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Just a boi doing college, hating life a little less each day. My poems I write are below along with (if I ever get around to it) a kinlist I want to make. There's also a resume of my performance history in theatre.

listography TERMS
Lunar Information (Kinsiders)
Games (Bravely Default)
Games (Combined + Without Emojis)
Games (Splatoon)
  • Tumble and bumble go the chirps from the bats. The ally is dark but the sky barely lit by the days last spring light. I let out a soft high pithed whistle. The bats like acrobats pitch and yaw looking for the bugs in the air, dogfighting for their next meal. I loosen my inhibitions and let myself enjoy this little moment to myself. For once I'm alone, not lonely. I have these bats. And they have me, their solo spectator of their splendiferous act of beauty. As they tumble and bumble and chirp to their hearts content, I let a smile embed itself on my face. An act of innocence, perhaps... I haven't lost what once made me pure. Just as the bats haven't lost their chirp.
may 28 2024 ∞
may 28 2024 +