... need help, with that?"
  • Our Hands Held Tight, E
    • Debut and comebacks, it’s a lot on all of their shoulders. The expectation of their company and their fans, a heavy weight. But Hongjoong also carries the weight of the team in a way none of them do. It had taken Seonghwa some time to work out that it wasn’t a leader thing, not this time at least, and it had been watching the KQ Fellaz episodes that he’d realized what it was. So if Hongjoong needs to be pulled away from the studio some nights, he's more than happy to be the one to do it.
  • ease my mind, E
    • Seonghwa’s not sure what Hongjoong gets out of it. But he knows Hongjoong looks pretty, and at ease, eyes fluttering shut and face flushed. He knows Hongjoong trusts him.
        • listen alright,,,,im a slut for this kinda shit
  • darling, don't you see how lovely you are?, E
    • living in a dorm with 7 other boys presents its own issues. pent-up sexual frustration is surely one of them. sometimes the members use each other to get off. hongjoong desperately needs another body up against him, and seonghwa is happy to oblige...but hongjoong is so anxious... seonghwa wants to make hongjoong feel like the sexiest boy alive.
  • swallowing light, E
    • Hongjoong is his superior, his captain—the captain; following him wherever he goes whenever he’s asked is not an expectation but an absolute. He says jump, you ask how high. Seonghwa takes it a desperate step further: if Hongjoong guided him into Hell, he would gladly walk two paces behind him. A darker feeling boils in Seonghwa’s guts over it. Something hot and aching.
        • fuccccckkkk
  • of fast cars & pretty boys, E
    • Kim Hongjoong loved fixing cars, and he was good at it. What he did not excel at, however, was remaining professional when his clients walked in wearing all leather looking like a full course meal.
      • biker boy seonghwa?? sign me TF up
  • nectar, golden and sacred, M
    • Hongjoong's roommate has been avoiding him for weeks. It shouldn't matter to him, not really, not like they owed each other anything. He just really wishes it went beyond the teeth marks on his neck, beyond the hurried 'get rest', and beyond the goddamn cereal. Maybe Seonghwa wants the same.
      • Im so glad that other people are acknowledging that seonghwa is vampire royalty
  • Another Name for the Devil, E
    • In a world where vampires live side-by-side with humanity, treaties and laws uphold a tenuous, if not always peaceful, coexistence between the two. When one is spurned by humanity and shown the darkest parts of it, only to find themselves welcomed by the night… it is easy to question just who are the real monsters.
      • I love anything that fuels my vampire seongwha agenda
  • Whisk Me off My Feet, T
    • And nothing is bothering Hongjoong, not really, but he'd rather keel over than admit he almost thought of his roommate in a sexual way just by watching him cook.
      • im kind of incredibly in love with domestic seongjoong
  • Trigger, E
    • Park Seonghwa always takes away Kim Hongjoong's breath, in more ways than one.
  • Whisk Me off My Feet, T
    • And nothing is bothering Hongjoong, not really, but he'd rather keel over than admit he almost thought of his roommate in a sexual way just by watching him cook.
      • domestic whipped songjoong is some good shit
  • The Gods In The Sky, E
    • A hundred lives across a million realities. No one is the same, but does anything really change?College student Hongjoong falls asleep and wakes up in a world that’s been burning as long as anyone can remember, but he has finals next week. War-hardened Hongjoong wakes up to faces he recognizes but no one he trusts, but in his world, trust is the only way to survive. All they want is to go home. A college student and a resistance leader wake up in each other worlds

[ Random ]

