En lieu of seeking change for my 25th year of living, I have decided to finally attack my beauty goal list. I want to be healthy, fit, lean, fashionable, and self-disciplined. I have figured out where my weaknesses were in the past attempts, and have comprised a list of short-term goals and behaviors that will ultimately lead to my long-term ones. I have titled this new strategy Beautify Me and I'm proud to say it is a very organized system. The only one who will keep me from these dreams is me, and I want to develop these habits to ultimately become a better person.
Here is the list!
- Drink 8 eight-ounce glasses of water daily.
- Work out 5 days a week (cardio and toning).
- Swear off gluten completely.
- Eat no more than 1500 calories a day:
- exercise plan is not terribly high-impact
- Currently at 25% body fat, healthy goal: 15%
- Wash face twice a day (meaningful beauty).
- 3 Daily doses of chia seeds.
- Daily Kelp Supplement
- Hairtopia.
- I've always dreamed of having long hair.
- Apologize to people I need to
- Invest in the friendships I have
- Show family I appreciate them