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Fic recs by Ace and Yasie <3

Various fandoms inc kpop, mdzs, mha, haikyuu and more

We have a curious cat now too!! Pls shoot us a message there as we're trying to see if anyone actually uses our recs :')

listography NEW NEWS

Fandoms Included:

  • Haikyuu!!
  • Yuri On Ice
  • Overwatch
  • Marvel

Ok so as my anime binging is seemingly endless during summer 2020 I made another rec for any fics from fandoms where I didn't read enough to give them a seperate list so enjoyyyy this random collection <3

---- (ᕗ ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)ᕗ HAIKYUU!! ----

Hinata x Kageyama (Kagehina)

Absolute babies both of them I cannot put into words how much I adore this duo and their lil support system, so proud of them :''))

  • In Transit
    • Welp now public transport feels miserable compared to Kagehina's lil AU ;-;
      • Hinata finds that he likes standing close to Kageyama on buses and trains. It doesn't mean anything--probably. Maybe.
    • Honestly I'm just way too weak for Kagehina's height difference
  • as we fall down
    • Love the Karasuno dads sm dude and here they pull thru yet again
      • Ankle sprains are the best, and are always a good learning experience for everyone. Including two dumb volleyball dorks.
    • Kinda soft over Kage giving Hinata piggybacks I won't lie
  • Saffron and Cayenne Pepper
    • Ever since I watched Food Wars I have a whole new found appreciation for Chef AUs and this one did not disappoint
      • Cooking is hard. Even if you have your very attractive, very grumpy neighbor there to help you. In which Hinata's lack of cooking skills are a danger to him and others. Luckily (or not), Kageyama is willing to teach him, if only for the sake of avoiding any burned down apartments.
    • Hinata managing to burn spaghetti should be canon at this point
  • The Crown and the Crow
    • My first Haikyuu soulmates fic and this did not disappoint
      • Somewhere out there is your forever one wearing your Mark on their skin; it's just a matter of finding them.
    • Kinda spoiler ish but the fact that Kageyama's soul is tied to Hinata's with the words "to be invincible" is so beautiful
  • touch
    • Why are Kagehina such dorks istfg
      • Hinata doesn't notice it at first, really. It's small things, natural things, like when they sit together at lunch and Hinata ends up hooking his ankle over Kageyama's and he doesn't move away; in fact, he seems to not notice it, and go on eating his lunch like nothing's different.
    • Kageyama getting more comfortable with physical contact im gonna cryyy I love tactile Hinata
  • You're an effort in translation
    • This was so, unbearably precious
      • Living with Hinata is a better idea in theory than in practice. Or; Kageyama is stupidly in love and Hinata is "accidentally" irresistible
    • Just an adorable, fluffy oneshot
  • they don't know you like i do
    • Why are these two the absolute cutest I sweaaar
      • Team Japan’s oddball duo as seen by the rest of the world (Or: Kageyama Tobio is bad at interviews, Oikawa’s still out to get him, Hinata is great with fans, and loves jumping onto Kageyama on live TV after winning games. Not that Kageyama minds)
    • Hinata climbing Kage like a tree to hug him after a match is just :')

Oikawa x Iwaizumi (IwaOi)

