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Fic recs by Ace and Yasie <3

Various fandoms inc kpop, mdzs, mha, haikyuu and more

We have a curious cat now too!! Pls shoot us a message there as we're trying to see if anyone actually uses our recs :')

listography NEW NEWS

ok so bc ur my soulmate and u love me a lotto u need to read all these fab fics once ur done w the series - read in whatever order u want to but like u gotta tell me when ur done w each so i can weep

Ok so I might do lil comments on the fics I've read in this fancy italics thing ooooh because they're all so good and I want to remember which ones I read (which is why the ugly tick thing exists, lemme know if you find it too ugly btw) and i look forward to procrastinating my existence with these recs - Yasie

these first few are from the legendary aftg author @crazy_like_a literally theyre a godsend

  • Lessons In Cartography, E
    • Neil slowly maps out Andrew's body
        • the holy grail of this fandom the unofficial fourth book we treat with reverence. looooong im sure you'll love it
  • The Cartographer and the World, E
    • The sequel to Lessons in Cartography. Neil navigates life.
        • aww ok this made me so nostalgic and made me cry a lot bc im always emotional but yeah!!! vvv good
  • The Unkindness of Ravens, M, WIP
    • After Kevin publicly announces his intention to play for the Foxes, Riko sends Nathaniel Wesninski to convince him to return to the Nest. Unfortunately for Riko, Nathaniel has other plans.
        • im a whole slut for raven neil fics so here you go
        • I have no words but THANK YOU because raven fics are /powerful/ and I'm highkey obsessed with @crazy_like_a already
  • Creatures We Find in the Forest, M
    • After Neil runs his mouth on Kathy Ferdinand's show, he strikes a bargain with Andrew and finds out there's more to the monster than he originally thought.
    • Oooh we love a canon twist, especially with a supernatural aspect oooooh. This one has so much plot progress that leaves me reeling but Andriel's relationship is portrayed really well?? Also Andrew as a vampire fits too well


  • Kairos, T
    • In this life, Nathaniel Wesninski runs. In another, he stays.
        • oh man im a sucker for beautiful similies and metaphors
    • This fic is just so beautiful, you know?
  • at the edge of what was, M
    • He flips Neil’s phone open and scrolls through the call history. It’s not a long list; his own name is at the bottom, then there’s a call from Nicky one from Dan. There’s an outgoing call from Neil’s phone to Andrew’s – that day they went to Atlanta – and one to a number that isn’t saved but that Andrew recognises as Bee’s. And then there’s a call from an unknown number, no more than an hour ago. He wants to call it. He wants to call it and demand where Neil is, wants to find out whoever the number belongs to and bash their head into a wall, break every bone in their body until Neil is back with them.
    • This was such a good short I am gasping
  • we might be hollow {but we're brave},M
    • Andrew is looking to live his life in peaceful nothingness, but his new neighbor's cat won't stop sneaking onto his balcony. As much as he tries to not make it into something, Andrew finds himself drawn to the mysterious and tempting man next door. Neil is just trying to find a reason to not leave Palmetto after everyone else has moved on. But he never thought he would want to run toward something in favor of running away. (In a slightly different world, two people find themselves meeting in a softer setting and in just as much need of each other. A story about dealing with pasts, sharing secrets and a cat who is an asshole yet manages to charm everyone around it.)
        • oh man this is so endearing and soft my heart aches
    • The Foxes and Ravens play in the NCAA Exy Championships. The Internet reacts.
        • new format and a new way of looking at their interactions this was really cool!
  • coin toss, G
    • the single year of post-college pro-level where Andrew and Neil play for separate teams and the eight week period where their ‘rivalry’ was all anyone could talk about.
        • can u tell i really love andreil 'rivalry' fics
  • light fires at night {to push back the void}, M
    • The first time Andrew realizes he wants to hear the words, Neil isn’t even doing anything. He’s just sitting there, staring at the horizon with that stupidly dramatic faraway expression of his, and letting the cigarette burn down between his fingers all the way to the filter — an outrageous waste of good nicotine, if you asked Andrew. (Or: 20+ times Andrew and Neil say I love you, and one time they say it out loud.)
