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Fic recs by Ace and Yasie <3

Various fandoms inc kpop, mdzs, mha, haikyuu and more

We have a curious cat now too!! Pls shoot us a message there as we're trying to see if anyone actually uses our recs :')

listography NEW NEWS

----- EXO -----

[ BaekChen ]

  • fried eggs & vertigo, T
    • Baekhyun falls, and then he falls again. And again. And again. And again.
      • i am a s l u t for the groundhog day trope u dont even understand i love love it sm and im also a slut for baekchen so everything works out also this is so good and lovely also astroblemish is such a good author im mad
  • anything hurts less, T
    • Baekhyun gets put on mandatory vocal rest. It does not turn out to be, however, as easy as it sounds.
      • adorable adorable adorable
  • I still see the light, G
    • two boys, one car
        • i'm probably gna put like all the baekchen fics i ever read on here bc i love baekchen
  • Mirror's Edge, Baekhyun/Chen, PG-13
    • Jongdae wakes up in a world not of his own and meets a Baekhyun not of his own, but his heart is still at home.
        • my precious babies
  • Ultraviolet, T
    • Fresh out of college, Jongdae lives a pretty normal life: paying bills, keeping tabs on his obnoxious roommate, and being the city’s most adored superhero. Naturally, everything starts to spiral out of control.
        • one of the most adorable superhero au's ever
  • horizon line, T
    • One would think at some stage between all the super mutant alien descendants and the love of his life betraying him, Baekhyun would’ve grown accustomed to being thrown into an alternate universe.And yet.
      • astroblemish back at it again with the amazing baekchen fics this was so good

[ KaiSoo ]

  • A Step by Step Guide on: Winning Jongin's Heart, M
    • It’s just like Kyungsoo to fall for someone that belongs in the sky, when he’s meant to spend the rest of his life beneath the earth.
        • i have no words
  • A Beast In Repose, NC17
    • A modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast.
      • this is so so wonderful and i love it with all my heart
  • Lights On, Minds Off Fall Into Me, PG-13
    • Idol-turned-actor Jongin and rising star Kyungsoo have their problems but maybe the set of their new drama isn't the best place to solve them.
        • My heart hurts
  • What We Find, M
    • Jongin has waited his whole life to meet the person on the other end of the red thread.
  • Monochrome Wasteland, E
    • Kyungsoo dreams in shades of black and white. Jongin is that splash of colour.
        • my head and heart hurt
  • Gicleur, PG13
    • The coffee house by the bend, 3 pm: the Project begins.
      • ouch ouch ouch
  • The Loneliest Place to Be, Kyungsoo/Kai, R
    • On a business trip to promote his new book, Kyungsoo discovers that no-strings-attached is no longer a possibility.
        • this did many things to my heart and i'm mad
  • Arbitrage, Kyungsoo/Kai, NC-17
    • here are three tracks to Do Kyungsoo's life. Track A, trader at an investment bank. Track B, new recruit of a race crew called EXO. Track C... track C involves someone named Kai and a whole lot of bad decisions.
      • MY HEEAAAARTTTTTTT omg this hit hard and my poor head is suffering too from trying to keep up with all the twists and turns.
  • Red Riding Hood's First Love
    • Not every tale that begins with a Once Upon A Time ends with a Happily Ever After. Red Riding Hood can tell you that
      • i love re-tellings so much
  • Bring Them Crashing Down, E
    • Kyungsoo doesn't want a partner on the field but he gets one anyway. Jongin's not too bad.
  • High Tides, E
    • In the middle of a cold war, Kyungsoo gives Jongin the longest summer of his life.
        • oh man I loved this so much
  • Signal Lost{ And Found}, T
    • Ink fades, but the mark on Jongin's heart remains.
  • The Language of Flowers, T
    • Jongin owns a flower shop and one evening, a man storms in, slams some money on the table and says, “How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?”
  • Garnet Hearts,T
    • Through the faded hues of lingering seasons, Prince Jongin tries to find the spark that could set his heart alight.
      • cute princes falling in love with each other?? we stan
  • Truth be told (I never was yours}
    • Kyungsoo thinks Jongin can't act. Jongin promises to prove him wrong. And prove him wrong he does, in a way Kyungsoo could never have imagined, even in his wildest dreams.
      • i mean the ending was probably obvious but i'd completely forgotten what it was meant to be abt and it hit me like a sucker punch oh my god
  • Ante-ro-gu-rey-du, G
    • kyungsoo finds anterograde tomorrow
      • god i LOVE this its so funny i adore
  • Monochrome Wasteland, E
    • Kyungsoo dreams in shades of black and white. Jongin is that splash of colour.
        • my head and heart hurt
  • mon petit chou, R
    • Gardening is good for the soul... and other organs.
        • I honestly feel like i'm too dumb to understand most of these horror fics lmao but this one was v interesting

[ ChanKai ]

bc im the biggest hoe for anyone / kai and i found the fucking cutest chankai ff and now my heart is throwing up