  • to be first, to be best
    • Cuddly lil Oikawa has my soul (even if I wanna punch him)
      • Hajime is apparently something of a masochist, and as he stares down at the tie-dyed AREA51 T-shirt in his hands, he thinks “I’m totally in love with this asshole, aren't I?”
    • Just a cute lil roommates Oikawa and Iwaizumi oneshot
  • Shiver
    • Hurt/comfort IwaOi hits different I just love these overworking babies sm
      • Oikawa was always the brave one. Hajime just followed two paces behind.
    • Oikawa is such a little shit I adore him
  • Arrest me Officer (with some BokuAka, Kagehina and Kuroken)
    • This was just too good like really, just a warning tho it was never fully completed and is missing a chapter? But the last available one acts as a decent ending regardless anyways
      • ‘Perhaps getting mugged at two in the morning isn’t such a bad idea’ Oikawa thinks as he eyes the world’s hottest policeman settled in the seat across from him. In which Oikawa is a news reporter head over heels for a commanding police officer.
    • Honest to god this was the most I've ever laughed for a fic I can't even put into words how funny this 100k fic managed to be, Bokuto/Kuroo unhinged police bros duo is everything I needed and more
  • the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle
    • Honestly nearly cried during this just from the sheer emotions you could feel from reading their actions omfg
      • Tooru is pretty sure he could manage the mating habits of a mosquito. It’s the mating habits of people he can’t seem to get right.
    • One of the best portrayals of internalised homophobia I've ever seen in a fic, was genuinely beautiful though
  • Build A Temple In Me
    • This AU is sooo unique and interesting
      • Up the mossy mountain steps, past the komainu guardians and the faded red gate, and beyond the boundaries of the green shrine—that’s where the forest and the spirit world within it lies. That’s were Hajime met him, and where their story began. But intertwining of destinies can be ugly business, Hajime finds, when their first meeting begins with blood and the too-human eyes of a beast.
    • Still reeling from how well the backstory and lore was written
  • Soultouch
    • This was aaangsty, idk how they managed that in a 6k fic but they did
      • Maybe Hajime’s just always adored him, in secret and silence, deep down in the bottom of his whole being. Maybe it’s always been like this and he just didn’t know. And that's why he can’t touch Tooru anymore.
    • A fic where Iwa-chan says no to his Tooru?? Shocking

Bokuto x Akaashi (BokuAka)

  • In Another Life
    • I can't believe a fic managed to ruin a Katy Perry song for me, I burst into freaking tears whenever I hear The One That Got Away now
      • Sleeping didn't come as easy as it used to. Bokuto knew this, and now Akaashi did, too.
    • Honest to god one of the most, if not the most, beautiful fic I have ever read. I cried for about an hour after finishing this and it has constantly been on my mind since, I cannot put into words how meaningful this fic is like it is really, truly, incredible (but also be prepared to have your heart ripped out of your chest and aggresively stomped on xoxo)
  • Rules
    • Why do all BokuAka fics that I've read so far hit so freaking hard emotionally, I'm just reeling from the overwhelming love I felt in this fic
      • In which Akaashi Keiji is an overworked accountant who stumbles upon Bokuto one night playing the piano in the lobby of his work. Bokuto is different, that much is obvious. But with such supreme musical talent and a smile so dazzling it rivals the sun, there's just something about him that brings Akaashi back every night.
    • Yet another truly beautiful fic, and similarly they expressed autism in such a realistic and hopeful light that I think this fic is one of few that is genuinely impactful too, I absolutely adored this
  • bang! now we're even
    • I'm sorry but BokuAka ASSASAIN AU!?!? This author's winning
      • Akaashi only has two rules when it comes to his profession. One, complete the job as swiftly and cleanly as possible. Two, never trust anyone who smells like blood. Rule three is to shoot Owl Eyes in the face should he ever come across him, but Akaashi never tells anyone about that one.
    • Akaashi shooting at Bokuto while in a dress ahhh he could step on me any day
  • Crisis Converted
    • DETECTIVE BOKUAKA why does this pairing get all the best AUs I swear
      • Akaashi Keiji is just a normal cop with a penchant for getting himself into trouble, when quite suddenly he finds himself with a big promotion and a brand new partner. But his habit of finding trouble hasn't gone away -- if anything, it's only gotten worse.
    • This had a really nice representation of mental health too so lotto love for that as well
  • Come Downstairs
    • Ngl wasn't that big on Akaashi's character at the start but it kinda get explains later I promise and he defo grows on you
      • Akaashi Keiji is pretty certain that he’s got love figured out. Or at least, he’s figured out that love isn’t for him. It isn't until his new downstairs neighbor moves in that he realizes even intelligent people make mistakes in their calculations.
    • Made me text Ace at 1am bc it validated my 12 year old wolf phase for me so guess its a good fic for overcoming traumatic events too <3

Kuroo x Kenma (KuroKen)

  • Sour Cats
    • Perceptive Kenma pulling through yet again! Love my emo son
      • It takes two days for Kenma to figure Kuro out, and one more to put them back together again.
    • Kenma comparing Kuroo to a cat is just oh so precious and so Nekoma
  • Liked, Commented and Subscribed
    • Youtube AU and ooOOOh my I absolutely adore this concept all their channels suit them so well too!
      • " 'Hey, Bokuto?' Kuroo interrupted his friend. They were both sitting on his couch, Bokuto telling some silly story that happened the previous weekend and Kuroo reading the comments on his latest video. He was quite happy with how it turned out – a lot of people seemed to enjoy it and he even saw a few memes on tumblr titled ‘The actual signs as Kuroo’s signs’. There was only one thing bothering him.