          • our wonderful dumbass babies this was so pure and precious and i cried a lot
  • No Mourners, No Funerals, M
    • In Ketterdam’s pleasure district you can find anyone. A wayward son trying to escape his past. A pampered noblewoman who chose a different life. A recovering addict who can’t turn down a bet. A stranded pirate in need of a boat. A deserter who is looking for a place to belong. A Grisha assassin who wants to be a better person. A convict looking to regain her life. A runaway who has become a killer. A survivor who has become something worse. These fractured isolationists must cooperate and trust each other to achieve their goals. An impossible heist with a big payout. A revenge scheme years in the making. A high stakes con that could start a war if it goes wrong. They probably deserve better, but if they got what they deserved then they wouldn’t be Foxes.
          • this is so well written oml a mix of two of my favourite series mmmm
  • The Continuing Adventures of the Nine-Nine, G
    • A series of short, ridiculous, mostly plotless stories featuring the Foxes as the cops of the Ninety-Ninth Precinct.
  • Fear No Fall, T
    • As it says on the tin: a sea-faring adventure featuring pirates and mermaids (or, one mermaid in particular)
  • I Want You To, T
    • The Foxhole was a hole in the wall, quite literally. It was painted a muted orange with a series of white paw marks trailing across the wall that glowed under the pale yellow lighting of the café, with a small curled up fox painted right up against the counter. The sign said open, and the lights were on (well some of them were), but there was not a soul else in the café. The chairs were still stacked on the tables, and the register appeared to be turned off. Neil checked his watch, it read 5:26, and he figured he would have to get moving soon to keep to his schedule (even though there was nothing that required him to keep that schedule), coffee cart coffee wasn’t terrible (only it was), and maybe Renee had messed up and meant to tell him a later time (even though he had gotten his hopes up for halfway decent coffee entering his life).
  • Trust Fall {And Welcoming Arms}, E
    • Life goes on after the Foxes win the championship, and for Andrew and Neil it's uncharted territory with only each other for guides. Maybe it's time to put away some of those hard edges, and learn how to touch more softly, and speak more honestly. And if they falter, they have their family to help them get back on their feet.
  • Way Down We Go, E
    • How would things be different if Nathaniel and his mother had been in Seattle early enough to put him in California the same time as Andrew? What if their paths had crossed back then? What if Andrew's first promise wasn't to Aaron but to Nathaniel?
        • aahh this was so long but so good???
  • Latchkey Child, T
    • Neil wakes up seven years younger, and, slowly, takes matters into his own hands.
        • this was a fuckin rollercoaster omg my emotions
  • welcome to the Ritz, sweetheart, T
    • In which Andrew Minyard is a business tycoon and, for one reason or another, Neil Josten is his arm candy. ( Neil Josten, local callboy, doesn't bother asking why until it's far too late. )
          • my soft sweet sons????
  • Time will tell, G
    • “He’s not all that different. A little less mouthy, a little more short, still constantly wanting to play Exy… Aside from the occasional question about you-know-who, he’s basically the same.” “We are not keeping him like this.” “Aw, please? He's so cute even when he's jumping on the couch at five in the morning." ( in which the Foxes become parents too young, and Neil is truly just fine. )
          • this was so goddamn soft i melted
  • to know a man, M
    • In which the Foxes all work at a coffee shop run by Wymack, Neil is their newest recruit with a dark past, Andrew is obvious, Neil is oblivious, and everyone ships it apart from Aaron, who just wants to study in peace. With guest appearance by a stuffed jellyfish called Josephine.
        • sososososo cute
  • The Smallest Exy Player, Now Even Smaller, T
    • Aaron pissed somebody off, which isn't a surprise, but what happens to Andrew in retaliation definitely is.
        • baby drew is the cutest mmm my heart
  • your crown of thorns holds roses, T
    • Three days after he signs his death sentence to Palmetto State, five after Andrew Minyard sends him flying breathless to the ground, Neil's gaze snaps to the locker room mirror and stares, frozen, at the word threat scrawled along his spinal cord in terrifying, heavy bold. All in all, he isn’t thrilled about the situation this puts him in, but, based off the negative connotation, it isn’t one-sided either. On the bright side, at least this means his soulmate doesn’t harbor any grandeur delusions about him.