  • Just Another Language We Speak, Seonghwa/Hongjoong/Wooyoung, E
    • These days it’s not uncommon to find the members messing around the dorms, but it’s not like Seonghwa entirely minds.
  • housekeeping, open up, Seonghwa/Hongjoong/San/Wooyoung, E
    • Seonghwa looks Hongjoong up and down. "You're the new maid, right?"
      • why are like 90% of the fics in this fandom so sinful
  • gravitational pull, Hongjoong/Mingi, E
    • “You’re driving me crazy,” Hongjoong said; lowly, breathlessly. “Have you ever thought about this? With you and me? I have.”
  • Attention, Hongjoong/Mingi, G
    • He wants attention and cuddles, and Mingi is determined to get what he wants.
  • when we tell you we love you, Seonghwa/Hongjoong/Mingi, E
    • It didn't matter if it was Seonghwa or Hongjoong because he loved them both, had loved them both so much since they were trainees that he couldn't muster any will to feel angry or heartbroken when he glimpsed their hands held tightly together underneath the table at team dinners, when they excused themselves from movie night early and holed up in their shared room, when every time Mingi tried to bait or bother one of them just to get them to notice him their eyes would meet seemingly over his head like man, this brat again - and Mingi would feel so, so small.
        • my top 3 faves,,, i have such a soft spot for them
  • baby, it's a piece of cake, Seonghwa/Hongjoong/Mingi, E
    • Hongjoong lacks inspiration. Luckily, his boyfriends are good at changing that.
  • Plaything, Wooyoung/Everyone, E
    • Wooyoung has had his share of bad days. He’s a stripper—and, less often, an escort—so dead parties, rude clients and creeps are par for the course in his line of work. That doesn’t mean he can’t still love the rush of power he feels reducing men to slobbering animals, taking them for every bit of cash on their person. He lives for it, most of the time. Days like this, though, make him wonder if he’s playing with fire. Days like today, where he finds himself in a rather convincing tear-away cop uniform in a penthouse full of Seoul’s most notorious lords of the underground.
  • Carry On Now, Hoongjong/Mingi, E
    • Hongjoong is very gay for a very tall Mingi

----- BTS -----

[ Vmin ]

