• whilst growing up, children are constantly lied to. i could
  • go on and on and on
  • listing
  • these lies, these ridiculous fucking lies.
  • i want to discuss just one, drugs. we are told by our parents, the media, our eighth grade health teachers, to never touch drugs. marijuana will kill you. so will ecstasy. if you binge drink, you will become a heroin addict. your life will be over.
  • once these myths are eventually uncovered as lies- and i envy the girls sitting in that classroom, rolling their eyes because they know what a fucking good time they had on MDMA last weekend- it's difficult to stop. it's easy to justify your actions- once you're aware that you have taken something that didn't transform you into a homeless prostitute as you once believed, it seems there's little evidence that anything will go wrong.
  • i suppose i used to worry about death, or physical malfunctions. once again, it's difficult, seeing healthy, beautiful, intelligent 19 year old's pop pills every weekend, just as they have the past three years. or it's like anything i do- i'm not thinking about my liver's appearance as i down six shots of vodka.
  • and holy shit, all of a sudden you're arriving home on ecstasy on a saturday night, chlorpromazine for the comedown which you never feel anyway, because you're so fucking strong. you tell the woman who's close to retirement at the pharmacy that your mother needs something beginning with p for her migraine- yes! panadeine! that's what it is! you get home and do a cold water extraction you learnt about on the internet voila- you take your savoir, codeine every night for a week. xanax in the morning as a pick me up, valium some evenings because you want alcohol but know it's not a good idea. you take LSD every weekend, twice a week if you can afford it. you are strong, so fucking strong.
  • i really fucking love it and i never want this high to end.
mar 21 2013 ∞
mar 21 2013 +