        • andrew thinking abt neil's soft hair is my biggest mood
  • Eyes Half Closed, E
    • Neil was promised to Riko when they were little, but Neil has no intention of being taken by that asshole.
        • possessive andrew is hot af
  • To Keep Open, M
    • 5 times Andrew opened a water bottle for Neil and 1 time he didn't.
        • why are they the softest ever
  • some impressions stay {and some will fade away}, T
    • When he was a child, powers never seemed like magic to Neil. He could see them on the television, read about them in books, at best see people using them from a distance, like the telekinetic woman at the park. But any closer and there’d be no powers.
        • this is such a cool series
  • it's a game, M
    • When Aaron’s name is called, Andrew doesn’t hesitate to volunteer.
        • this is one of the best hunger game au's ive read
  • oh be cautious, do not stand too near, M
    • Andrew only needed a few minutes to determine that Neil Josten was going to get under his skin. He just didn’t foresee exactly how deep.
        • its the books from andrew's pov and its fab
  • Backseat Driver, M
    • Briefly, because he knows they’ll only be in the car for another couple of minutes at absolute maximum, he watches Andrew for any break in the impassivity. There’s the faintest twitch, which Neil assumes is Andrew registering his attention, but he’s not sure if it’s anger, embarrassment, annoyance- honestly, it could be anything. Then Andrew’s face settles. Neil doesn’t move, though, content to watch the way the passing lights change Andrew’s profile and colouring. If Neil were an artist, he thinks he’d want to paint this.
        • this was so nice and sweet and soft and just aahhh
  • His Gift, M
    • As a crowning glory to why Neil motherfucking Josten was a Problem with a capital P, he’d sat there this afternoon and offered his precious hoard of money, his opportunity to run, his next persona and life, and offered it so Andrew could waste it on another overpriced gasoline monstrosity. Simply because Neil knew it was important to Andrew.
  • claw marks, M
    • The Foxes are an underground resistance group in a dystopian near-future. Neil is the shady new recruit.
        • this was so cool
  • corresponding shapes, T
      • Neil Josten and Andrew Minyard met when their bands toured together. Now they're touring separately, and Neil hates it.
        • can u believe andreil invented music wow
  • pretty toys and cold-blood killers, T
    • The Foxes are spies, and Andrew and Neil are still in love with each other even when they're pretending to be Russian criminals.
      • theyre in love ok
  • together, T
    • A collection of filled prompts from my tumblr. Or, things go wrong in a variety of ways and then are fixed by the power of an established and stable relationship.
  • a switchblade is my preferred weapon, M
    • The Foxes take on an injured Kevin Day, and get a Raven-trained backliner with a point to prove into the bargain.
        • why did i read most of this in one sitting i hate myself
  • Walking Disasters, M
    • Andrew and Neil were never going to be a normal couple but for some reason this is really hard for people to understand. Or: five times people questioned Andrew and Neil’s relationship (+1 time they didn’t give them a reason to)
      • soft defensive boys
  • The Road to Nowhere, M
    • The population has been decimated by an epidemic, society has fallen, and no one is safe. But Neil has never been safe to begin with.When the death of his mother finally leaves him with nothing left to lose, Neil inadvertently stumbles across a miss-match group of people living and working together despite the odds. Sometimes it takes the apocalypse to find out where you truly belong; the hard part is holding onto it. And when so much of him is held together by lies, Neil might have to learn that you can never outrun your past indefinitely.
      • probably one of my favourite andreil fics
  • Fool for You, T
    • Andrew and Neil get married on April Fools' Day.No one believes them.
  • a few living things, M
    • what if a mob boss and the assassin sent to kill him fell in love?
  • Pressure Points, M
    • Neil enrolls at Columbia High School and remarkably fails at remaining invisible
      • this!!! here!!! is the good stuff
  • The Bones of You, T
    • “Once upon a time,” Andrew says slowly, “Neil negotiated a deal on your behalf. I need you to return the favour.”
