• Nationalized Healthcare - SUPPORT for those who cannot afford it. What kind of country can justify millions of its people not having healthcare as they cannot afford to pay for it? Healthcare is a BASIC HUMAN RIGHT. Nationalized healthcare wouldn't be forced upon people, for example, in the United Kingdom where they have the NHS there are many people who opt for private healthcare.
  • Gun Control - SUPPORT. I'm not advocating a ban on bearing arms, but I do believe in tighter gun control.
  • Homosexual marriage - SUPPORT. We are all equal in God's eyes and we should all be equal in society.
  • Decriminalization of drugs - AGAINST. Drugs are a bad enough influence on our society as it is, making them legal would (I believe) only increase this.
  • Religious education in schools - SUPPORT. There are some shockingly ignorant people in the United States who have warped opinions of what religious other than there own stand for. The best exmaple of this is the opinions of Islam. I truly believe if we had religious education - read education NOT indoctrination - we would citizens better educated about world faiths. My cousins and their friends in Britain, where they have religious education, are far more tolerant of religions and I believe it is because of their religious education.
  • Tighter immigration control - AGAINST. The US already has sufficient immigration regulations, they do not need to be tighter. People need to remember that the States is country built on immigration. The only REAL Americans are the Native Americans, the rest of us all descend from people who were immigrants at some point.
jan 4 2011 ∞
jan 4 2011 +