  • Shut Up, I love you -You're My Best Friend-, T
    • To put it real short, Jimin’s probably in love with his best friend and he’s having a not-so-minor breakdown about it.or: 5 times jimin calls a friend for help and 1 time he calls the wrong one.
  • Everything Feels Like a Dream -Don't Try To Disappear-, T
    • "You know that thing that people do in movies, where they’re trying to get over someone so they completely cut them out of their life, and it’s really sad and they cry a lot and then it’s fine? I’m in the process of that.”
  • Summer, Winter, Spring -I'm Falling For You-, T
    • The school starts to take notice of Jimin.Taehyung has always noticed.
        • (this is the actual cutest and softest and the bestest i was grinning the whole time 10/10 would recommend- AND THERES CUTE VMON AND TAEKOOK FRIENDSHIP AND ITS THE CUTEST just imagine all the parrot shrieks i made reading this also im jungkook the entire way even the being in love w yoongi part dont @ me) "how do you plan on seducing men if you can only make rice?" MY FUTURE
  • its your heart i wanna live & sleep in , T
    • The first time Jimin sleeps over at Taehyung's, it's an emergency. The other times after? That's a different story.
        • this is one of my ultimate faves its so soft and pure???
  • But If You Close Your Eyes, T
    • The story of Taehyung and Jimin growing up is best told in the time they spend together each summer. From Ninja Turtles to first kisses, they figure everything out together.
      • my heart man my fuckin heart
  • Kissing Up on Fences, T
    • the five times the other members thought they were dating, and the one time jimin starts to wonder if they really are
  • i don't know what the trick is, but baby you're a treat, G
    • Jimin gets lost in the middle of a Halloween Horror Nights maze at Universal Studios. Taehyung’s a scare actor who falls a little in love.
        • so precious
  • two birds, one scone,G
    • Taehyung considers himself a pretty lucky person — right up to the moment when his computer gets cranky and deletes his lab report. But at 2 am in a near deserted library, who's he supposed to call? (in which Jimin works at the campus technical support centre and Taehyung learns that not all heroes wear capes.)
        • soooooo cute
  • mutuals; or, how to be a Super Secret Fanboy, T
    • taehyung and jimin run big bang fan blogs on tumblr, messaging almost daily. little do they know- they're actually roommates.
  • Sideareal
    • Here we observe the Earth and the Sun in their natural habitat: each other.
      • another one of my faves it captures their friendship so well
  • roll with it, T
    • “fake boyfriend, jiminnie. fake is the key word here.”
        • just some quality dudebro interaction
  • i'm covered in the colors {pulled apart at the seams}, Vmin, T
    • Jimin is Taehyung's blue in a world of yellows and greens and purples, a slice of the night sky to keep in his pocket.
        • this is so well written and well everything
  • game face on, E
    • Everybody else has always liked to speculate about their relationship. Taehyung and Jimin? They've always liked to prove people wrong.
        • oh boy....
  • If I wanted to {I do}, T
    • It's not a surprise to anyone that Taehyung and Jimin are getting married. There are things that bring people together, like fate, but this isn't that sort of arrangement. It's a matter of politics.
  • the most beautiful and terrible thing, G
    • Taehyung doesn't look broken. Jimin doesn't see any rashes or discoloration. He has two arms and legs, no more, no less. He looks roughly like he did the last time Jimin saw him, just a little more awake in the mid-afternoon. It's mildly reassuring. But then Taehyung says, "Jimin, you always smell the best," and Jimin isn't quite sure what to do with that.
        • awww this was super adorable!!
  • thinkin' bout you, thinkin' bout me, vmin, T
    • Taehyung can always count on Jimin to ensure that he doesn't feel left behind and Jimin's only too happy to oblige
        • i love this fic so much vmin are just like ???? the cutest and the realest ofc
  • ring the changes,E
    • That's the nature of one-sided confessions. Things change.
        • so this fully ruined me and now im broken
  • damn to hell every second you breathe, T
    • jeongguk has only ever known jimin without taehyung.
        • poor kook :(( but like i love vmin so much
  • to whom it may concern, T
    • Taehyung believes in soulmates. He believes in soulmates to the moon and back, with the sort of fervor reserved for children and lunatics. Jimin believes in soulmates. He’s just not sure he wants his.
  • time goes anticlockwise, M
    • see, the thing about soulmates is that you’re going to have more than one, and every one of them is going to have an expiry date.
        • this hurt me
  • of henchmen and hostages, T
    • Taehyung is charming. He’s been told that he’s charming since he was old enough to talk, and while charm in and of itself is kind of worthless, he’s also sincere, and that’s gotten Taehyung pretty far in life. It’s a little harder to charm the person holding you hostage, but Taehyung doesn’t have anything better to do.
        • super fucking adorable and once again i love this author so so so much and vmin just ????? adorable and bby bbh and junmyeonie mentioned too!! made my day