      • i actually cried hello can i get 911 to heal my broken heart
  • Like A River, T
    • Andrew was a statistical anomaly. He was both a Seer and a Squib, an unfortunate combination of genetic traits that still somehow got him into Hogwarts. He had both hands full babysitting Kevin Day, resident Quidditch prodigy, after the drama with Riko Moriyama in fifth year, and making sure his brother finished his last year of education after the death of their mother. What he did not need was another stray to take in – Neil Hatford, formerly Nathaniel Wesninski, prominent guest in Andrew's prophetic dreams with his blue, blue eyes and death omens flocking to him wherever he went. What he needed even less was to start pretending they were in a relationship, but then, Andrew never had been very interested in doing what was good for him.
        • i love love this
  • something like home, T
    • Andrew keeps showing up at Neil's apartment. But that's what he gave him the key for, isn't it?
      • domestic andreil is what i live for
  • Bad Dream
    • Andrew has a nightmare about losing Neil, so Neil spends the rest of the night in Andrew's bed. The next morning, no one can find Neil and Andrew is no help.
      • tag yourself im nicky being a dumbass
  • your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me, T
    • Neil and Andrew and holding hands: A Study
      • i love !!! them !!
  • the bittersweet between my teeth, T
    • In which Neil Josten is a Time Jumper, and everywhere he goes he keeps seeing one man.
        • this was sosososo good i cried for a lil bit but its just so good oof
  • just a slow body, T
    • Neil time travels by accident. For reasons unknown, he keeps ending up in Andrew Minyard's timeline.
      • aaahh can u tell ive been really loving time-travel stuff lately and this ones so good
  • Delayed Reaction, T
    • In which the events of Neil's first visit to Eden's Twilight are finally addressed a year later.
  • men, abort mission, T
    • The recorded number of times someone hit on Neil Josten and got nowhere, and the one time Andrew didn't even have to try.
  • Knives And Spoons, T
    • Aaron isn't pleased that his study buddy is starting to fall for his twin brother, but it's happening despite his best efforts.
  • it suits you,M
    • Andrew Minyard is killing time working at his cousin's central London suit shop as a personal stylist. One day, Neil Hatford, an Olympic athlete in desperate need of a new wardrobe, walks through the door. That's when everything changes.
      • i loved this S O much
  • Pie Another Day, T
    • Andrew Minyard is content with his life baking pies in his pie shop and occasionally helping private investigator Kevin Day solve murders. You see, Andrew has a special ability: he can bring dead people back to life. As with any unexplained magic power, there are conditions: 1) if the person he brings back to life remains alive for more than one minute then somebody nearby dies in their place, and 2) if he touches the person he brought to life a second time, they will die forever. Andrew’s never had trouble following either of these rules (barring a few incidents in his youth) until Kevin decides to solve the murder of Nathaniel Wesninski.
        • oof love this
  • A Thief and a Liar, T
    • After two years in prison for a crime he absolutely did commit, Andrew has his next heist all planned out. All he needs is a team of thieves as talented as he is.
      • never watched oceans eleven but im a whole slut for heist aus
  • here and where you are
    • "I exist in two places, -- here and where you are." On March 10th, Neil Josten died.
  • Got My Eyes On You, T
    • In which Neil is hot and distracting, Andrew is frustrated, and everyone needs a cold shower.
  • finger on the trigger/pedal to the floor, E
    • Neil and Kevin, operatives for the highly secretive US body known only as ‘the Agency’, are very good at their jobs. Maybe Neil isn’t the patriot that Kevin is, but he can recognise the need for people like him, and, if nothing else, he is loyal. However, in the wake of an assassination attempt on the president foiled with the help of talented-but-civilian sniper Andrew Minyard, of the chipped shoulder and the uncanny knack for seeing right through people, Neil begins to question who it is giving him orders. However, asking questions is a dangerous game. If Neil isn’t careful, he’ll end up dead - or worse than.
      • absolutely adore spy aus
  • the harder you fall, G
    • “The chances of dying on a plane are slim to none,” Neil says casually. “But if it were to crash, you’d be unconscious in a second, and probably dead before we hit the ground.” Andrew stares at him, mildly baffled. “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”
      • this was so cute i love it so much
  • spring bloom, T
    • Matt thinks he might be starting to understand.
  • who we are and what we do, M
    • In which they get drunk and Neil is jealous of Roland.
  • white wolf, T
    • Andrew changes, and Dan watches.