  • the weight of the world i'll lift it for you, NC-17
    • Struggling between two jobs and trying to find something better isn’t easy for Chanyeol, but in light of everything, he’s just glad he has Jongin. Even if Jongin doesn’t know how much Chanyeol is in love with him.
  • no need to play pretend, PG13
    • On the eve of his sister's wedding, Chanyeol hires Jongin to pose as his boyfriend so he doesn't have to confront his ex alone. It's easy enough to make everyone believe they're in love, but he doesn't count on Jongin being so convincing that Chanyeol starts to believe it himself.
        • i saw this around loads n tbh im not big on getting some random person to be ur plus 1 bc ur ex is gna be there typa thing but chankai + boredom leads to odd decisions. anyway! this was actually super sweet n soft and any fic with sleepy nini makes me wanna fully sob
  • From the Shadows, G
    • Chankai's haunted house scene from Showtime.
      • forever salty that we didnt get to see the chankai haunted house scene and im glad theres someone in the world to indulge my needs bc showtime aint doing it :////
  • Play of the Game, T
    • Jongin has the worst friends. Chanyeol has tattoos. (This wasn't part of the script).
        • There's a roast jongin gc and cute awkward gay chankai what more do we need
  • the thin line between, NC-17
    • Jongin’s always had people he likes best. Chanyeol’s pretty sure he’s never going to be one of those people.
        • this made me feel so many things im still reeling
  • 'Til the Morning Sun You're Mine, E
    • Jongin had expected a boring summer helping out at his parents' guest house that they rent out to tourists from all over the world. His mother forgets to tell him about the tall, gangly guy who doesn't like to wear sleeves.
        • this is oddly perfect??
  • Face Full of Teeth, NC17
    • Chanyeol is fighting a losing battle against his feelings for Jongin
  • Some Things Last a Long Time, R
    • Jongin is always one step behind, and not everyone can wait forever.
        • aaaaaahhhhhhhhh jinri and jongin made me fully cry and this fic made my heart ache its so good
  • Home, T
    • Chanyeol knows one thing for sure: Jongin is his home.
        • this made me teary ngl
  • Tie Me Down, E
    • Jongin really likes Chanyeol on his knees.
        • the video this is based off is actually the cutest thing
  • Bound to You, G
    • Someone handcuffs Chanyeol and Jongin's hands together while they're sleeping and the key goes missing.
        • soft babies
  • The Stars in Your Eyes, M
    • Spending time with Jongin is a lot more enthralling than Chanyeol had expected.
        • chankai are so precious
  • happenstance, T
    • when jongin tags along with his sister to the fanmeet of famous actor park chanyeol, he does not expect to be the one actually meeting him.
      • wow chanyeol ain't subtle
  • The Fine Line Between Love and Jackson Pollock, NC17
    • Where pop idol Kim Jongin has to deal with something worse than class-A bitches and creepy sasaengs: falling in love with the CEO’s son.
        • ouch
  • navigate me, G
    • Jongin has some trouble controlling his power and ends up teleporting into a stranger’s apartment and onto his lap.
  • Honey, come set me free, E
    • Jongin's quiet, single lifestyle couldn't be more at odds with his day job. Life as the poster boy for one of the biggest underwear labels in South Korea is great and Jongin loves it, he does, it's just that sometimes he feels like the two halves of his life don't add up. Without the lights and the makeup and the skimpy clothes, Jongin is just an ordinary guy with all the ordinary hang ups (that is if crippling shyness and anxiety count as ordinary). Jongin has spent most of his life trying to live up to people's expectations of him, but maybe it's about time he learnt that the only people who matter will love him just the way he is.
      • what business do they have being so precious
  • i've fallen into this ocean called you, G
    • Sehun wonders if they think they're being subtle.

[ SeKai ]

