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“I was thinking how amazing it was that the world contained so many lives. Out in these streets people were embroiled in a thousand different matters, money problems, love problems, school problems [...]”
― Jeffrey Eugenides
-- Beloved

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  • Pit bull is not one breed of dog. it's a generic term for quite a few breeds, but there is only ONE American pit bull terrier.
  • There will always be one breed of dog seen as the "bad" one. Before pits, it was German shepherds. Before GSDs, it was the rottweilers, before that the dobermen. You can coincide media induced fear with every one of those breeds
  • There is no jaw-locking in any breed.
  • There was a comparative bite pressure test between a Pit Bull, a Rottweiler, and a German Shepherd. The Pit Bull had the lowest PSI.
  • Responsible ownership is sorely lacking in these breeds. Bad owners whose dogs become dangerous due to improper breeding, socialization, care and training. Not to mention the ones that are chained up 24/7 and become frustrated as well as the ones that are taunted and teased by ignorant cruel people.
    • People who do not teach their children how to behave around dogs, how to treat dogs, and don't supervise their children and dogs together, and that adds to more incidents.
  • Many dogs, including boxers and bulldogs, get reported as "pit bulls" in news articles of dog fights. The media will even sometimes call a lab a pit to build up the drama. Pit bulls were created by man. the APBT was made by breeding the bulldog and other terriers together.
  • People who own "high-risk" dogs such as pit bulls are more likely to have past criminal convictions than other dog owners, says a new study.
    • I have personally seen many pitbull backyard breeders churn out tons of puppies and think they are cool and get rich. Many of these people deal drugs too and suffer from undiagnosed mental disorders and have folks related to them that have been hospitalized or been under treatment for mental disorders. They are also offered free in papers which allows any person the ability to pick one up, including whack jobs who neither know or care how to handle this breed.
  • Pit Bulls were bred for aggressive behavior and are extremely strong animals, but also can be more loving than any other breed.
jun 12 2012 ∞
jun 19 2012 +