  • Impulse, M
    • In which Andrew is Palmetto's sports massage therapist and Neil is his unfairly hot client. Feelings are involved.
      • this is so good and the way canon and au are mixed together are just yesss
  • Andrew Minyard: Tiny Gay Disaster, T
    • Andrew is fed up with Nicky continually setting him up with guys, so he devises a plan to get him to stop: he claims he's dating Kevin. Of course, with his luck, as soon as he declares himself off the market he meets Neil. Cue the useless gay pining.
  • they used to shout my name (now they whisper it}, M
    • Neil is a bound witch on the run, making a choice between fleeing, slavery, and death. To Andrew, he looks like a useful weapon - at first. It turns out that ‘useful’ isn’t all he is.
      • amazing amazing amazing omg andriel and the foxes as witches is something you didnt know you wanted but definitely needed
  • The Heart of a Star, T
    • After an encounter with a witch, Andrew's cursed to be empty: he's incapable of emotions or ambitions. No one knows how to cure him until Kevin mentions that the heart of a star can break any curse. The star just wants to be left alone.
      • so utterly cute??? and YES neil is a star yes i love him
  • stay as long as you need, T
    • The soulmate timer counts down to your soulmate's death. Apparently, Andrew's soulmate doesn't have long to live
  • my heartbeat is hesitation, E
    • There’s no such thing as perfect compatibility when it comes to sex. Andrew figures Neil is probably the best he’s ever going to get.
  • Baby Foxes Still Bite, T
    • 'Normal' wasn't exactly normal when it came to the Palmetto State Foxes. Everyone knew that, and the exceptional history of each of its members only added to that perception. Abnormal wasn't supposed to included supernatural, though. With a baby fox abruptly in their midst, it seemed that the curious life of Neil Josten would never cease to be an even greater exception.
  • Fake It 'Til You Make It, T
    • Neil works three low paying, dead-end jobs and makes just enough money to afford a room to sleep in and to keep himself from starving. He has no prospects, no hope, no future. That all changes when a chance encounter results in a job offer that he can't ignore. The job? Pretending to be professional exy player Andrew Minyard's boyfriend.
      • the jewel thief and pearl line had me CaCKLING
  • It's the Thought that Counts, G
    • Andrew and Neil's relationship has many facets that are confusing to outsiders. The strangest may be their habit of giving each other the contents of their pockets and calling it a gift.
  • if you're lost you can look, T, WIP
    • Neil and Andrew wake up back in Millport, and get the chance to start over.
      • usually i dont put unfinished fics in my recs but this was last updated aug 2019 so theres v little hope of it being updated again regularly but its such an interesting concept i just had to include
  • they who made you/they made me too, T
    • Aaron and Andrew have a fight, and then wake up in the wrong bodies. It's an enlightening experience.
      • this was amazing we need more aaron pov fics and like the small snippets of andriel throughout oh my heart
  • Come Get It Now, T
    • Renee is down and Andrew needs a goalie sub. Neil decides to give it a shot.
  • just another language we speak, T
    • They're never going to be the sort of couple that other people want them to be.
  • faking it, T
    • After being photographed together, Neil and Andrew decide to roll with the rumors that they're dating.
      • i ADORE this its just so good and andriel + fake dating????? aka 2 of my most favourite things???? sign me UP
  • as though nothing could fall, E
    • Nathaniel gasps out his breaths as he runs. There’s a stitch in his side that’s so painful he feels nauseous. He’s been running for so long. He has no clue where he is, just that he must keep running. It was the last thing his mom screamed at him before she… No. He can’t think about that. He can’t remember the sight of a clawed hand puncturing her chest. Can’t let himself smell the hot metallic blood that splashed over his face. All he can focus on is the last choked scream of his mom telling him to run.
  • The Crooked Kind, G
    • Neil went pro a year ago--and not on Andrew's team. The problem: they're private people, and when the press takes their declarations of hate at face value, Andrew and Neil find themselves unwilling to end the rumors.
  • stranger than all my dreams, T
    • aaron wakes up to neil and andrew as kids
      • i have a serious thing for age regression aftg fics????