  • our hands aren't tied but we move as though they are, R
    • Jongin drinks too much, too often.
        • i kinda really love this??? also it gave me my daily dose of taekai friendship which i appreciate
  • housewarming, light R
    • Jongin doesn't mind much. He likes a challenge, and their new home is nothing if not a challenge.
      • this is so fucking soft im actually on the verge of tears bc ???? so so soft and lovely
  • caution tape romance, R
    • Sehun’s new roommate has a secret.
        • this was so fucking funny and also hella weird but also funny so
  • but never doubt i love, R
    • Jongin has watched Sehun go through boyfriend after boyfriend, scumbag after scumbag, and it’s killing him. It’s hard enough to see it happen to your best friend, let alone the boy you’re in love with.
        • this its so cute n like im a sucker for witty dialogue also sign me the fuck up for soft baekhyun like ??? all my favourite things in a fic
  • garden city movement, R
    • in which sehun starts his senior year of college with a new roommate – jongin, who has one too many demons to fight.
  • Nothing But Summer, E
    • While lifeguarding on the beach, Sehun has to deal with the obnoxious guys from his class who think they can skimboard. One is Kris, who he's had a crush on for years. Another is cute, flirty Jongin, who might be just what he needs to get over him.
      • come for sekai stay for the one liners ive choked so many times already reading it 10/10 would recommend
  • Endgame, NC-17
    • Sleeping with the lover of East Asia's most dangerous arms dealer wasn't one of Oh Sehun's brightest ideas.
      • Mafia AUs mess me up so bad n this certainly did too and now i have a lot of emotions and nowhere to put them
  • escape speed, T
    • Sehun dreams of darkness, of fire, of bodies that break and stars that live forever.
      • this is one of the most beautiful stories ive ever read and i cried so much omfg but its so good and im highkey dead inside but fucking hell
  • Underbelly, NC-17
    • A part of Sehun has always belonged to the sea.
      • jfc why is every good sekai fic so goddamn angsty my heart cant take it any more
  • Kkangpae, NC-17
    • its the russian roulette that got me goddamn
  • Got me up all night, T
    • Tumblr!AU: Tumblr famous ulzzang Sehun and b-boy Jongin meet.
      • this was so precious
  • the challenge,E
    • Sehun was in the middle of enjoying the party when he gets issued a challenge: go upstairs where someone is handcuffed to a bed and fuck them, no matter who they are. Sehun accepts.
  • 190 mph,PG-13
    • Some people are made out of stardust, some of rust.
  • Stay Bright, Fireflies, PG-13
    • this is a love letter. this is a love story. this is love.
      • don't be fooled by the pg-13 rating this will tear out your heart and stomp on it as hard as it can
  • Allegro
    • It’s sort of like waking up one day and realizing you haven’t lost your mind. You’ve just gained another one.
        • i love this author so much and her writing is so so good like i could feel the distinction between jongin and kai and it was amazing.
  • On a Paper Airplane, E
    • Over the course of two weeks, Sehun flies paper airplanes onto Jongin's desk. What Jongin doesn't know is that the airplanes are actually love notes.
      • sososo cute
  • 100 Days and Counting, E
    • Sehun had no idea who he was making out with on Baekhyun's snap story.
      • surprisingly adorable!
  • Time Lapse, R
    • jongin has 48 hours to find and love sehun before the cycle starts all over again.
      • honestly this sekai section is just angst central
  • Bittersweet, Sehun/Kai, PG-13
    • Jongin lives as a member of a poor carnival troupe, until one day he's taken in by a rich man to live with him and be the companion of his sick son.
        • got me in the feels right at the end
  • the hanged man, E
    • Future plays itself in cards Jongin and Sehun never learned how to read (or where a dark mark is etched on the inside of jongin’s wrist and sehun has a dinner with the inevitable)
        • a cute lil journey and gorgeous writing
  • The Day of Panic, PG-13
    • What goes up must come down, even if it means that my heart will be smeared all over the concrete.
        • oof more angsty sekai comin right up. apocalypse/zombie au is turning out to be a fave
  • if you wanna play it like a game, E
    • Curiosity driven by sexual frustration and over a month’s worth of temptation is bound to lead to sin.
        • perfect mix of deliciously hot and lame sekai
  • The Unpublished Autobiography of Kim Jongin, PG-13
    • Jongin gave his mind to the stars and his heart to a boy back home.
      • loud screaming
  • We're All Just Taller Children, T
    • When Joonmyun decides to add Oh Sehun as the sixth member of their crew, Jongin seems to be the only one that has a problem with it.
        • i love heist au's so much and this is brilliant
  • One Thousand Paper Cranes, PG-13
    • “If I can fold a thousand paper cranes, will my wish come true?”
        • aaahhh so so so so adorable my heart is grinning
  • Jongin Was Supposed to be Flirting With Momo, Kai/Sehun, E
    • The football team and the baseball team have always hated each other, and it's Jongin's job as football team captain to go head to head with the baseball team captain, the gorgeous and talented Oh Sehun.
      • i loved this more than i thought i could
  • A Deluge in Slow-Motion, PG
    • Life in the country trickles by and with Jongin comes the flood.
      • soft country boys
  • Daddy Issues, E
    • Calling the old man 'daddy' would be hard enough without having to deal with the guy who called the old man 'dad.' Sugarbaby Jongin meets his sugardaddy's son, Sehun.
      • dont judge me,,,,
  • Fermata the Blue, E
    • Sehun immediately feels threatened by the new intern. He's used to being the only hot young intern, and the addition of a second might make him irrelevant. He decides the only solution is to give the poor new guy a really hard time. But Jongin's got a few of his own tricks up his sleeve.
  • Virtuality, R
    • Oh Sehun is one of EXOnet’s best virtual world creators. He spends his days dreaming up realities and having them come to life through his fingertips. Until one day, he’s trapped in one of his own creations with only one way out.
  • How To Cool Down, E
    • On a disgustingly hot day in August, the Freshman dorm's air conditioning breaks. All Sehun wants to do is take a cold shower to cool down, but everyone else has the same idea, and all the showers are full. Luckily he finds someone who will share.
        • hot hot hot (how ironic)
  • Just Relax, E
    • Sehun finds a way to mess up Jongin's tempo.
      • ahh just like idk ahhh
  • you are inside me like my pulse, E
    • When Sehun's ex-boyfriend refuses to leave him alone, he decides that fake-dating his best friend is the solution.
      • yall know i love a good fake dating fic but everythings better w sekai
  • What Makes A Monster?, M
    • Six people are already dead on campus. Sehun knows it's some kind of monster. Sehun's boyfriend doesn't seem to agree.
        • i mean i guessed it but like it's still p good
  • tis nobler in the mind to suffer, Kyungsoo/Kai, Kai/Sehun, R
    • to tell, or not to tell, that is the question
      • oh hell this messed me up it was written in a cool style thats different to usual and it was just rlly well put together