'Yeah, bro?' Bokuto answered, a little annoyed for having his great story be interrupted. / 'Do you know who Kozume Kenma is?' "

    • Kenma naming his cat Pie bc of his love for apple pie ;-; I'm not crying you are
  • Reflections of You
    • Soulmate Kuroken!!!!!! And ofc their marks are cats god I love these AUs
      • Once he pieces together why it looked so damn familiar--that’s when he felt anxiety creep up his spine, mixed with many other emotions. Like Denial. Because he knew exactly who had the matching mark, and he didn’t need much confirmation. It was a small black cat silhouette, turned to the facing the left with its tail curled under it, black as the inky sky. Just like the one Kuroo had.
    • Kuroo constantly calling Kenma cute is my aesthetic
  • chamomile and carnivorous plants
    • There was a really cute fanart in this too!!
      • 'There was no great defining moment, no point in time Kenma can look to and say, That's what did it. That's when I fell for Kuroo. He just did somehow. And it's the worst. For so many reasons.' Kenma needs to admit a few things to himself, and to Kuroo.
    • I actually really liked seeing more pining Kenma here too, my fave pudding boy really does find Kuroo so so beautiful :'')
  • Spark a Flame in Me
    • If we aren't talking about Kenma hiding behind his hair to sneak glances at firefighter Kuroo I don't wanna hear it
      • Kozume Kenma's never had a crush before. He's never come across anyone he's drawn to in that way. That is until he officially meets his next-door neighbor, a friendly firefighter named Kuroo Tetsurou.
    • This was one of the cutest oneshots I have EVER read and I have gone through sooo many oh my I am meeeelting (Call me an unsaturated lipid at room temp tho)
  • Principles of Chemistry
    • Getting the canonically Chem nerd Kuroo we deserve!!
      • In which Kenma ends up being sorted into the wrong group and has to endure his new, exhausting lab partner for the next month.
    • On a real note tho this was fully precious, never let me shut up about how respectful Kuroo is of Kenma's limitations dude

Sugawara x Daichi (DaiSuga)

  • butterflies in the subway
    • Never in all my life have I seen more prententious sounding emails, still love these idiot literature nerds tho <3
      • Sugawara Koushi has no idea he's already in love with the man he's supposed to hate.
    • There's a ton of pairings in this one and Kenma and Kuroo's lil moment in particular hit oh so hard


  • Mannequin Men, Tsukishima x Kuroo x Bokuto x Akaashi
    • My first poly Haikyuu fic and honestly it set the bar hiiiigh
      • The modeling world is full of hungry wolves, constantly clambering over the other, snarling and desperate. They fight, and they kill, trampling over anything in their path. In this case, Akaashi fell in love with the wolves.
    • Model AU just fits these four so well?