  • For He's A Jolly Good Felon, T
    • What's a guy to do when he's forced to go to his conservative, homophobic aunt and uncle's for Thanksgiving dinner? Why, invite along his ex-con, tattooed, argumentative roommate as his fake boyfriend, of course.
      • the way i nearly choked about 20 times reading this
  • Inside Your Mind, E
    • Andrew and Neil switching phones by accident brings them closer together than either of them anticipated.
      • the progression and discussion of their boundaries feels so natural
  • Love Me Like That, E
    • In which Neil mouths off to some reporters and gets some sweet domestic love-making out of it.
  • Know Your Weakness, E
    • “Neck fetish,” Andrew growls, yanking hard at Neil's hair until the skin at the back of his head prickles hotly. “Mm,” Neil hums. “Yours or mine?”
  • After The Night, T
    • The morning after a first time.
  • The Mouth Is A Dangerous Thing, E
    • This is how it starts, lately: words on an altar, tension thick like incense between them.
  • All for the Jokes, T
    • Neil doesn't really understand why people laugh at jokes. The Foxes band together to show him.
  • your love is such a mystery, G
    • five times the foxes walked in on andreil and the one time they didn’t have to.
  • Creature Comforts, T
    • In which Neil kisses some ass... literally.
      • yeah neil!! go take a nap on ur bfs fat ass !!! its what they both deserve
  • hello world, M
    • Everyone on the US national team knows that Andrew Minyard and Neil Josten hate each other, so of course they all think it's hilarious to force them to share a room in the name of 'team harmony' for the entirety of the Exy World Cup
  • never half-hearted, ever hesitant, T
    • In which Neil strikes a deal with a witch: complete obscurity in his past, present and future, for the small price of his soulmate. Now if only he could find his soulmate
  • staff recommendation, T
    • Andrew works at a bookstore. Neil stumbles in during a bad storm.
      • look at these snarky little nerds!!!
  • of cabbages and kings, T
    • Andrew is a bored lighthouse keeper on the Forgotten Coast. He tends to his garden, feeds the gang of stray cats that prowls his lawn, and occasionally parents the scrappy town orphan. He doesn’t need anyone else. Or: Neil Josten moves to town.
      • i love small town fics like this they feel so cosy
  • Now I'm Covered in the Colors, T
    • Nathaniel Wesninski is six years old when his first soulmate mark comes in.
  • Andrew and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, M
    • On the evening of March 9th, Neil Josten was kidnapped and there was nothing that Andrew could do but wait for news. He fell asleep waiting for news. He woke up on the afternoon of March 9th.
      • my favourite trope in my favourite fandom!!!!! im living!!! and this is so well written too
  • How to Lose an Enemy in Ten Steps, G
    • Andrew Minyard’s foolproof ten step plan guaranteed to run your enemies out of town forever (results may vary).
      • so funny literally every single sentence is pure gold
  • Back to the Start, T
    • Andrew has been on his pro team for 6 months when he takes a ball to the head. Neil flies to Boston to see him - only to find that Andrew doesn't remember him.
      • these boys!!! are so good!!
  • We Sat on Our Own Star and Dreamed, T
    • Aaron & Katelyn have been too busy with their internships at the hospital to visit anyone, but Andrew and Neil just bought a house and they took a few days off to help them move
  • Burned Away
    • Andrew and Neil don't make sense to the Foxes, so they try to figure them out. Five times Neil and Andrew don’t say it and one time they don’t have to
  • uncurling lifelines, M
    • Neil learns that Andrew "I'm An Instigator At Heart And So Are You" Minyard might just like hearing Neil express not only his consent, but his enthusiasm, when they're in bed.
  • Restart, T
    • Neil Josten hated hospitals. When he was on the run with his mom, they would hide out in warehouses or sketchy motel rooms and stitch themselves back together with a needle and a bottle of whiskey. He didn't trust hospitals; they were far too open and public for his taste, doctors made it worse with their too-many nosy questions. It was the last thing Neil needed. But when Neil wakes up in a hospital with no recollection of how he got there and no memory of the past two years of his life, Neil hated it a little bit more.
      • these amnesia fics are so angsty as if canon wasnt angsty enough but u bet ur ass im still gna keep reading them and continue my suffering
  • neil is horny, E
    • Sex was never really a prominent need on Neil’s list for survival. Until he saw what Andrew looked naked and in-between Neil’s thighs.