  • shōnen-ai love you, T
    • Doing anything to woo Park Jimin means, apparently, studying BL manga.
        • kaythebest giving us the best vmin interaction once again
  • you're the best i wanna know about your day, T
    • There is very little that Taehyung hates more than 8 am classes. But wow. Look at that. He’s found something. 8 am ballet. Ballet at any time of the day probably would have been enough to make him drop out of college. The only reason he’s still in it is probably because it’s so early that Taehyung literally isn’t awake enough to properly register how terrible everything is.
        • this entire vmin section is just kaythebest i stg help me
  • shake, rattle, roll, T
    • Osaka is beautiful, Japan is beautiful, and Jimin is beautiful. The only bad part is the earthquakes. (Or: Jimin has a nightmare and Taehyung will always, always, come to his rescue.)
        • husband vmin are always too sweet for me
  • love is simple {it's all timing and luck}, G
    • “Let me take you out to coffee.” Jimin snorts. “I thought you said you found the One.” “I did!” Taehyung insists. “And now I’m trying to ask him out for coffee.”
      • sweet lil oneshot abt missed connections
  • the flying boy who was brighter than the sun, T
    • Later that night, after Jimin's waved to more cameras than he can count and Facetimed his parents at the opening ceremony. After he's taken commemorative selcas, looking for Taehyung in the crowd of athletes but unable to find him, Hoseok snores fill up the empty spaces in the bed beside him. The warm summer breeze flows through the curtains, tickling Jimin's body. Jimin stares into the darkness, listening to the quiet rush of water from the fountains outside. His heart twists in his chest as he turns onto his side. And Jimin hopes, and hopes, and hopes.
      • athletes vmin!!! adorable!!
  • i just adore you asking for more, E
    • Taehyung is a successful model looking for a discreet release. Jimin is a professional dom who won’t judge his browsing history.
      • ok so this was loads better than it sounds i promise
  • maybe in another universe, E
    • Jimin wakes up four times, in four different parallel universes. Annoyingly (or thankfully?) enough, his ridiculous clown of a best friend and maybe the subject of his nighttime fantasies Kim Taehyung happens to be a fixture in Jimin’s life, every single damn time.
        • i !!! love !!! this !!! so !!! much !!!
  • check you out {you're beautiful}, G
    • “You’ve literally been in the same university together for three years and you have like, two classes together this semester, I’m pretty sure he knows you,” Jungkook murmured, a poor attempt at pacifying Taehyung’s current state of despair. “Besides, you’re like, always staring these flaming holes into his face and being weird, I’m pretty sure he couldn’t ignore you even if he wanted to, hyung.” Taehyung grabbed at the emptied plastic water bottle sitting on his nightstand and threw it at Jungkook, missing by a good five feet, watching as the bottle fell to the floor, rolling until it hit the foot of Jungkook’s bed. “I do not stare flaming holes into his face, I–” He paused, biting his lip, before huffing softly. “I simply admire him, that’s all. From a distance.”
  • New Message - 1:15 AM, M
    • Jimin was fully not expecting to wake up with four drunk sexts from the gorgeous boy in his Korean Lit lecture, but he did, and now he's fairly certain he's going to have to switch schools.
  • here comes the rush (before we touch}, T
    • Five times Jimin and Taehyung share indirect kisses. (And one that's not indirect at all.)
  • I'll Lead (and you have no choice}, T
    • Park Jimin has always taken comfort in his soulmate. Knowing that someone out there is connected to him through the red string tied around their fingers. Kim Taehyung, however, likes to make his life a lot more interesting. Because Kim Taehyung's string isn't around his finger. It's around his neck.
  • all of your sides are good, E
    • It's Jimin's birthday and Taehyung has to do whatever he wants. (Or where Jimin doesn't know what he wants, is what Taehyung wants too.)
      • the members being horrified is s o funny and taehyung being utterly whipped for jimin is how literally every person on this planet feels about him
  • drunk and in love, T
    • Life crushing on your best friend is never easy. It's even worse when said best friend is a trickster by nature, and has made the grand decision that the two of you should fake-date for a laugh. Jimin realises that he never did make things easy for himself.
  • Ask Me Anything, E
    • Jimin learned a lot about his best friend.
      • some of the things they were asking each other i was just like ajsnsks
  • Unbothered, T
    • It's a certain kind of staring, these long looks that make Jimin feel like he's in a romance novel or something, like the only way to describe the look in Taehyung's eyes is with words like “ardor” and “passion" and “longing.” He never looks away when Jimin catches him at it, either. Can you even call it catching someone when they’re completely unapologetic?
      • taehyung just being so wholly in love with jimin oh my god
  • out of the woodwork, M
    • taehyung wakes up with amnesia, having lost six year of his life, and jimin is hiding something.