---- (っ ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)っ YURI ON ICE ----

  • Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches
    • This is the fic with the highest kudos under the Yuri On Ice tag and rightfully so. Even thinking about the scene where Viktor runs across the ice after Yuuri turns away hurts so much
      • ‘…Of all the rivalries in the world of sports over the years, perhaps none has become so legendary as that of Russian figure skater Viktor Nikiforov and his rival, Japanese Yuuri Katsuki…’ A single event changes the course of Yuuri’s life, throwing him into a bitter rivalry with Viktor Nikiforov that spans across his entire skating career. But as the years go on, rivalry and hatred begin to develop into something very different and Yuuri doesn’t seem to be able to stay away, no matter how hard he tries. Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin and even though everything changes, some things are still meant to be.
    • I cannot put into words how emotional this fic is, I felt every single emotion alongside Yuuri's own and this was just such a beautiful fic to read. I read this for hours in one sitting and now I feel so empty but this was so so so good.
  • Unwritten
    • Absolutely adore this soulmate AU and it fits these too oblivious idiots oh so well
      • Soulmates AU where whatever you write on your own skin appears on your soulmate, but when there is a language barrier, meeting becomes just a little more difficult than it should be.
    • Still feeling so soft over Viktor constantly drawing hearts on his arms for Yuuri wowie
  • crust and sugar all over
    • aka Yuuri gets adopted by the Russian skater squad, no really
      • Katsuki sits cross-legged, clearly in no hurry to go anywhere. “What’s your name? I’m –” / “I know who you are,” he cuts him off, then blushes, then hates himself for both those things. Katsuki looks surprised, and Yuri can’t think as to why. He’s a nationally ranked figure skater. He’s Yuri’s favorite figure skater. Yuuri and Yuri become friends and Viktor develops a crush.
    • I absolutely adored the Yuuri becoming Yuri's older brother focus on this, lil Yuri really deserves the world too
  • lovesick
    • Everyone's fave waking up from a surgery AU!
      • “Did the doctor send you?” When Yuuri doesn’t reply fast enough, since he's still gaping like a fish, he turns to Yuri. “Did the doctor send him? Because wow,” He drops his arm and presses his hand to his chest like the dramatic bastard he is. “You’ve got to be the prettiest man I’ve ever seen.” / “Oh my god,” Yuri groans. “Is he hitting on you?” (In which Yuuri worries, Viktor's on the good drugs, and Yuri puts up with a whole bunch of bullshit.)
    • I absolutely love how the fandom focuses on Yuuri's beauty too, in canon all we ever hear from Yuuri's POV is Viktor's beauty but Yuuri's self esteem deserves this
  • i know my madness
    • I promise despite the description this is like 10x more plot than smut
      • It's hardly a secret that Victor Nikiforov is a massive player. (In which Yuuri doesn't blow the Grand Prix Finals the first time round, does blow Victor, and everything changes but ends up the same.)
    • using the words "he's going to do his best to blow him away" to foreshadow a blowjob is such a power move
  • The Fundamentals of Caring
    • The one downside to YOI fics are the fact that they make me repeatedly use google translate (however they do say the cutest shit so its worth it)
      • “Let me guess, you’re going to go take care of Yuuri while he sleeps? Just in case he sneezes or something?” Yurio rolls his eyes, folding his arms across his chest. “Viktor, you’re whipped.” Viktor rubs the back of his neck as he leans against the wall. “What does that mean?” / “It means that if Yuuri asked you to do a little dance for him in nothing but a coconut bra and a hula skirt, you’d do it.” Viktor pauses, confused. “And that's a bad thing?”
    • its 1am and im in my feels over sick yuuri waxing poetry about how wonderful viktor is
  • Make It Good, Make It Better
    • Genuinely one of the best YOI fics I've read in terms of writing quality, I really loved how it showed the struggles of their careers too and their sacrifices
      • It's one of the worse evenings. He feels the routine itching under his skin, restless and howling and his left foot throbs, but he counts the points for the thousandth time and wants to scream, because it's just not good enough. Nikiforov has gotten better since the last year and Yuuri cannot afford to be anything less that the best. (And he does not just want to beat Nikiforov, no - Yuuri needs to break him, he wants to ruin the beautiful golden darling for the world no matter the cost.)
    • This was so gorgeously written with a really unique kind of disjointed tone? But the emotions oh booooy you could feeeel them through the writing
  • never tasted rubies
    • This had no business being as sweet as it was oh my
      • Phichit puts up a poll on the radio website. It reads ‘What Do U Think About Yuuri K. from Hasetsu Nights and the Mysterious Caller Victor?’ Seventy-five percent of listeners said ‘lol they should just f*ck already tbh’. -- in which Yuuri is an unwilling radio host and Victor won't stop calling in to chat with him
    • I really really liked this AU? Such a cute twist on your average College AU! Also I will never stop being soft o Victor finding Yuuri stunning

---- ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ OVERWATCH ----

My first ever game based fanfic reading!! No one asked but I'm a Mercy main :D

McCree x Hanzo (McHanzo)