  • talk some sense to me
    • It’s not something that has ever bothered him before. Maybe because he hasn’t noticed, or just didn’t care. He feels… grief? Loss? He is maudlin for something he has never had before. Neil doesn’t think anyone’s ever been proud of him before. Certainly, no one has ever said it to him.
  • Hold Me Close, T
    • Aaron is still plagued by nightmares. He finds solace in Andrew's presence - but so does Neil. So what if they both have a nightmare?
  • Live Once More, T
    • Very carefully so as to not wake his roommates presumably sleeping off a night of regrettable choices, Andrew pulled a notebook towards him and opened to a fresh page to make a list. Two lists, actually. Changes to make and things to keep the same. Thankfully, it didn’t take long to sort out what was important.
  • neil is sappy, T
    • Neil gets drunk and sappy.
  • Space In-Between, M
    • Andrew and Neil's life in between Exy, and PR, and having to talk to other people who exist in the world
  • I will give you everything, T
    • Andrew can't remember ever wanting to be gentle with anyone before.
  • Friday Night Big Screen, E
    • Andrew’s roommates are having noisy sex. Enter Neil Josten, actor extraordinaire and willing to help Andrew get petty revenge
      • andriel's gremlin energy is so high in this
  • Careful Hands, M
    • In which bruises and scars from your soulmate appear on your skin, and both Neil and Andrew paint each other like a canvas.
      • i love how it goes through canon but changes little bits to fit in the fact that theyre soulmates
  • that was really nothing, we can do it louder, G
    • In which this is very much a kid fic and Neil is that kid
  • Everything is Fine!, G
    • "Hello," Dan said. "I'm sorry to tell you that you're all dead. This is the Afterlife; your placement here is dependent on your actions during your lifetime. Now, I have some exciting news for you-"
      • i didnt know i needed a good place au in my life but the chaos in this is beautiful
  • The Odds Are Never In Our Favor, M
    • “A truly exciting development here in District 12. Let’s see who will be the other brave tribute traveling to the Capitol this year.” She simply grabbed the first slip she encountered and walked back to the podium. Neil didn’t even have time to wish for his own safety when she read the name. “Neil Josten.”
      • all 3 books in one fic holy shit,, also the characterisation in this is so good theyve managed to merge both books so well its incredible
  • crossed out, E
    • When Neil gets kidnapped in Binghamton, the Butcher sends him to an assassin training program in Russia. He comes back two years later a blank slate programmed to bring Kevin back to the Moriyamas. The Foxes don't plan to let that happen.
      • the angsty bucky energy is strong in this one
  • Flatline, M
    • Neil is missing, Andrew is frantic, and Riko is a scheming son of a bitch.The Foxes have no idea what they're in for
      • honestly just such an incredible follow up fic to pressure points
  • too deep, E
    • Neil sometimes gets in a mood during sex.
  • The Wonders I've Seen, M
    • During a routine experiment, astronaut Kevin Day gets mistakenly shot through a wormhole to the far side of the universe. There he meets up with a living ship full of escaped prisoners and gets knocked out, beat up, locked up, handcuffed, and threatened. And that's just day one
      • sososososo good!! and totally unexpected bc im not massively into aus like this but honestly it somehow works so perfectly with the aftg characters too
  • Feels Like Falling, M
    • After college Andrew left behind both exy and Neil. Five years later, he’s built himself a stable life with nothing wanting. Sure, he hasn’t had a meaningful relationship since college, but he hasn’t found anyone compatible and he’s not overly interested in romance, anyway. He has friends, family, and pets; he’s not missing out on anything. Or so he thinks, until a chance encounter brings him back in contact with his unfairly attractive ex. As he and Neil get to know each other again, Andrew starts thinking that maybe, just maybe, he’s allowed to have it all
      • think this might be the first back together fic ive read for these two and i usually really dont like this trope but its so good here and andrews emails to aaron omg my heart
  • i'd die for you, M
    • Mary leaves Neil to Witness Protection at age eleven, and the world isn't the same.
      • the renee neil friendship makes the world a better place
  • overmorning overnight, T
    • Maybe it’s because they’re eating healthier due to Allison losing a bet against Kevin. Maybe it’s because their genes are just strange. Or maybe it’s just fate being weird.