[ LuKai ]

  • borderlines, PG-13
    • When Jongin and Lu Han are chosen to travel through China together for a TVN reality show, Jongin certainly isn’t expecting things to get so complicated.
      • this is so lovely im
  • 91 Lanterns, PG
    • College!AU. Lu Han is national idol Kris Wu’s biggest fan, and Jongin is just in it for the ride.
      • this is so cute omfg
  • How it's gonna feel,M
    • Jongin doesn’t get the hype. Not really.
      • Here for that oddly sweet ending tbfh
  • Project Hades, NC-17
    • Jongin is stuck out on the streets on Purge night until a mysterious killer saves his life, and the night unfolds as he learns the truth about the sanctioned event of carnage, the stranger, and himself.
      • a purge au omg !!! and its so good and oof the lukai is really something

[ KaiXing ]

  • In Monochrome, NC-17
    • There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are. – Ernst Haas
        • this is so long but so so well written.
  • A friend in me, G
    • A look at each member's relationship with Yixing.
        • IM SUCH A HOE FOR SOFT YIXING CENTRIC FICS BITCH YES THIS GOT ME SO GOOD LIKE IM ????? 2 AM SOFTNESS COMPLETE I LOVE YIXING also that jongin part tho got me shook ??? was not expecting it my dude but was it a lovely surprise 100/10 would recommend what a cute fic
  • please don't call me on my bluff, E
    • They’re counterparts, he and Jongin. Two ends destined never to meet, rarely set to so much as share space. Yixing measures the space between them carefully, constantly.
      • in this house we love and support kaixing bc that stuff is good for the soul and i love their dynamics sm and kaixing fics are always written so so well idk how to function
  • Equal, Opposite, Enough, PG-13
    • Jongin is captured. Yixing rescues him. Jongin isn’t happy.
        • all the lovely happy feels
  • Without a Shadow {of a Doubt}, PG-13
    • In the dark of night, Yixing finds a forgotten god.
        • nearly up at my top 10 level of fave honestly i loved this so much
  • Less Like a Curse, PG-13
    • He’s come to terms with what he can do. He heals, but at a cost. It’s therefore of utmost importance that he adheres to certain conditions. One, he needs to do it in such a small dose that people don’t notice. Two, he needs to be able to hide the pain that comes with it.
        • this was just so??? precious oh my
  • Paper Tiger, Do You Bend in the Rain?, PG-13
    • How unbearable the weight of a servant's love for his master.
      • my heart got stomped on
  • When we wake on Sunday mornings, PG-13
    • cute cute cute
  • smudged coal and ivory keys Part, R
    • Between late-night concerts and melancholic coal paintings, Yixing falls in love.
        • more beautiful poetic kaixing bc i love suffering!
  • give me a part of you, for a part of me, NC-17
    • jongin thinks that yixing and he are just a broken mirror, shattered glass the only remnants of the impact

[ BaekXing ]

ok so i had to make a section for these two lovelies bc i realised just how much baekxing i read lmao

  • Lost then found, E
      • Three years is plenty of time to get over someone, but when Yixing walks back into Baekhyun’s life, he realizes soon enough that maybe he’d never really gotten over Yixing at all.
          • this fic killed me and brought me back to life i love it so much
  • Articulation,T
    • In the middle of dreary autumn, Baekhyun singing Yixing’s song is like a summer day. Maybe that means something. That’s a dance for another day, he thinks.
      • short and so sweet! also so well written damn
  • Cashmere Craving,E
    • Yixing is the new hire at Seoul's corporate giant who falls into bed with Baekhyun, the seemingly carefree rich boy who has a cashmere sweater for every occasion, throws weekly parties for his rich friends, and never sleeps with the same person more than twice. Until Yixing.
          • I LOVE THIS SO SO MUCH
  • Daylight, E
    • Baekhyun hates mornings. But with the white light pushing past the thin fabric that's attempting to pass as curtains bouncing off the creamy skin of Yixing's perfect face, Baekhyun might just get used to them.
  • your echo {through these walls}, M
    • Baekhyun finds it quite funny how the first thing he discovers about his new neighbor is his voice from the other side of his bedroom wall—it’s like doing things backwards in a way; but it’s intriguing and only makes him listen even more intently, and maybe fall for him, along the way.
        • so precious omfg
  • All Expenses Paid, T
    • Baekhyun wins an all expenses paid trip to New York. He just doesn't read the details.
  • Whatever You Want, M
    • Baekhyun's parents are coming to visit him for two weeks and he's excited, as he should be. Except he forgot he never told his parents he'd stopped seeing his ex, and they expect him. Never one to disappoint his family, he needs a boyfriend fast.Luckily his roommate, best friend and resident angel of Baekhyun's life, Yixing, is willing to play boyfriend.
      • i read this ages ago so i dont rlly remember much but i mean its a baekxing fake dating au im sure it was amazing
  • special shorty, G
    • baekhyun misspells names like your typical barista. and if he renames people, well, it’s probably time for a new name anyway. unless they're zhang yixing, of course. this is a name he knows perfectly well.
      • baek being head over heels for xing is a constant mood
  • The Science of Letting Go, E
    • Baekhyun is unexpectedly dumped by who he thought was the love of his life. Through unusual (and slightly illegal) circumstances he meets Yixing, who takes it upon himself to help Baekhyun get over his heartbreak.
      • this fic made me wanna find someone to cuddle with ahh so so so cute def one of the best baekxing ive read