  • Lost in Translation
    • First A03 game based fan fiction I read and oooh she's a goodie
      • There are things you never need to hear your brother say and among that list is anything pertaining to him blatantly and shamelessly flirting with a good friend. Especially when said brother is flirting exclusive in a language said friend doesn't understand. If Hanzo doesn't get over himself and just straight out ask to kiss McCree in English Genji is going to personally kill them both, he shouldn't be forced to be in the middle of this.
    • Ok but there's something so funny about the idea of Hanzo aggresively reciting Japanese love songs to a Cowboy
  • four days
    • Why am I the biggest fan of the dog
      • McCree desperately needs a fake date to bring home to his family, and Hanzo never does anything half-assed
    • Just two fighty men slow dancing under the stars in front of one of their mothers
  • Good Fences Make Good Neighbours
    • I genuinely wasn't expecting this to sucker punch me with humour but holy shit this fic was funny
      • Hanzo Shimada regrets ever joining Overwatch after he is paired with Jesse McCree, known cowboy enthusiast, and dropped off in the middle of American suburbia. Forced to blend in with the environment, endure neighborhood cookouts, and share his new living space with his so-called 'Husband', the two prepare to preform the ultimate sting operation: taking down the Vishkar corporation once and for all. He can't help but think this will all go horribly wrong.
    • Genuinely would still recommend this fic if it was just a transcript of Hanzo and Helen's suburban yet passive agressive sniper comments
  • Cowman and the Dragonfly
    • This is just so cute n whimsical and aw
      • A month. That’s how long it takes for him to find himself completely lost in daydreams of too much cologne and western drawl that slides sinuously around his heart and cinches tight. It takes a month for Hanzo to open like sunflower, basking in the warmth of a stranger-not-stranger who is not here for his status or his money, but who is here because he thinks Hanzo is beautiful and because he chases after Hanzo’s smile and laughter like a faithful dog playing fetch.
    • McCree's pick up lines would work on me, the bar is truly on the floor
  • A faithful companion
    • Hidden shapeshifter fics are 100% a huge guilty pleasure for me and lets not look to deeply into that
      • Hanzo is a wanderer, always on the move after leaving his home and his duties. However, when winter comes and he finds himself in an abandoned town, he decides to stay for a while. A large, three-legged wolf accompanies him, though the animal appears to be more than what first meets the eye.
    • The fact that McCree wolf is 3 legged noOOo no wonder the author didn't write hanzo as the shifter I'm-
  • Keep You On My Side
    • Pipe down, I'm in my feels
      • Hanzo Shimada has loved Jesse McCree for years. And for years, he remained silent.
    • McHanzo raising a deaf little girl together stoooooop how is my heart supposed to take this (it cannot)
  • new perspective
    • Roadie McCree yeeeeeees it fits so freaking well omfg
      • When Gabriel calls him up and says that Ana’s daughter is currently working the soundboard for a band that just lost their guitar tech and is in desperate need of a new one, Jesse jumps at the opportunity. He’s sick of bartending and working house for the shithole club he’s been slaving away at for the past few months in Albuquerque, desperate for a change of pace. Gabe doesn’t give him too many details, just the band’s name -- North Wind Rising, which Jesse is mildly familiar with from a hit or two on the radio recently -- and the number of Ana’s daughter. Jesse will get a bunk on the roadie tour bus, a few meals provided when the occasion calls for it, and decent pay. It’s a great fucking opportunity
    • One of the coolest AUs I've read in a hot minute fr
  • Of the Pickle Persuasion
    • This has no right being so funny fr
      • Hanzo is convinced that his bento wagon is locked in a corporate deathmatch with the taco truck down the street. Genji just wants to flirt with the produce vendor.
    • Hanzo's internal ranting monologue should not move me to laughter the way it does, I aspire to his level of saltiness :D
  • The Dragon's Mate
    • I'll be the first to tell you I don't usually read ABO but duuuude this slapped so hard
      • Talon is too powerful for the newly formed Overwatch to handle head-on, so plans are made to infiltrate one of their strongest supporters. Jesse McCree hasn't found a home or family quite like what he had in Blackwatch, but he's determined to protect his new friends whatever it takes. Turns out, mating to your best friends murderous brother is what it takes and he goes willingly. Something's not right in the Shimada clan though and he's going to figure it and Shimada Hanzo out.
    • A well written ABO?? In this economy??
  • Airless Lungs and Peanut-Butter Tongue
    • Shut up I'm in my feels over how single i am smh
      • McCree is a charmer, quick-witted and silver-tongued. He's seen a lot in his life and there ain't much that can faze him. This doesn't explain how Hanzo keeps leaving him breathless and at a complete loss for words.
    • McCree pining always makes me sob a man in spurs has no right making me feel absolutely any sort of emotion but here I am
  • To the Great Deep He Goes
    • I won't lie, there's something reaaally depressing about these college AUs now that I'm in uni and have shitty flatmates <3
      • Hanzo accompanies Genji to their new college, and of course Genji would want to room with his friend--leaving Hanzo to deal with a god-forsaken cowboy whose only goal that year was to be Hanzo's friend. And as the cowboy said, "You're stuck with me for the rest of the year." - and a lot can happen in a year.
    • Saying that, this is genuinely one of the best college AU fics I have ever read :''')
  • See Through The Dragon's Eyes
    • I looove loove all the different interpretations of the Shimada dragons
      • There is little to be done once Hanzo's dragons have their minds set on solving his problems (with some nudging from certain interested parties).
    • Not McCree being clueless to every one of Hanzo's messages oh no no
  • Soul Dragons
    • McCree stocking up freaking foil balls for the dragons I could sob
      • Hanzo loved all of his father's stories, but one story in particular was always his favorite: “Every dragon knows that there is one person on the planet perfectly suited for their master, a perfect complement of his or her soul. When the time comes, my sons, you will meet the women who complete your souls and your dragons will show you who they are.” Despite it all, Hanzo was utterly unprepared for the day when his dragons roared.
    • Yet another super super cool spin on the Shimada dragons, looove this
  • Eight Paws for Jesse McCree
    • Pt 1000 of loving the noodle dragons tag
      • Whenever Jesse imagined having a pet, it was never quite like this.
    • Idk if the names Udon, Soba and Ramen are canon but either way it's genius
  • The Epid and Wonderous Tale of the Librarian and the Demon Hunter
    • Lowkey one of the coolest setups for an AU I've read
      • Jesse's got a pretty good job as the librarian in a magical library. He spends his days cataloguing, tracking down rare titles, fixing up the occasional spell gone awry, and dealing with the smoke monster in the basement. Then Hanzo Shimada, Demon Hunter, shows up to turn his world upside down.
    • Why does this nerdy ass cowboy always end up being portrayed as so cool I swear
  • Conflict of Interest
    • One of the most wholesome McHanzo fanfics I've read for sure
      • The one where Hazno and Genji fight crime, Jesse is a cigar-smoking Lois Lane, and everyone else wonders why they’ve been trapped in a bad comic book.
    • Again while the hero name "Cyborg Ninja" sucks despite the reference, dude this is such a cool AU