      • there's something abt the twins being tall that is so freaky
  • Honey, we should run away, T
    • Andrew and Neil meet when Neil is on the run with his mother.
      • i loooove fics where they meet before palmetto
  • One day we'll reveal the truth, T
    • “Is there a reason you don’t like Neil?” Bee asks him then and Aaron doesn’t understand how the fuck they got onto this when she’s supposed to be fixing him and Andrew.
  • And They Were Roommates, T
    • In the beginning there were a select few people who knew what was going on between Andrew and Neil. To everyone else, well, they were roommates.
  • figure it out, M
    • Andrew tells Neil to experiment with his sexuality and Neil is having absolutely none of it.
  • and we're just starting to get it, T
    • Aaron is done with Andrew's shit and makes it his job to prove his brother wrong
      • love andriel through aaron's eyes and when he realises the depth of their devotion to the other
  • I'm with cupid, T
    • Neil is a reluctant Cupid who can't return home until he's finished his assignment. Unfortunately, the human he's been tasked with finding a match for is resisting all his matchmaking efforts. But Neil's not a quitter. He's going to make sure that Andrew Minyard falls in love whether he wants to or not.
      • i adore the range of fics in this fandom like yesss i will eat up any concept with these boys especially !! cupid neil !!

-----[To Read]-----

I havent read these yet but if u do and they're good pls do tell!

  • Black As Is The Raven, He’ll Get A Partner, M,
    • When Wymack, Kevin and Andrew came to recruit Neil Josten in Millport, Neil decided to say 'no' instead of 'yes' to joining the Foxes and does what he does best, which is runs. Unfortunately, that brings him to the attention of the Moriyamas, who return him to to his 'rightful' place. Now Neil has to learn how to survive at the Nest with his only ally another 'asset' long kept under Riko's heel.
  • wildfire, T
    • Magic is the only truth the universe knows. The world is rewritten by words spoken in the right way; the strings of fate twisted by words said with the right brand of intention. Andrew becomes undone at the age of seven. (Where Andrew is cursed, but in no universe does Neil care that he shouldn't want this.)
  • What Once Was Mine, E, WIP
    • Neil's life has been anything but normal. His birth was unnatural, his childhood a mixture of blood and darkness. His youth was spent on the run, with no place safe for him to stay too long. It was only recently that he had been able to live in quiet solitude, hidden from the world in his lonely tower. It all basically goes back to shit when a short, dangerous man breaks his window and offers him a deal. With his tower no longer safe, Neil finds himself once again having to run in order to survive.
  • we're just strangers, T
    • AU where Neil is in witness protection but still ends up an Exy junkie, Andrew doesn’t play Exy and needs a fake date to Allison and Renee’s wedding, the Moriyama’s aren’t criminals but Riko is still a dick, and Kevin has been living with his father since age 17 and just wants his friends to stop being dramatic so he can play Exy in PEACE
  • When I Look At You, When I Look At Us
    • 5 Times someone was jealous of Andrew & Neil's relationship + one time Neil was jealous of others. A short look at how people perceive Andrew and how Neil upset their dynamics with him
  • Of the Same Stock, T
    • Andrew and Neil are an angel and a demon respectively, and they still end up playing Exy.
  • groundswell waves, T
    • Neil moves to a small town in one of Hawaii's islands, where he works at a beachfront shop, breaks into a public swimming pool, learns how to surf, pillion-rides a motorcycle, and finds a home
  • a world alone, T
    • High School AU where only some of them are high-schoolers
  • You're different than the others, M
    • Neil works for the Moriyamas from inside the prisons as a guard, he doesn't think much about his own life, he is just glad that he is alive. That is until he meets a new prisoner that may change how he sees things
  • what it takes to survive, WIP, E
    • Raven!Neil fic, where he escapes not long after Kevin and brings himself and Jean to play for the foxes while having to live with the consequences of the deal that he made to keep them all safe.
  • An Assassin's Guide to Romance, T
    • How to Inadvertently Woo the Love of Your Life By Being As Irritating As Humanly Possible: An Illustrated Step-By-Step Guide by Neil Josten

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