[ KaiBaek ]

the cutest little babies

  • Don't wanna think about the distance, M
    • “What’d you say?” “... I told him he was bendy.”
  • Lean on Me,NC-17
    • finally meeting baekhyun in the flesh is good in some ways and better in others.
      • I love intellectuals who love and support baekai
  • Tell Me, What Is Real, M
    • Baekhyun doesn’t know how to deal with a character who insists on coming to life; he can only deal with Jongin, whoever, whatever he is.
  • When The Cherry Blossoms Fade, R
    • Maybe Jongin's selfish, but he just wants to hear Baekhyun sing one more time, wants to drape himself across Baekhyun's stomach and listen to how his heartbeat matches the vibration of the song that comes from his lips.
  • Used To Light Up The Dark, M
    • When SM markets their latest idol group as fantastic aliens from exo-planet who possess powers that mimic those of the Unknowables on Earth... they're not completely lying.
      • kaibaek isn't a v big focus in this but its so good
  • And This Is How We Met, E
    • When Jongin is invited to his ex-boyfriend's wedding, he does the only thing he can think to do, ask his new neighbor to come as his boyfriend, his pretend boyfriend.
  • darling, you're still divine, G
    • jongin's almost too tsundere to function
  • I Got You, Babe, T
    • When Jongin made a promise to go on a date with Baekhyun if he were the last man on Earth, he didn't expect to actually have to follow through on it
      • what !! are !! they !! so !! cute !! for !!

[ ChanSoo ]

  • Do it for the vine dude, G
    • Sehun runs a Chansoo Vine account.
      • This is so Dumb™ pls read
  • ELEMental, T
    • Park Chanyeol desperately wants to recruit twitter fanartist Kyungsoo into his crew of gay fanboys. The obvious way to do this is by confessing his love for him every day.
  • Attachment Theory, E
    • Even before the matching bruises and the couple rings, Chanyeol thinks he might have been Kyungsoo’s soulmate all along.
      • This was SO good my heart

[ XuiKai ]

  • Made for Two, E
    • When Baekhyun bought Jongin and Minseok a couples snuggie as a joke, he honestly didn't expect to be traumatised like this.
      • this is so funny omfg and the second hand embarrassment is enough to kill u tbh
  • Tastes Like Magic, E
    • All Minseok wants is his red thread.
  • how to catch a thief {and decide if you want to keep him}, PG-13
    • Inspector Kim Minseok has to balance his search for the jewel thief KAI with the stresses of taking care of four lazy subordinates and his relationship with a dancer named Kim Jongin.
          • i love this sm soft kims are soft
  • We See the Same Stars, PG-13
    • When Jongin agreed to marry Kim Minseok, heir to the largest conglomerate in New Joseon, he thought he was entering into nothing more than a glorified business relationship. He never expected that relationship to become so nebulous.
  • Jaloux, R
    • jongin is luhan's best man and hopelessly infatuated with luhan's fiancé.
        • holy shit my heart physically hurt and the taekai oh my
  • Limit Game, T
    • The first rule of pretending is convincing everyone you’re not—even at the expense of your true feelings.
      • absolutely adorable babies

[ XuiHan ]