Soldier 76 x Reaper (Reaper76)

  • In the language of flowers
    • Younger Jack is a babyyyy stopppp
      • If there was one thing Jack Morrison's mother taught him, it was that being a good neighbor meant everything. It put you in the good graces of the people you may need to rely on if an emergency ever arose. It was a good lesson, but the fact remained that when a new family would move in five miles down the road from their farm, Jack had to haul all the casserole dishes around. So he simplified the neighborly duties to peanut butter cookies.
    • Gabe is pricky but what's new
  • Eclipse
    • Love me a protective Gabe fic
      • "Blackbird singing in the dead of night, Take these broken wings and learn to fly"
    • This is one of the coolest fic concepts I've ever read fr, I just kept thinking about it after like what wings would I have ;-;
  • In Other Words
    • In my feels about Gabe bringing voles to his stupid featherless mate :''')
      • Jack Morrison is a veteran of the Omnic Crisis struggling to keep himself together. The only light in his life is Reaper, the black barn owl he found starving in his attic shortly after he returned from war. Reaper will do anything to make Jack happy again, even if he is a big, dumb, wingless owl that needs better friends because his current ones suck.
    • Dude I feeelt Jack's pain, its rare I resonate that strongly but jeez this fic moved me at times
  • Under the Beanie
    • Pop off Jack and spend ur entire training camp thirsting after Reyes, can't blame u tbfh
      • On the bus to super soldier training camp, Jack can't help but notice the class jerk, Reyes. He gets more than he ever bargained for when he finds out what's under that ever-present beanie....
    • This had no right being as entertaining as it was
  • Mr Reyes
    • Highkey loved this portrayal of McCree and the story ain't even about him
      • School AU in which Jack is sick of hearing about the new kindergarten teacher, Mr Reyes, and goes to find out for himself just what he is like. He never expected however, to be met with a gloriously handsome face and thighs that could potentially crush his head. Nor did he expect to be pinned after in such a way after just one meeting by the kindergarten teacher. Just how he was going to deal with this new teacher utterly escaped Jack.
    • Absolutely in love with dad Gabe I won't lie