[ Random Pairings ]

  • loverboy ,Vminkook, M
    • this much jimin’s figured out: sometimes, somehow, his words make people fall in love with him.
      • um??? this was hella good?? like ive never read something like this before and it was vv good and aahh
  • catching stars to keep, Taehyung/Jungkook, T
    • Jeon Jungkook is eighteen years, two hundred and one days, eighteen hours, thirty two minutes, and fifty five seconds old when he meets his soulmate.
        • this is a remix fic from the original which is a vmin and it was interesting to see all the events from jungkook's pov
  • You've got another boy to lose, Jimin/Jungkook, T
    • Jimin falls asleep like that, mouth open, still coughing every now and then. Seokjin picks the glass up from his slack hands and places it on the bedside table before levering himself to his feet to go back to the living room. “What are you doing?” Yoongi asks before he can leave, not looking at him, but at Jimin, dwarfed by the big fluffy sheets that Seokjin prefers. He doesn’t have an answer to that.



  • Children Of the Bad Revolution, Baekhyun/Taemin/Kai, NC-17
    • How To Win Friends and Influence People in the Zombie Apocalypse, by Kim Jongin
      • ridiculously hilarious,,, zombie apocalypses arent meant to be this funny i stg

[ Taekai ]

  • Flight, PG
    • Sehun wonders if Jongin knows that he flies the highest when he is with Taemin.
      • This ones soft and a bit angsty + sehun being a cute bff
  • Reverie, M
    • Taemin has been recruited into an organization tasked with hunting down individuals that can conjure earthquakes and vortexes of fire at will. He's glad he has Jongin to keep his mind off his new job.
      • spy au + exo mama powers um yesss
  • Shadows of the Mess We Made, M
    • When Jongin's cover is blown, he has to put his trust in the criminal he was supposed to assassinate. Burned spy AU.
      • more takai + spy au bc my babies and my fave trope is a must
  • No Ordinary Thing, E
    • Kai, one of the prophetic Twelve Born who will save Exo Planet, has been groomed from a young age to fulfill his destiny. Kai, the most proficient of his kin goes head to head with Taemin, the youngest and most gifted of the Sicarii. Through their encounters, they both begin to question their destinies and find that nothing is as it seems.
      • One of my favourite fics of all time even tho its still ongoing definitely a must read
  • The Trials and Tribulations of Lee Taemin
    • "Okay," Taemin says, slowly. "Help you with what?" "I need you to kiss me," Jongin says, and he nods decisively."What," Taemin glares.
  • Mind Games, T
    • Jongin tries to organize his thoughts (or, Jongin tries to meditate away his Taewant)
  • Growing Pains, M
    • and then taemin disappears and jongin is left without gravity or orbit, a binary star with its partner torn away spinning aimlessly through empty space
      • everytime i read this i love it more and more
  • you're all the things i've got to remember, PG
    • letting go
  • Hey There, Mr.Blue Sky, NC17
    • flight attendants au ft. spontaneous telepathic mindbonding.
  • Seek, Find, R
    • jongin hadn't expected half of this shit when he signed up to be taemin's intern, but he's not sure he isn't pleased about most of it, either.
  • You Can't Dance and Stay Upright, NC17
    • melon music awards aftermath
  • a little bit tower of pisa whenever i see you, PG-13
    • kai's a rising actor; taemin is his thrill-seeking stunt double.
        • Short but sweet
  • Springtide, Taemin/Kai, M
    • Character sketches reflecting on puberty, growing up and making progress. Sexuality/growing pains/body hair
        • the taekai chapter is so pure
  • this one heart feels so warm, E
    • There's something really heartwarming and so entirely domestic about sleepily standing side by side, brushing teeth in front of the sink and smiling while looking at each other in the mirror. And Jongin's so weak, so weak, for these soft moments. He feels his heart simultaneously melt and burst with warmth.
        • adorable adorable adorable im
  • Amuse-Bouche, E
    • Esteemed rival chefs find each other shamefully buying ramen at 3 in the morning
  • Number One, M
    • Taemin has many, varied ways with which to make Jongin's life hard.
        • adorable
  • make up, shake up, break up, PG-13
    • Hufflepuff Jongin should've thought a lot more about who he said his fake boyfriend is when he rejected for the umpth time Chanyeol confessing his undeying love for him in public, especially since his significant other is no other than his best friend Taemin. The resident heartthrob and Hogwarts' clown
  • Error 404: Shame Not Found, NC-17
    • i just discovered my favorite camboy goes to my uni
        • this fic is a whole mood like i dont relate to the camboy aspect lmao but taemin being an ethereal being and jongin having a breakdown is me
  • Persuasion, NC-17
    • Taekai fucking on top of a pool table, that's it.
        • is it weird to have a fave smut fic? bc this is it
  • Vegas Lights, PG
    • drunk bffs wake up married in vegas
        • moonkyu and wonshik made this even better than it was already and like taekai??? are so precious and perfect and adorable in this im drowning in my tears
  • Nearest and Dearest, G
    • “Go get ‘em, tiger,” Jongin grins, patting Taemin’s ass subtly to push him forward as he stifles his laughter in Taeoh’s hair.
        • ooohhh my fuckin god so soft and precious i live for domestic taekai
  • Please, Together, Breathe With Me, PG-13,
    • so don’t give up on me, I beg of you
        • my softest baby boys
  • Just Overwhelm Me, PG
    • There are many myths surrounding SM Entertainment. Jongin is pretty sure this boy who moves like water isn't one of them.
        • my sweet sweet dancer boys gosh canon taekai always pulls on my heart
  • Let's Play, M
    • Taemin and Jongin play a game to prove that they are not in love, despite their friends' accusations. All they have to do is flirt with each other a little, and whoever falls in love first loses. As they say, they just have to play and win. No harm.
        • so??? cute?????
  • Shining Sunshine, T
    • Retired dancer Kim Jongin, also known as Taemin's best friend since birth, is adopting a baby. Since he's such a loyal friend, of course Taemin ends up getting roped into raising the child with him. It sounds like an easy enough job at first, but when old feelings start to resurface, Taemin doesn't know anymore.
        • this rlly exists to attack my emotions
  • deeper than oceans, as sweet as devotion, T
    • six times that taemin proposed to jongin and it meant something, and one time it meant everything
      • i dont usually read proposal fics but this one is just too precious

[ Exo/RV ]

sep 16 2017 ∞
apr 28 2022 +