  • Stranger, E
    • Minseok has spent his whole life training to be the perfect spy. On his first mission, infiltrating a university to protect a student, he learns that his strict training hasn't prepared him for the hardest part of being undercover: people.
      • i love spy au's sm like ty god for ppl who write them and xuihan!!! n this fic is like v long but also v good n im
  • Duty over pride
    • To secure peace, Minseok is sent into the heart of his enemies to marry their Prince.
        • i actually love this so much
  • Maybe, Minseok/Luhan, Heechul/Minseok, T
    • The powers that be decide to take Heechul's talk of wanting to be on We Got Married with Minseok seriously. Heechul is amused, Minseok is embarrassed, and Lu Han is confused.
  • You're Gone, R
    • they talk on the phone. now, that's all they do.
        • oh god my heart fuck wow
  • This Golden Cage of Mine, M
    • Earth has been destroyed and with it the only home Minseok has ever known. A long journey leads him to a resettlement camp on the planet Evren and the promise of a new life, as long as he is willing to assimilate. When assimilation equates to an arranged marriage Minseok feels like he can't say no. What he doesn’t expect is to be married to a man who has been locked up for the majority of his life, a prince in a gilded cage.
        • honestly what is it w minseok and arranged marriage fics lmaooo but this is really brilliant!!
  • ice, ice baby, PG-13
    • There’s something about the new transfer student that makes Luhan want to know him better.
      • luhan just wants to be friends w minseok our poor thirsty boy
  • Grace, M
    • Crown Prince Minseok marries former general Lu Han, an arranged marriage that marks the beginning of the most tumultuous times of Minseok's life.
      • more xuihan arranged marriage fics but like theyre so pure here
  • Delectable, PG-13
    • Lu Han's morning breath literally smells like the dead.
      • funny but dark

[ LuChen ]

  • The Means to an End, E
    • Being in love is hard enough as is --pretending to be in love with the ex-football star who kind of ruined Jongdae's life is an entirely different challenge altogether.
        • luchen in 2017???? blessed. this fic actually saved my life i feel so many happy feelings also!!!! astroblemish!!! my all time fave jongdae writer back at it again
  • my heart between your teeth, T
    • jongdae didn't entirely dislike lu han, but he didn't like him enough to miss him now that he's gone either. sure, they used to hook up now and then, and yeah, lu han wasn't terrible to him, and okay, maybe sometimes lu han would come bring him coffee when jongdae had a tiny break in his hectic schedule -- but it's not like they were a thing, and jongdae doesn't miss him. not at all. (except maybe he kind of does)
  • It's Gonna Be Forever {Or It's Gonna Go Down In Flames}, E
    • There are a lot of things Jongdae wants out of life. Lu Han isn't one of them.
      • s o many e m o t i o n s
  • These Bright Lights {Have Always Blinded Me}, Luhan/Jongdae, E, AO3
    • Lu Han lives out his idol life unapologetically as his manager tries to keep him in check.
      • im honestly such a sucker for some good luhan/jongdae

[ SuKai ]

  • surely it should never, ever end, T
    • It takes Joonmyeon a long time to realise that he’s miserable, that there’s more to life than he assumes. It takes Jongin to fix it; all-encompassing, unconditional, and always faintly rose scented.
      • This is so so so fucking soft im still reeling it gave me all the warm lovely fuzzies n im actually like tingling this was so cute jfc
  • Young One, R
    • here is no one in the world Jongin is more devoted to than the prince who saved his life.
  • Be Together,NC-17
    • Junmyeon thought he knew what he wanted. Then Jongin showed up.
      • i read this a while ago and dont really remember much but i know it was adorable as heck

[ SuChen ]

  • Blue Sugar, T
    • Whenever they want to feel human, they go to Junmyeon. Unlike others, Jongdae stays.
        • i love suchen
  • Plant Life, NC-17
    • Joonmyun inherits his grandfather's property in a tiny, struggling town, and leaves the city behind to become a farmer. Everyone in his new home adores him, apart from the very distrustful, very attractive shopkeeper's son. But Joonmyun will show him he's not just a useless city slicker. After all, how hard can farming be?
          • I LOVE SUCHEN
  • Shot in the dark {but I'll make it}, Suho/Chen, NC-17
    • To be honest, Jongdae didn’t think that finding his mate would be this difficult.
      • aaah all of them were so adorable in this and i usually stay far far away from wolf fics but this was so cute also sekai!

[ OT3 ]