Pharah x Mercy (Pharmercy)

Still the coolest ship name out there (and no I'm not biased bc I'm a healthcare student smh).

  • falling is like this
    • Not me crushing on Pharah right alongside Angela lmaooo what a sad little life Jane
      • Angela is kind and careful and determined and has the spine that somebody in her position desperately needs. But Angela's biggest fault is the one she lets nobody see - she refuses to let herself rely on anyone, be close to and therefore weak for anybody but herself. Show me somebody finally getting through to her, letting her be human for once and have somebody taking care of her.
    • Oh to have a pretty girl whisper in my ear "you have no idea what you do to me"
  • Sleep Sound
    • I really am a sucker for sleep fics huh
      • Pharah and Mercy have trouble sleeping. A series of chance encounters prove that the solution might be each other.
    • One of those ones that stick in your head a bit after y'know? Super cool
  • The Witch and the Maiden
    • This was over 100k but genuinely felt like it was about 20k, read this one sooo fast
      • For years, the Witch of the Wilds has terrorized the realm. And she has come again, only this time promising a great war and total destruction. To save the realm, Fareeha Amari is sold to the Witch. This comes as a surprise not only to her, but to the Witch of the Wilds as well. Thrown in with the alluring Witch, Fareeha has to adjust to a new life. A new life where the Witch, the enemy of the realm, doesn't seem so threatening. In fact, she seems like any other woman Fareeha would date...
    • Looooove how the majority of the fic is a link to the halloween skins, witch Mercy is genuinely my fave

---- ლ(ಠ_ಠლ) MARVEL (MCU) ----

I've read a crap ton of these fics over the years but only started reccing them now so forgive me for the list being short!!

  • Astronomy in Reverse, Bucky x Steve
    • Found this when looking at the found family tag and wow it just hits in the feels so bad
      • A year after the Winter Soldier failed his mission in DC, Bucky Barnes is doing his best to stay under the radar from both Hydra and Steve Rogers. His hope for a peaceful day-to-day life in limbo goes awry, however, when he meets Queens’ newest hero; a pure-hearted kid with a death wish and a ridiculous pair of red and blue pajamas. The last thing Steve expects when he finally tracks Bucky down is that, not only has the man been living in Queens all this time, right under his nose, but also that, in the two years since they last saw each other, Bucky somehow acquired a kid.
    • Takes a turn I didn't expect but enjoyed??
  • Selfies from the Underground, Bucky x Steve
    • Short lil crack fic that made me laugh
      • Tony reminded himself that the second the incorrect password was entered, the phone would destroy itself and any data on it. And there was no way someone named Tepid the Magnificent would guess-- / “I’m in,” said Tepid. “Soon I’ll know all of the Avengers’ secrets.” / Tony briefly closed his eyes. “Steve. What was your password?” / “It’s ‘password,’” Tepid replied.
    • I just love avengers banter fics
  • Hide A Heart Of War, Bucky x Steve x Tony
    • Literally one of the coolest AUs ever
      • “You’ve got war in your heart boy,” Howard sneers, “don’t ever try and pretend to be anything but what you are.” Tony feels the familiar burn of a flower mark being etched into his skin but he doesn’t look, doesn’t try and check to see what it is. Instead he keeps his eyes on Howard and his hands cupped around his bleeding mouth and nose.
    • The imagery in this? Stunning. And just imagining what Tony's flowers look like ahh I love love love this concept
aug 3 2020 ∞
may 4 2021 +