  • traces of us, Baekhyun/Jongdae/Kyungsoo, M
    • The three of them aren't perfect together, but maybe that's what Kyungsoo likes about it most of all.(Or, alternatively: a story of three, told only in twos.)
      • yk whats better than an otp? an ot3 god this is such a good pairing and im the softest bitch in this town rn this gave me all the warm fuzzies
  • El Dorado, Baekhyun/Chanyeol/Kyungsoo, NC-17
    • El Dorado is a place for second chances. Loosely based on the film Wristcutters: A Love Story.
      • this is ??????? the angsiest oneshot ive read in a while tbh and like im so upset and wtf but i love it??? this was so good and :((( every time i think abt this fic i get a little fucked up
  • bring it down, Baekhyun/Kai/Sehun, PG-13
    • While witnessing the love blooming between Jongin and Sehun, Baekhyun finds himself drawn in more than he expected.
      • I live and breathe for this ot3 sekaibaek is so underrated and i need mORe
  • 4,500 Won, cbx, T
    • Minseok works the late night shift at a convenience store. Baekhyun and Jongdae are thieves who keep coming back.
      • I'm so gay for cbx honestly
  • Post Blue, Luhan/Kai/Sehun, NC-17
    • in which Kai, Sehun, and Lu Han are models, and they fall in love somewhere between airport codes and runway backstage (or not).
  • Rioters, Luhan/Sehun/Kai, NC-17
    • It is the year 2112 and physical contact has been outlawed.
      • my heart it hurts so much omfg
  • 9.8 m/s², Luhan/Sehun/kai
    • Sehun is trapped in a makeshift wonderland. Luhan keeps on chucking scientific equations out of the window. And Jongin, good old Jongin, oozes sex appeal and tension as comfortably as a teacher might sprout out historical facts to a detached crowd.
        • fuuuuuuck also the writing is so beautiful my heart is aching
  • It Takes A Village, Minseok/Suho/Kai
    • Six months post-divorce and into being a single father of five daughters, Junmyeon still hasn't figured it out. A couple moves in next door.
        • an unusual trio but omfg is this so so so well written and it just seems so real? im in love it was so good
  • Three Types Of Fear, Chanyeol/Kyungsoo/Kai, M
    • When it's time to overcome the rivalry between the nations, a team of three young representatives is put together to work for a good cause. Unfortunately, their team is the embodiment of inefficiency.
        • takes a while to properly get into it but they're so adorable also i read this whole fic in one sitting and hate myself
  • Shuffle me This, Chen-Centric, Secret Endgame, E
    • In which four very different neighbors get stuck in an elevator and somehow end up launching a social experiment called Love Shuffle, in which they each switch partners once a week.
          • this is such an interesting concept and the characterisations omg im in love
  • Loyalty is a Funny Thing, Yixing/Kai/Sehun, PG-13
    • In a world of wealth and power in which Jongin is king, Sehun's just there for Yixing.
        • *clutches heart*
  • The Daily Life of Us, Yixing/Kai/Sehun, E
    • Life is more exciting when it's the three of them, together.
        • my cute domestic babies
  • One Heart; Bronze, Silver, and Gold, Chanyeol/Kyungsoo/Kai, E
    • Kyungsoo wants to find his husband, tell him he understands, understands how one heart can be big enough to love two people exactly the same way.
        • chansoo loving and appreciating jongin with all their heart and soul is the quality content i signed up for
  • Wake Up, Brilliant Boy, Jongdae/Kyungsoo/Sehun, T
    • Kyungsoo and Jongdae move next door to make Sehun's life miserable by being so nice. Sehun is crushing, hard. He also for all sorts of reasons keeps finding himself tangled up with them on their couch, and even more tangled up in their lives.
          • precious lovely soft boys in love
  • Well, Since You’re Here You Might As Well, Baekhyun/Chanyeol/Jongin, E
    • Honestly, Baekhyun is not a knock before entering kind of guy. And it works out for him.
  • Three Is A Charm, Two Is Not The Same, Chanyeol/Kyungsoo/Jongin, E
    • Jongin and Kyungsoo are best friends. Kyungsoo starts dating Chanyeol. Chanyeol thinks they can do better.
  • And Your Sexy Enemies Closer, Kyungsoo/Jongin/Sehun, E
    • Kyungsoo and Sehun are out on their regular morning patrols when they stumble across Kim Kai, a member of a rival gang, the notorious prettyboy gangster himself, in an important meeting. He's hiding something.
        • yes gimme all the love shot aus
  • three of a kind, Minseok/Yixing/Baekhyun, E, AO3
    • Baseball comes with rules and regulations for Minseok to follow; loving two people at once does not
      • dont think ive read this pairing before but ??? i love them sm???
  • won't you stay with me, Baek/Kai/Sehun, NC-17
    • sehun wakes up with his boyfriends, baekhyun and jongin by his side. sehun wakes up without them. sehun wakes up alone. sehun sleeps alone.
      • wtfffff

[ Random Pairings ]

  • The great penguins heist, ot12, T
    • Baekhyun spoke up, “Uh so funny story. Kyungsoo became a penguin. And then escaped from the dorm. And the authorities caught him. And he was sent to the zoo."
  • exo more like exhoes, T
    • kyungsoo: The point is, Chanyeol, you need to stop dabbing.kyungsoo: At this point, I’m actually concerned for your wellbeing.dab lord: aw!!!!! kyungsoo caring about me?kyungsoo: I’m worried you’ll become even /more/ of an idiot if this behavior continues, and I genuinely think I’d die because of all that stupidity.
        • Iconic shit right here the humour in this is super dumb but I laughed bc my sense of humour went down the drain the moment I started watching crack videos so yk. Also their thirst for yixing is relatable af
  • pennies for poppies, Luhan/Sehun, PG-13
    • Luhan cares for flowers and Sehun cares about hair gel and maybe possibly Jongin.
      • this is soooo soft aw and im literally sehun when he has a crush on jongin also the writing in this is super nice?? kinda makes me wanna paint smth but i cant paint so :/
  • Murder, they wrote, ot12, G
    • EXO's team-building exercise; starring a helpless detective, his side-kicks, and their mission to destroy the formidable forces of evil.
      • this was actually rlly good n props for me for guessing who it was :'))) im fabulous
  • We are one,OT9 ,T
    • text fic
        • so funny and cute
  • Objects in the Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear, Baekhyun-Centric, T
    • Baekhyun wants to protest and object that no, he is not out of his mind like everybody else here… but he honestly doesn’t know what to believe anymore. Is he really losing his mind? Is everyone here a mere figment of his imagination? Or are they old friends whose faces and names he forgot, just like his own?
      • the alice in wonderland au we desperately needed
  • Something So Familiar, Baekhyun-Centirc, E
    • Baekhyun settles in to play a Boy's Love game. It's a little bit magical, to say the least.
  • and the winner is, Baekhyun/Jongdae/Chanyeol/Kyungsoo/Jongin, NC-17
    • Jongin's reward for winning the hunger games
  • There's Nothing Wrong With Making An Honest Living Selling Illegal Drugs and Killing People, OT12
    • A docu-drama on the nation's most feared South Korean-Chinese gang.
      • I LOVE THIS SO MUCH ahh its so funny and perfect i adore it
  • whos it gonna be?, Baekhyun/Chanyeol/Jongdae/Kyungsoo, T
    • The problem with actually convincing Chanyeol to ask Baekhyun out is that: a) Jongdae really doesn’t want to fucking do it, and b) Kyungsoo may or may not get in the way of that plan to begin with.
      • um ok so yes this is a kyungsoo/baek/chanyeol/chen fic yes it is dont come for me its so fucking adorable im actually not alive anymore also the moment jongin was mentioned i cried bc the fucking loml also it made me think of jongin w wire rimmed glasses and now i no longer want to live imagine how cutE??? this fic is everything
  • Objects in the Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear, Baekhyun-Centric, T
    • Baekhyun wants to protest and object that no, he is not out of his mind like everybody else here… but he honestly doesn’t know what to believe anymore. Is he really losing his mind? Is everyone here a mere figment of his imagination? Or are they old friends whose faces and names he forgot, just like his own?
          • this isn't horror technically but its so mindfuck omg i love it

[ Minseok ]

  • The Colour of the Rain, Minseok/Chen, G
    • Minseok can’t believe his eyes when colors begin to appear in front of his eyes, painting his whole world in a million hues for the first time. The only problem is that Jongdae doesn't know of that world, and he isn't keen on finding out, either.
        • SO cute and precious
  • [Something Old, Something New] Something Borrowed, Something True, Minseok/Suho, NC-17
    • Joonmyun doesn't want to get married.
  • 'Twas My Own Heart, Minseok/Suho, T
    • Minseok has always imagined brighter futures and clearer skies outside the palace walls. He spends so much time looking out that he almost misses the opportunities of happiness just an arm's length away.
        • this was adorable
  • Some Feelings {They Can Travel Too}, Minseok/Baekhyun, T
    • Prince Baekhyun is born into a royal title and an arranged marriage.
        • wow why is most of minseok's section arranged marriage fics lmao
  • Setting Free the Anchor, Minseok/Baekhyun, T
    • Minseok didn't ask for his fake internet boyfriend to become his fake real boyfriend for the sake of politics and the royal family's image, but Baekhyun is just full of surprises.
        • stock photo perfect boyfriend baekhyun is what i need in my life thanks
  • Empires at War, Minseok/Suho, PG-13
    • The heirs of the Kim companies despise each other. Everyone knows that.

[ Suho ]

  • spend your time on me, Suho/Chanyeol, M
    • “Married, moving into our first home,” Chanyeol dusts his palms off on his jeans. “You know.” Junmyeon really doesn’t. (5 times the newlyweds didn’t christen their apartment and 1 time they..kind of did)
        • precious domestic husbands suyeol
  • Duodenary, Yixing/Suho, E
    • Yixing is the temple-keeper for the god of water, Lord Suho, and lives alone up in the mountain temple, until one winter, a pilgrim named Junmyeon arrives, asking for lodging.
        • this is soooooooo good omfg

[ Chanyeol ]

  • K.I.S.S Keep it simple, stupid, Chanyeol/Sehun, E
    • Sehun's the new guy in IT, and constantly having to fix the myriad tech issues of one Park Chanyeol. Kind of annoying, but mostly fine, until Sehun actually meets Chanyeol - because he isn't at all what Sehun was expecting.
        • recommended by a friend and its super super adorable with dorky chanyeol and aahhhhhh i love it
  • Soliloquy, Bakehyun/Chanyeol, PG-13
    • baekhyun has a masochistic habit of eavesdropping on the confessions chanyeol receives.
      • bc we all know chanbaek is real
  • Behind Blue Eyes, Baekhyun/Chanyeol, NC-17
    • Baekhyun is, among many things, blind in love with Chanyeol. Chanyeol is, among many things, an asshole in love with Baekhyun. It only takes them a few years to understand how a relationship works.
        • oh man oh MAN i am in love with this fic oh my sososososo good
jun 29 2018 ∞
jun 9 2020 +